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Grimes joins Musk gamer drama


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Musk often brags about his gaming prowess on Twitter.

He has had a top 20 Diablo 4 account in the past, and recently raised eyebrows when he revealed that one of his Path Of Exile 2 characters was among the most powerful in the world. The eyebrows nudged a bit higher when Musk livestreamed himself playing the game, making all kinds of bizarre noob mistakes that no seasoned, experienced top-tier player would ever make.

Long story short, the Path Of Exile community and some of its content creators cast major doubts on the veracity of Musk’s claims based on his character and his gameplay. This was, indeed, a top-tier character with god-tier gear. Musk, however, played like someone who had barely dipped his toes into the game, let alone the end-game. 

Grimes has come to defend his credibility as a player: 


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literally no one cares, claire. delete your account and stop spewing your dumb word vomit on your gross baby daddy's propaganda app. 

how is this the same woman who, 10 years ago, was my favourite artist and such a trailblazer in the indie pop world? she got lucky and was given a platform she wasn't prepared for and really shouldn't have. such a damn shame.


edit - i know this rant isn't too necessary for this particular tweet, but her tweets recently have been really pmo :saladga:

Edited by guccic0och
tHeRe cAn bE oNe hUnDrEd pEoPlE iN a rOoM
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Roughhouse Dandy

Of all things, this is what she thinks is interesting or important to talk about? For her "personal pride"? B*tch your baby daddy is infiltrating the federal government and spouting nazi sh*t. But his gaming skills are the thing to be discussed?

Need her to go ahead and f*** off already. Her music is not interesting enough to have to deal with any of this. 

Edited by Roughhouse Dandy
This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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She is so annoying but she is such a train wreck that I can’t look away :gum:

trolly troll troll
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the mess :laughga:

The melody that you choose can rescue you
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How is she acting all dandy w him after he took her children she had to fight in court to keep them . I’m sure she got paid a good sum to spew nice things about him 

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The fact that this man has slaughtered uber Lilith and I can't even reach her second phase can drive me nuts.

Loop Eyes GIF by Xbox

I Wantth your Love...I Wantth your Love.
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he bought these accounts we been knew

His fart felt like a kiss
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i have been way too invested in this drama and from what I have learned quickly is that Diablo is a much simpler and easier game than the one Elon is being called out for lying about. I dont care what his baby mama Grimez has to say. I will believe the gaming experts more. 

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He 100% paid someone to get that advanced in the game lol there’s zero doubt in my mind. 

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Me when they tell me playing videogames day and night is bad for my health, but a Diablo speedrunner with a diet based on Mountain Dew and only Mountain Dew assures me everything's a-ok:

29 minutes ago, dit said:

I will believe the gaming experts more.

Edited by Jill
Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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I'm so way the f.uck over her. God she's a disappointment

Take me back to 2012. I'm sick of this current world

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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Oh give it a rest, Claire!

The man has only ever bought things and hasn’t created anything. He has created NOTHING. And the same goes for his gaming character. 

Trump is a poor persons idea of a rich person, Elon is a dumb persons idea of a genius. 

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Nathaniel Arven

i don't know why i cry 

but i think it's cause i remember for the first time 

since i hated you, 

that i used to love you....

repeat and fade.

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