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What is your favorite mask that Gaga wore?

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Gaga has worn many many masks maybe more than any other famous person throughout her career, so what is your favorite mask Gaga has ever worn, a mask is a loose term but it involves the masks for Covid, shields, headpieces that cover her face and partial masks like the venetian ones

I looove too many of them :heart: but I’m gonna post one to let others have plenty of options to pick 



the bunny ones from the vmas performance and the max abadian photo shoot which are not the same but close executions 


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soooo many amazing options, she is such a fashion icon. so underrated



and this one, so iconic


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12 minutes ago, Dutch said:


lana should have put this on over her sheer mask to complete her look tbh

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6 minutes ago, Eighteen said:

lana should have put this on over her sheer mask to complete her look tbh

I mean put it upside down and it makes sense. :billie:

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The ARTPOP face mask has to be one of her most iconic looks. The Venus wig, the ARTPOP tattoo. So iconic.

could mean anything
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