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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

James Charles responds to accusations of messaging minors

BUtterfield 8

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33 minutes ago, Harry said:

No we don't, because you don't think there's anything creepy, disturbing or wrong about his behaviour and his inclinations. You were so intent on bringing up the nuance around this issue but think that anyone criticising him is saying he's "hellbent on having young boys"? I never said that. He's certainly attracted to them, enough so to prey - yes prey - on them over social media and strike up a conversation without formally checking how old they are first. That's predatory no matter how you look at it lol.

The nuance comes from the fact that you can criticize his desire for seeking out guys on social media and trying to "date" them without thinking that he's a child predator. From a legal and ethical standpoint, by engaging in romantic and potentially sexually relationships with these boys (if he or them sent nudes or something), obviously he's in the wrong for doing that. There's no defending that what he is doing is wrong by talking to these boys in such a flirtatious manner.

What I'm saying that I don't necessarily think that these boys are as innocent as they say they are because they're also continually participating with James in these sorts of actions, and from what we've seen of James and these boys, everytime it's brought to light that they're actually underage, he stops talking with them. 

If you want to defend them saying "Well, they clearly look underage," then I suppose that's just a subjective measurement. I don't remember what they look like exactly, but from I do remember, they didn't "look" underage. And as I've said many times before in this discussion, that is not an excuse (for a legal or moral standpoint) to engage with minors in flirtatious behavior, but there's undeniably a difference between someone who's 17 saying that they're 18 and someone who's 11 or 12 saying that they're 18.

Again, from a legal and moral standpoint, you shouldn't be engaging with them anyway, and again, James should've done his due diligence by making sure they were over 18, but you also cannot deny that lying about your age and sexuality only perpetuates these sorts of situations.

If someone point-blank said that they were 20 and gay, but were really 17 and straight, and they "passed" enough to look older than they really were, why fully blame the person that was lied to instead of blaming both that person and the person who told the lie in the first place? That thinking just doesn't make sense to me. 

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1 hour ago, Harry said:

Please tell me this is a joke :rip:



1 hour ago, BUtterfield 8 said:

Obviously not condoning James but there’s plenty of teenagers who look older than they are 

Yeah I'm not buying that excuse considering JC pulled this same sh*t with the aforementioned middle schooler...

And folks... these are just the ones we know about. I have to imagine there are many more.

Lock him up! 

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2 hours ago, likeitrough said:

I haven't watched it and don't plan to but I like how 'lowercase = sincere" with all these influencers

That's actually a pretty common thing to do when you want to create a sense of familiarity or proximity. Capitalizing makes it more formal.

It's often used in graphic design, ads, etc

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Remember everyone being head over heels about his magazine cover that made him a star without quite realising the superficiality of it and completely overlooking the fact that he might be a totally bad person? Fun times.

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4 hours ago, Harry said:

Sorry this is not a result of "cancel culture". This is a serious issue and brushing it off as people trying to "cancel" someone is so stupid and dangerous. It's not like this is an isolated incident. It's multiple occasions - that we know of, at least. This is not some dumb fake-woke SJW cancel culture moment.

Yeah sure, its part of cancel culture but you have your opinion and ill leave it at that. 

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3 hours ago, HuffsAhoy said:

Now if that 18 year old was dating a 14 year old freshman...then I'd be raising some red flags :poot:

As someone who just graduated from high school, this is terrifyingly common. This is a big problem that people do not seem to be addressing.

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1 hour ago, 27monster27 said:

As someone who just graduated from high school, this is terrifyingly common. This is a big problem that people do not seem to be addressing.

Omg you just graduated?! I teach high school and I feel ancient as hell right now :mark:

You remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love.
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Just saw the video, even tho i say i couldn't give any **** of what happens to James Charles, but i always end up searching for the drama because i can't help it.

Good that he admits his behaviors, he knows he is predatory, even if we are not speaking about underage guys, he tends to have that predatory way of reaching out because he and we know what he is actually looking for (I actually can relate with that).

What I will say, however, is that everyone should take accountability for what they do, every human being should be responsible for their own actions, James has ****ed up many many times, he deserves that people don't trust them, good, but we, as gay people (most of us), know that it IS very common for straight guys to queerbait us, or to make sexual jokes to us, touch us without our permission, make sexual offerings as jokes, and then when we respond to that they turn the conversation around to "gay people are desperate and predators".

