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Azealia Thanks LGBT Fans, Gets Emotional


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2 hours ago, alsemanche said:

This isn't about being perfect, this is about being a DECENT human being. But sure let's just swallow any apology coming our way. As if 'all g gave a f*ck before she apologized to begin with lmao

There's something between forgiving after the apology and thinking she's lost forever and can't do anything about it

We can say that the video was cute, but things she said are still terrible, help is needed and wish her the best at the journey to better herself


And I gave a **** at the beginning and I still do now

Especially since most of the things she said were about people like me

red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout
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Lottie Winters

AB is a talented and troubled person. To my knowledge she has never caused anyone real harm, just having her social media meltdowns. 

I think it’s clear from her music, career, friends she hangs with, interviews (especially the one with the breakfast club), lyrics, fans, etc that she’s a queer artist and the gays live for her and she specifically makes music for them.

She tends to call out white gays a lot and that seems to have you all pressed. She’s done nothing but praise underground queer artists/designers of color and showcase them in her work. 

She gets a kick out of riling up the SJws with the pretend outrage and tbh I think it’s weird that people even feed into that. It’s clear she has mental health issues and is a growing woman who happens to also be a very talented musician. 

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This was beautifully said tbh...I know she'll probably take it all back a week from now lol but still. In this moment I really love what she wrote and I thank her for it I guess. The LGBTQ+ community truly appreciated her art but the drama sort of obscured that love especially since Azealia herself has attacked our community a number of times despite it being the one community always here for her. I hope this is a true step forward. If she continues to be zen and non problematic I can see that in a few years I would legit buy tickets to see her live or buy an album to show my support. I think we just need to see true growth and that will take time but I have hope I guess.

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Cookie Tookie

The fact that some of you haters study her every move and know every detail of her past and actions says more about you than it does about her. Imagine being that obsessed with someone you dislike. This girl puts out a heartfelt message about appreciating the support she’s gotten from her LGBT fans over the years (if you’ve ever been to her show, you’d see mostly POC LGBT individuals and a mix of many different ethnicities backgrounds and identities). But the fact that some of you resort immediately to discrediting her statement and feelings is hilarious to me, and quite ironic. Let the woman say what she needs to say and enjoy pride month as it comes to end. I swear y’all try to colonize the minds of POC with your “woke” narratives and get threatened when they don’t regurgitate what you want them to.

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5 hours ago, SpiritBunny said:

I'm a white gay and I hate Azealia Banks because of the content of her character not her black skin. 

You really thought u did sum w this? Mamas crickets

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Sorry, I don't buy it. Or her album coincidentally coming out soon :bear:

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12 hours ago, alsemanche said:

She was literally making transphobic comments less than a year ago but okay sure 2015-2018 is her "bad" period. 

Never too late to grow as a person.

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Luna Lovegood
7 hours ago, lestyoufall said:

she STILL says & does the same toxic ****

?? WHERE cite your sources please. And don’t link something that happened MONTHS ago when she’s clearly in a better place NOW. MOVE lmao 

luna’s advocate
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Luna Lovegood
9 hours ago, littlepotter said:



luna’s advocate
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Patriziaa Reggiani

It's nice she posted a heartfelt message but the mental gymnastics in this thread to blindly support a bad person is just beyond! Ggd being pathetic, not surprised

I will not watch House of Gucci
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6 hours ago, Cookie Tookie said:

The fact that some of you haters study her every move and know every detail of her past and actions says more about you than it does about her. Imagine being that obsessed with someone you dislike. This girl puts out a heartfelt message about appreciating the support she’s gotten from her LGBT fans over the years (if you’ve ever been to her show, you’d see mostly POC LGBT individuals and a mix of many different ethnicities backgrounds and identities). But the fact that some of you resort immediately to discrediting her statement and feelings is hilarious to me, and quite ironic. Let the woman say what she needs to say and enjoy pride month as it comes to end. I swear y’all try to colonize the minds of POC with your “woke” narratives and get threatened when they don’t regurgitate what you want them to.

Nah what you’re not gonna do is put it on those of us who she’s actually HURT with her words, misinformation & bullying. I haven’t seen anyone in this thread knowing “every detail” of her problematic behavior, I’ve only seen people pull referenced from a simple google search because that’s what YALL are asking for including @Luna Lovegood who just asked “WhErEs ThE pRoOf” but now y’all wanna gaslight & say “oh you’ve memorized her actions blah blah” like pls. She is a nasty person, equivalent to Trisha Paytas & Jake Paul. But as soon as she posts one thing whining about her “love” for the community you jump to say “oh we have to move on she’s in such a better place” 🤣 ONE “I love you” doesn’t erase the very active past & present toxicity she’s giving.

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16 hours ago, Stephen said:

Why come in here to post a SIX year old tweet that she's apologized for? You don't see the growth because you're not looking for it. Move.

Didn’t she like just get in trouble for posting videos of her cooking her dead cat ??? Like last year ? 💀 Azealia is a grade a narcissist and will say anything to turn heads. She’s doing the apology act this week so she can make her offenses in the next few. 

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