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‘Disease’ falls 34.7% day 2; #23 w/ 2.91M streams


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It’s clear to me that some in this fanbase don’t understand the distinction between CRITICISM and CRITIQUE, and either have never worked in creative fields or marketing, or their relationship to Gaga and her craft is more than parasocial and is unhealthy in its lack of objectivity. 

The greatness of this song is not being argued. The song is freaking fantastic.

Gaga is not being criticized. She is fantastic.

What is being critiqued is the strategy for a lead single rollout that falls short of any lead single rollout thus far in her discography, and the frustration that the song has incredible reach and potential if given that attention.


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god GGD should just offer a free music marketing course or something so all this insufferable speculation and brainstorming can be stopped

my head is filled with broken mirrors, so many I can't look away
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2 minutes ago, Xzxcuzme said:

It’s always the same story, everytime a new era starts, something has to go wrong lol

This reminds me of Traumatica somehow :traumatica:

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2 hours ago, Squidward T said:

I’m going to be honest, I am not a fan of the song. I’m telling you, Gaga needs to go back to what made her popular and loved in the first place and that is straight pop music.she seems to switch genres constantly and it just doesn’t work.  How do you go from jazz to now 90s pop grunge in the span of 1 month. I will always support her, I just wish she would go back to the retro pop sounds that we all love. 

Straight pop music? Wtf?:ladyhaha:

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8 minutes ago, moonsago said:

Yes and it debuted at 5 and said bye, no longevity whatsoever. Listen, I can respect people wanting more we all do, it’s just that some of us don’t see why we should panic already. That’s it. 

I'll take a debut at top 5 over three weeks at a top 25-40 tbh. Longevity with Christmas right around the corner is gonna be hard to achieve and you need people on your side since day 1, you can't use 4 weeks to build support cause by the time those weeks have gone by Christmas songs will be dominating the charts. 

This is her best lead and Im enjoying and streaming the shit out of it but it's messy that we are getting nothing.

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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To me us fans are the only ones souring this situation. We just got an awesome new song two days ago. Maybe Gagas team is at peace because they actually have an overview of the full schedule. Do you guys really think she has nothing at all planned? She did listening parties and a tv show performance for Harlequin. There's no way she has nothing planned. And no she's not canceling promo because she is sad. She has dealt with negative press before. She still gets the work done regardless. This is not a decision she has full control over either way, this is a million dollar project.

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2 hours ago, Squidward T said:

I’m going to be honest, I am not a fan of the song. I’m telling you, Gaga needs to go back to what made her popular and loved in the first place and that is straight pop music.she seems to switch genres constantly and it just doesn’t work.  How do you go from jazz to now 90s pop grunge in the span of 1 month. I will always support her, I just wish she would go back to the retro pop sounds that we all love. 

Straight pop music? Wtf?:ladyhaha:

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guys can you relax. she will promote the song as she wants. they have the strategy. maybe they don't want to overexpose Gaga right now, maybe they are saving it for pre-album release time. trust the process and enjoy the music. she really gave us a beautiful gift, this song is amazing

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1 minute ago, Corous said:

Her team needs to wake up or Disease will end up like the last two singles of the weekend.

Ironic you say this because Disease's UK Spotify fall was similar to Dancing in the Flames' second day fall :air: 

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Predictable. Disease is not interesting enough to break DWAS' comfy hold on people. The timing is off and the song is not strong enough without promotion.

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Some of you guys need to touch grass :huntyga:

If Gaga does well on the charts with Disease then great, but I’m sure it’s not the priority for her. The music speaks for itself. It’s high quality, amazing art, but it’s not for everyone and that’s OK. Let her be happy making her art. I’m sure she has a plan in place for the video/performances—just because they don’t happen immediately in the first few days after release doesn’t mean Gaga is sad, doesn’t care, or doesn’t have a plan…so take a few breaths please and think about HER and consider what SHE might want before you type more demands for her. Thanks :awkney:

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Somebody AI a picture of Gags and Katy sitting alone in the VIP room. That may make the disease viral, and start a new pandemic....wheeee!

(After the pandemic I don't think a disease song was the right choice, but werk!)

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