That is my main issue, because yes, when we **** up and get ourselves into shitty territory we can admit that we are ****ing up and attempt to not put ourselves in that kind of situations, but they are doing their own too with all intention of being like that, and I don't think we should be held accountable for that.

I don't defend James, I don't like James, never have, never will, but THERE ARE straight guys that try to push things, that text to "experiment", that are flirty just for attention. In my own case plenty of straight guys have made jokes in public about wanting to have sex with me, and when i respond to that they act like i'm making it up, that i am the one searching for it, that i'm desperate, that i'm a ***** and that it was just a joke. This is not a ****ing joke, gay people are not ****ing jokes, i don't want you to treat me as a ****ing joke, you can't just play with us because it's funny to you, we are not a ****ing stage that you can just get on to throw silly jokes.

That's my issue with all this, we need to admit that there are two sides of the conversation and that this is more than just James Charles being a predator, it involves all of us as gay people.

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NYC Monster

James Charles is gonna be 40 years old and going after 18/19 year olds, I can see it now. Good for him for owning up to it but he has some serious predator behavior 

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Social media is so wild nowadays. Teens aspire to be the ones who lie about their age so they can expose a YouTuber and gain their 15 minutes of fame too. Not saying James isn’t in the wrong here, but this clearly has become the norm.

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Kids lying or not should never be even mentioned as an argument. Kids are not accountable for his interactions, adding them on Snapchat, sexting, etc. He's going for the young teen-looking guys, mostly fans, so he has some kind of thing for young boys and the idea that he can have some kind of leverage over them (like he did with straight guys) because of his status. Their age doesn't need to be disclosed when he is specifically going after this appearance which is very rare in adult men.

Either way, it's funny that he posted this video only right after Ethan (H3) ranted about him for an hour (just like David Dobrik...lol), listed all the brands that still supported James Charles, and said he was gonna contact TikTok about James Charles being actively defended by the platform, with any video talking about him (mentioning him in any way) being immediately taken down (but not James' own videos).

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41 minutes ago, ManuelColon said:

Just saw the video, even tho i say i couldn't give any **** of what happens to James Charles, but i always end up searching for the drama because i can't help it.

Good that he admits his behaviors, he knows he is predatory, even if we are not speaking about underage guys, he tends to have that predatory way of reaching out because he and we know what he is actually looking for (I actually can relate with that).

What I will say, however, is that everyone should take accountability for what they do, every human being should be responsible for their own actions, James has ****ed up many many times, he deserves that people don't trust them, good, but we, as gay people (most of us), know that it IS very common for straight guys to queerbait us, or to make sexual jokes to us, touch us without our permission, make sexual offerings as jokes, and then when we respond to that they turn the conversation around to "gay people are desperate and predators".

That is my main issue, because yes, when we **** up and get ourselves into shitty territory we can admit that we are ****ing up and attempt to not put ourselves in that kind of situations, but they are doing their own too with all intention of being like that, and I don't think we should be held accountable for that.

I don't defend James, I don't like James, never have, never will, but THERE ARE straight guys that try to push things, that text to "experiment", that are flirty just for attention. In my own case plenty of straight guys have made jokes in public about wanting to have sex with me, and when i respond to that they act like i'm making it up, that i am the one searching for it, that i'm desperate, that i'm a ***** and that it was just a joke. This is not a ****ing joke, gay people are not ****ing jokes, i don't want you to treat me as a ****ing joke, you can't just play with us because it's funny to you, we are not a ****ing stage that you can just get on to throw silly jokes.

That's my issue with all this, we need to admit that there are two sides of the conversation and that this is more than just James Charles being a predator, it involves all of us as gay people.

I understand your points, but I don't think sexuality is an argument here. This is about age. Flirting with straight guys isn't illegal, unless they explicitly say or show they don't consent to it (or are unable to consent), which I believe James wouldn't push for after the whole Tati thing.

He keeps looking for "innocent" teen-looking boys, which will only gonna get him in trouble because most adult men don't look like that, or don't fit that fantasy.

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Hopefully this kid does actually learn and grow from this situation and improve these patterns of behaviour. I'd like to see one of these influencers legitimately hold themselves accountable and change their actions for once. I really wanna have faith in people again

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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