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MAYHEM: The Official Discussion Thread (Act II) It’s MAYHEM in here 👹


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Cause you like my hair and my ripped-up jeans
You like the bad girl I got in me
She's on your mind, like, all the time
But I got it tattooed for us last week
Even good boys leave
How bad, bad do you want me?




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Okay gays. I listened to it 3 times, here's my review (by the way, beautiful New Zealand, beautiful!)

I won't add anything on Disease and Abracadabra, both are masterpieces. 

- Garden of Eden : strong song, love the vibe. Took my a minute to forget about the AI (which I loved) but overall it SLAPS.

- Perfect Celebrity : was waiting for Gaga to release such a BOP. She ate. It's an amazing song.

- Vanish into you : it's cute. Not my fave but it's a great song. 

- Killah : not what I was expecting AT ALL. I was expecting something less groovy more industrial (I mean Gesaffelstein c'mon). I didn't dig it the first listen but it grew on me. It's good.

- Zombieboy : NOW THIS EVERYTHING. I LOVE IT. Soooooo good. Groovy but still kinda dark? Only Gaga can do this. The Fame vibes is absolutely everything. 

- LoveDrug : It's okay. Sonically kind of like Perfect Illusion? It needs to grow on me. 

- How Bad Do U Want Me : y'all ruined for me comparing it to a TS song so now I can't unhear it. So I guess it will grow on my with time. 

- Don't Call Tonight : I really like it. Especially the lyrics. I find it very interesting and wasn't expecting such a song on the album. 

- Shadow of a Man : INCREDIBLE. THE MJ VIBES OMG. One of my faves. 

 - The Beast : just wow. Such a great production and the lyrics are everything. Definitely one of my favorites. 

- Blade of Grass : Haunting and beautiful. Such a great way to almost finish the album.

- DWAS : It deserved to be there. It's an already iconic song and I'm thankful for it.


Gaga did it again. It's a masterpiece. Her strongest album since ARTPOP and I hope it will get the praise it deserves. Love you all. It's been a crazy but awesome ride I will never forget. The anticipation was the highest I experienced in my life for a Gaga album (and God knows the other ones were wild as well). :pawsup:

I’m not real, I’m theatre.
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3 minutes ago, TeaHaus said:

On Twitter people either HATE the album or ADORE it. The ones how hate it tho seem to love Cowboy Carter, are or Madonna or Katy stans sooooooo…..

I hope Mayhem will turn Madonna fans and Katyrats depressed, I hope it will smash and break their bones. :sis:

I'm here to take a break from university homeworks :/
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omg imagine The Beast live, all dark, phone lights are on

OMGGGG :traumatica:

His fart felt like a kiss
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Just listened to GOE and Private Audition back to back... :messga: this food so ****ing good louis

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I didn't really vibe with the album on first listen, but then the second time it was absolutely incredible :firega::bradley::kiss:

DJ Hit the lightsss
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oh god The Beast guitar damn u Andrew

I'm shivering :giveup:

His fart felt like a kiss
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FFXIV WhiteMage
2 minutes ago, Caden said:

Cause you like my hair and my ripped-up jeans
You like the bad girl I got in me
She's on your mind, like, all the time
But I got it tattooed for us last week
Even good boys leave
How bad, bad do you want me?




yassss, I didn;t expect this one to hit so much 

GIF by Lifetime

Mayhem is a NO SKIP album for me, Imma be listening to it nonstop for thee rest of the year 

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2 minutes ago, Simon said:

Delulu, give back your badge :oprah:

No :flippy: 

I remember hating Enigma and Sine From Above on first listen too and those became my favorites from Chromatica :ladyhaha: 

die with a skip🧍‍♂️
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Sorry but thats my favs: 🤷🏻‍♂️


Die with a smile

Perfect celebrity 

Vanish into you



Garden of eden 

Blade of grass

Zombie boy

The beast

Shadow of a man


Dont call tonight 


How bad do u want me


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THIS ALBUM IS INCREDIBLE! This is literally everything I've been waiting for  :fthis:


TOP 5:

- Perfect Celebrity 

-  Shadow Of a Man

- Zombieboy

- Vanish Into You

- How Bad Do U Want Me (THE YAZOO SAMPLE OMG :brat:)


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I think the beast might be my fav :what: She's out here giving music I didn't knew I wanted :icega:

The melody that you choose can rescue you
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Top 5 in no order

1. Shadow of A Man

2. Zombieboy

3. How Bad Do U Want Me

4. Vanish Into You

5. Perfect Celebrity

Edited by BoomBig
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