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also Mega seviper, Mega Zangoose, Mega Roserade, Mega Luxary and Mega Mismagius would've slayed :giveup:

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I want a Mega Cofagrigus, Mega Mismagius and a Mega Spiritomb.


Not that Im biased towards a certain type or anything  :reductive:

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Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Uxie, Mepsrit , Azelf, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Cresselia und Heatran




Not sure what some of them are doing in the sky :awkney:

stream ritacadabra
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Nintendo is smart for using mega pokemon as a marketing tool. "Look it's mega Sharpedo! Play it on  Pokemon ORAS available on November 21!"


I'm not surprise if Gen IV games like Pearl and Diamond will get a remake and game exclusive mega pokemon.

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Eurogamer : Are there more mega evolutions to reveal?

Shigeru Ohmori : Yes, there are many Pokémon with mega-evolutions in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, and some have not yet been revealed. We expect players to explore the game and find out for themselves.

Eurogamer : Is Dragonite one of the mega evolutions to be revealed?

Shigeru Ohmori : You like a lot of Dragonite, do you not?

Eurogamer : Yes (laughs).

Shigeru Ohmori : I want to save some surprises for the game, so you'll have to play to find out.

This interview was done BEFORE mega glailie steelix, and possibly beedrill and pidgeot

The original interview was posted on October 15, obviously the interview had to take place before this date

However the biggest thing supporting more megas is the fact that he stated Gamefreak intend for us to find some ourselves. This implies that regardless of what was released after his interview, there will still be some left for us to discover in the main game.

This adds further credence to the promotional posters singing out specific pokemon (flygon, Milotic, Zangoose, seviper, slaking from memory)

I've got a good feeling about new megas, but obviously we won't know until the game releases







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I KNEW IT :cryga: Like I don't think they revealed all of the megas for XY before XY were released, right? :confused:

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I KNEW IT :cryga: Like I don't think they revealed all of the megas for XY before XY were released, right? :confused:


I hope not. I need my Megalotic



Btw I'm avoiding all leaks like a plague. Gonna explore it all by myself :flutter:

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Did a leaker confirm something new or interesting in the last few days?

Interesting how nothing is happening even though many people have the game already...this is just like the 1989 situation :S

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