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Has anyone else decided upon their possible team? :flutter:

I'll have:







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I'm so confused :giveup:
What is the delta episode :giveup:
WHy is there an asteroid coming to destroy Hoenn :giveup:
And what does Rayquaza have to do with thissss :nooo:

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I was definitely thinking of Swampert, Gardevoir, Breloom, Swellow, and Mawile. Several thoughts, though:

- I'm pretty much forced to start with Swampert, since other people I know are getting Treecko and Torchic. Which I don't mind.
- Another one of my friends might get Gardevoir, and since I don't want the teams to overlap ( :smh: ) I might have to find something else to fill in the blank.
- I don't want to use too many pokemon, if any, that I've used before in an RSE run, save for the triumvirate I'm very partial towards - Swampert, Breloom, and Swellow. (Or something like Swellow.) I'd like to stick to just four, in case ORAS goes back to relying on HMs all the time and I'll need the famous Tentacruel/Tropius HM slave duo around on my team.

I was thinking about breeding the Glalie from the demo and getting Snorunt as early as Gym 3, but alongside Mawile and Breloom, that's a triple weakness to fire, and having half of your team weak to one type is a pretty bad idea. I also was thinking about transferring Rotom over and maybe using Camerupt because the double ground typing on my team doesn't actually double a certain weakness.

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If anyone has a free 3DS for me that they're willing to ship to the Netherlands that'd be great :flutter:











I'm too poor to buy one but I really wanna play this (and Smash) :giveup:

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This is my team, Swampert, Shiftry, Slaking, Glalie, Aggron, Salamence.

The original six from my Ruby version. 


Can we Omega Ruby use Pokebank? I trained my team to the perfect nature and I want to transfer them over once I start the game. 


Also, I have an extra (US) Diancie code. 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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I can't choose between these two teams:


Sceptile, Gardevoir, Hariyama, Crobat, Camerupt and Milotic




Blaziken, Ludicolo, Gardevoir, Crobat, Flygon and Absol


Help me!  :messga:

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This is my team, Swampert, Shiftry, Slaking, Glalie, Aggron, Salamence.

The original six from my Ruby version. 


Can we Omega Ruby use Pokebank? I trained my team to the perfect nature and I want to transfer them over once I start the game. 

Yeah ORAS will be able to use Pokebank :yes: Not sure if you'll be able to transfer them straight away, but if not then you should be able to after the main storyline latest (like in previous games) :)

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I can't choose between these two teams:


Sceptile, Gardevoir, Hariyama, Crobat, Camerupt and Milotic




Blaziken, Ludicolo, Gardevoir, Crobat, Flygon and Absol


Help me!  :messga:


If you already have Feebas/Milotic on XY, it wouldn't be as much of an issue. However, if you're planning on fishing in every tile west of Fortree to find a Feebas, good luck. Also, Team 2 is exclusive to AS.

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I usually like to play in the moment, so I'll just catch any Pokémon along the journey and create my in-game team throughout the game.

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I usually like to play in the moment, so I'll just catch any Pokémon along the journey and create my in-game team throughout the game.

Yeah same :laughga:


I only start worrying about teams when I'm about to face the Elite 4, but even by then I've trained a balanced type team :yes:

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Yeah same :laughga:


I only start worrying about teams when I'm about to face the Elite 4, but even by then I've trained a balanced type team :yes:


Me too. I hope we don't get gift Pokemon so early this time round. I trained my own Lucario only to be given one :giveup:

stream ritacadabra
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Me too. I hope we don't get gift Pokemon so early this time round. I trained my own Lucario only to be given one :giveup:
the same thing happened to me! :deadbanana:
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Me too. I hope we don't get gift Pokemon so early this time round. I trained my own Lucario only to be given one :giveup:

What kind of spoiler :grr:

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