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DL: Born This Way (2022 Dolby Atmos, Bonus Track Edition)


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I would split the files myself but conscious that will hinder the quality. That and I'm lazy.

It's not a direct rip from Tidal as these files weren't available for playback when I tried to download and convert via Tidabie. Think they caught on that they uploaded some demo vocals again. Luckily, I downloaded the tracks via the tidal app on my phone when they were available. What you're hearing is direct recorded playback from my phone via quicktime audio recorder on the highest quality setting. Enjoy!

**note the demo vocals on the Judas bridge, we finally have them in HQ**



AIFC (raw file) and MP3:



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Ur a kingggg. tysmmm

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Ugh, this is amazing 

All those background vocals that are now more clear - I can not express enough how much I love it when she uses her lower register for background vocals :nooo:

Can't wait for a rip that has all the channels :excited2:

Stream The Love Invention
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Joshie S

Wait, is this an official release? I don't see these versions available on Apple Music

Nvm, just noticed it's Tidal only :bradley: C'mon AM lets goooooo

The melody that you choose can rescue you ♥
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salty like sodium

... god is a knee ... ???

EDIT: Damnnnnn Hair sounds even more amazing than before.

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Omg, Marry The Night sounds so clean :duck: sounds like new vocals too :duck: also that super high pitch "NIGHT" right before the breakdown :duck:

I need to hear all those channels (someone pls upload 5.1):giveup:


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4 hours ago, JustTea said:

Omg, Marry The Night sounds so clean :duck: sounds like new vocals too :duck: also that super high pitch "NIGHT" right before the breakdown :duck:

I need to hear all those channels (someone pls upload 5.1):giveup:


the WHAT. All those new vocals. :tony:

Can someone please rip the 5.1 pleeaasee ?!

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