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Hair Bow in my Theatrical Hair Textbook!

Guest Niolodi

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Guest Niolodi

So I was going through my Textbook for my Theatre Hair and Makeup class, and one section has various Hairstyles for each year for the past few decades, and under 1987, there was a Hairbow!! This textbook is an edition from 1990. I wonder if Gaga got the idea this way! Maybe she took the same class when she was studying theatre ;)


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Screw the 80s, it must have been Adele! Haha I love this though. Take something obscure from the past and kick it into the present with originality and charm!

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She is so hideous.

I died when I read this!!!!! :dies: She's gotten more attractive... // Gaga had so much impact over the past two years that her impact travelled back in time to create that hair style :derpga:

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