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Most people over 40 already got that vaccine in FL. It's already open to everyone over 18. 

I get it but we are not in the same place we were a couple months ago. We aren't even in the same place we were last week. 


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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Naak Le Vaar
5 hours ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Well deal with it :trollga: because despite what you doom and gloom prophets believe, the pandemic is winding down in America. The bars are reopened in North Carolina now and as soon as im vaccinated you bet I am going out and partying!! It thrills me to see that you pro lockdown people are finally LOSING. Stay pressed hunties while the rest of us move on with our lives :firega:

Yikes. You sound like you need a chill pill in addition to the vaccine

Lmao they blocked my signature
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38 minutes ago, Economy said:

Dont bother. Ppl have shown their true colours :toofunny:


They were all righteous about the lockdowns in the beggining to save lives etc but the moment it started dragging on longer than they expected and the started getting bored and getting pandemic fatigue then the excuses started rolling in...


Suddenly having fun and having personal convinience became more important again than saving lives :madge:


Im getting divorced from a difficult relationship abd years of being broke and not being able to do anything... i finally have freedom again (and money) to have fun again and a social life. For me its a huge sacrafice to make that when i finally have the means to start living again i still have to hold back abd avoid going out...


Its a big sacrafice but its the right thing to do so i do it. U cant put a price on lives!!!


Fortunately now that vaccines are out ill get mine as soon as im able to!

Yup. Imagine these people in a country at war... "oh I'm bored of being at war for 13 months now, I'm not gonna wait any longer, I'm gonna go out on the landmine-riddled streets! If I'm lucky, I can take my grandma with me!"

We're so close, yet people just can't wait a little longer, and so more and more variants will come up, and more businesses will close, and more people will die, but at least they had their party, right? 

Good thing is this world (or at least humanity) won't last much longer with our egotistical ways and exponentially accelerating destructive behaviors.


And yes, I'm traumatized by Seaspiracy, on top of climate change, evil rich people/corporations ruling the world, and people in general not caring about others.



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Moonlight on Water

It's okay if they're all vaccinated I think.

Some of y'all just say nasty **** bout her cause you don't like her.

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Her friends look so regular, I wonder how they really feel about that hair lol 

like they get drunk and someone cuts it :ally:

✧ ✧ ✧
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Not sure why she’s getting hate for not wearing a mask on a private boat outside? That’s not a risk? LOL. 

Also, so many Americans are vaxxed now, including young people. As travel rises, you can still do it safely and protect yourself and others by following the precautions that have been in place for a year. 

The pandemic is shifting by the day, and we’re clearly approaching an end. Not sure it’s necessary to keep shaming people as the situation improves and the country/world starts to resume normalcy. 

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