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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Ava Max parties in Miami


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17 minutes ago, Quasi said:

It’ll be a long ass summer for Americans once people become relaxed with restrictions just because seasons are changing. Daily averages are still on the rise and so are hospital admissions, especially with variants still present and thriving. Americans won’t be so smug when they realize that the situation isn’t over when they feel like it. It’s honestly the least people can do to hold out a little while longer especially since vaccination efforts are indeed working, just not at the point rn that people can abandon all guidelines and restrictions but by all means, party and sex away.



Of course it's been a stressful time for all, but if the only things people think about are the lack of open clubs and sex, then that's very narrowminded.

Many people are losing their jobs, some are terribly ill and dying because of this health crisis. Doctors working non stop. It's important to have some compassion and being grateful. 

The least people should do is wear masks and social distance.That's all it takes so that can be solved as soon as possible.

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7 minutes ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Well deal with it :trollga: because despite what you doom and gloom prophets believe, the pandemic is winding down in America. The bars are reopened in North Carolina now and as soon as im vaccinated you bet I am going out and partying!! It thrills me to see that you pro lockdown people are finally LOSING. Stay pressed hunties while the rest of us move on with our lives :firega:

This isn’t a competition. I’m happy you’re going to get vaccinated. But we still have a responsibility to our neighbours, family, and friends who have not yet been vaccinated to adhere to the guidelines set by health officials. I would love to stop distancing and wearing a mask but I’ll do so even after I get vaccinated because I understand this isn’t a night and day kind of situation. The pandemic is not over just because it isn’t affecting me anymore. I still owe it to everyone around me to compromise some of my own comfort because I know I’m still at risk at harming others if I don’t exercise caution. 

I don't understand pineapples, so I don't eat bananas.
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Awakened M
2 hours ago, President Biden said:

:laughga: yall care way too much about what other people do

When it can literally affect others?:huntyga:

I'm not getting any sleep tonight because I woke up to a beautiful life. I'm awake.
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She seems to be partying responsibly. The gathering in the picture seems to be within the restrictions, and when she's not within that group, she is wearing a mask.

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I mean, I'm annoyed by celebrity outtings during covid too but this is clearly a small group of friends enjoying some outdoor activities :laughga: it's not the end of of the world.

Now if she were having a huge indoor party then the hate would be warranted :fan:

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xoxo Craig

I guess the #MaxCut makes one immune to Covid-19, huh? :billie:   she's that girl, I knew she was

End Racism Now
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Okay, good for her. Maybe she’s vaccinated?


We’ve now gone an entire year into this sh*t. At this point, if a celebrity (or anyone, for that matter) contracts the virus that’s totally on them. :yennefer:

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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What’s the difference between celebs partying and other celebrates working on projects and filming things, where there are several people present....? 

How do you know the people aren’t covid tested, or even received the vaccine, before gathering together? Let’s not act like our family, friends, and people we know, aren’t traveling and partying/gathering, as we stay silent. The vaccine is becoming more available to thousands upon thousands of people. More and more people will be traveling and partying, that’s just the way it is.


Grow up, some of y’all. 

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7 hours ago, Tinnitus15 said:

Ugh ohh the Covid police is coming 

And for good reason :madge:


Ava Max is my fav artist atm im listening to her non stop and always whatching her videos and her performances so i gotta say im a lil disapointed

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5 hours ago, Quasi said:

It’ll be a long ass summer for Americans once people become relaxed with restrictions just because seasons are changing. Daily averages are still on the rise and so are hospital admissions, especially with variants still present and thriving. Americans won’t be so smug when they realize that the situation isn’t over when they feel like it. It’s honestly the least people can do to hold out a little while longer especially since vaccination efforts are indeed working, just not at the point rn that people can abandon all guidelines and restrictions but by all means, party and sex away.


Dont bother. Ppl have shown their true colours :toofunny:


They were all righteous about the lockdowns in the beggining to save lives etc but the moment it started dragging on longer than they expected and the started getting bored and getting pandemic fatigue then the excuses started rolling in...


Suddenly having fun and having personal convinience became more important again than saving lives :madge:


Im getting divorced from a difficult relationship abd years of being broke and not being able to do anything... i finally have freedom again (and money) to have fun again and a social life. For me its a huge sacrafice to make that when i finally have the means to start living again i still have to hold back abd avoid going out...


Its a big sacrafice but its the right thing to do so i do it. U cant put a price on lives!!!


Fortunately now that vaccines are out ill get mine as soon as im able to!

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I cant with her pout:laughga:, no sis you aint gaga:ladyhaha: that looks awkward af haha, i hope she is vaccinated atleast.

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Luna Lovegood

I hope she flops 

luna’s advocate
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