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Katy posts selfie voting for Rick Caruso


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Kindness Punk mode is turned off today! Sorry mom :huntyga:

Katy Perry is trash, always has been, always will be. The quicker we recognize that her career and status as a pop girlie are over and toss her out, the better.

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Glad she's over. Glad to have been always right about her. Glad Gaga saw her true colors from the very beginning.

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Joshie S

I thought this was photoshopped? Or did she actually post it? :enigma:

The melody that you choose can rescue you ♥
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6 hours ago, Sepsami said:

US politics crack me up, ppl really dont care about anything but identity politics :ladyhaha:

In the US we simply recognize that one’s political affiliation speaks volumes about their morality and social beliefs, and we hold them accountable when they publicly present themselves as such. In fact, to insinuate that politics and personal identity are separate is very misguided and misinformed. When someone aligns themselves very publicly and assertively towards a particular candidate with objectively immoral views, there should be no other option than to assume they also lack the morality their candidate of choice lacks—perhaps just in a different way. When people tell you who they are and who they prefer to associate with, listen to them.

🇨🇺🇧🇸 monica from rhoslc kinda had a point
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1 hour ago, soularpower said:

In the US we simply recognize that one’s political affiliation speaks volumes about their morality and social beliefs, and we hold them accountable when they publicly present themselves as such. In fact, to insinuate that politics and personal identity are separate is very misguided and misinformed. When someone aligns themselves very publicly and assertively towards a particular candidate with objectively immoral views, there should be no other option than to assume they also lack the morality their candidate of choice lacks—perhaps just in a different way. When people tell you who they are and who they prefer to associate with, listen to them.

Objectively immoral :partysick: lol. Thats how some people talk about homosexuality or transgenderism. I think writing someone off entirely because of their vote is very shortsighted. Also you really have no way to hold anyone accountable, twitter is not the PC-bureau no matter how hard it tries to be :awkney:

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For anyone who isn't sure why this is a godawful, embarrassing decision, here is Rick's opponent: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Bass

Check under her policy positions for more, but specifically Criminal justice, Health care, LGBTQ rights, Taxes... better yet, just read everything. This should be a no-brainer.

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Naak Le Vaar

Trash music and voting republican? Katy pick a struggle! The looks and brain of a blowup doll :haroon:

Lmao they blocked my signature
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2 hours ago, soularpower said:

In the US we simply recognize that one’s political affiliation speaks volumes about their morality and social beliefs, and we hold them accountable when they publicly present themselves as such. In fact, to insinuate that politics and personal identity are separate is very misguided and misinformed. When someone aligns themselves very publicly and assertively towards a particular candidate with objectively immoral views, there should be no other option than to assume they also lack the morality their candidate of choice lacks—perhaps just in a different way. When people tell you who they are and who they prefer to associate with, listen to them.

Thanks for this! It’s a perfect example of what is wrong today with blatant oppositionism. Perfect example of close-minded thinking that we want to get rid of all around. I’ll never sit down for people’s views that all people of a certain X are immediately trash. And yes this is coming from a former republican so lemme go ahead and make that association for ya sis and assumably make you think I’m automatically inferior, cause I really don’t care. Stop looking at everything as simply red or blue and see how problems will be fixed. Unfortunately some things have become so polarized that someone would never support someone of the other side because of inter-party mongering and the normalization of assumed bashing. I’ve decided at this point I’ll vote red or blue based on the candidate’s principles, nothing else.  Normalize voters and candidates stepping out of their party norms. I could never assume this day in age one party is all x, because I’ve been racism, bigotry, and hatred or disregard for minorities on ‘both’ sides.

OT - she looks very…..missing a few teeth in that pic, also can’t believe it’s legal to take a pic of the ballot :lmao:

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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21 hours ago, HotLikeMexico said:

isn't it illegal to take a photo in the voting booth?


A dumb rule in my opinion. Since ppl publicly say all the time who they support and it's obvious who they vote for what's the difference then?

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1 hour ago, TEANUS said:

Thanks for this! It’s a perfect example of what is wrong today with blatant oppositionism. Perfect example of close-minded thinking that we want to get rid of all around. I’ll never sit down for people’s views that all people of a certain X are immediately trash. And yes this is coming from a former republican so lemme go ahead and make that association for ya sis and assumably make you think I’m automatically inferior, cause I really don’t care. Stop looking at everything as simply red or blue and see how problems will be fixed. Unfortunately some things have become so polarized that someone would never support someone of the other side because of inter-party mongering and the normalization of assumed bashing. I’ve decided at this point I’ll vote red or blue based on the candidate’s principles, nothing else.  Normalize voters and candidates stepping out of their party norms. I could never assume this day in age one party is all x, because I’ve been racism, bigotry, and hatred or disregard for minorities on ‘both’ sides.

OT - she looks very…..missing a few teeth in that pic, also can’t believe it’s legal to take a pic of the ballot :lmao:


2 hours ago, Sepsami said:

Objectively immoral :partysick: lol. Thats how some people talk about homosexuality or transgenderism. I think writing someone off entirely because of their vote is very shortsighted. Also you really have no way to hold anyone accountable, twitter is not the PC-bureau no matter how hard it tries to be :awkney:

I can explain it you, but I can’t understand it for you. It seems as though you are not in a listening mood, and I apologize for assuming that you’d be interested in understanding a broader scope of sociopolitical concepts. Enjoy your day 

🇨🇺🇧🇸 monica from rhoslc kinda had a point
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2 hours ago, Monstermilo said:

gaga would neverrrrrr

I’d like to think she wouldn’t but with this particular race I don’t know if I’d be shocked if she did. It’s already a little odd she doesn’t speak on these things as passionate as she once did considering we are in such worse times now. It’s also good to remember that Gaga and Katy are of the same generation and were raised in heavy 80s/90s capitalism. I’ve noticed some of these “liberal” celeb millennials have been voting based on their wealth lately. Ariana is the only really big one I’ve seen endorsing his opponent, but again she is younger. 

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