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1 minute ago, Logan said:

You guys :fatcat: My heart is so happpppy





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This episode was ****ing AMAZING

There's just so much to discuss, I apologize because this'll probably be a veeeeeery long read (if any of y'all are interested, that is :sweat:):


Okay, so first of all, I love how this story was centered around Wanda. I'm already on Reddit and Twitter and all of that and I see that some people are upset because the story wasn't as "big" as they were expecting. Some people were expecting Magneto, Professor X, or Reed Richards, some people were thinking that Mephisto or Nightmare would show up, and some people really thought that the X-Men/mutants were going to show up too :giveup: 

The story was never about any of that. Ever since the beginning, the story was always centered around two characters: WANDA and VISION, and I'm glad that they were able to keep that consistent through the finale. 

Now I'll just bring up some points for discussion: 

- The potential "cameos". Okay, so while I never expected Professor X, Magneto, or Reed Richards to show up, I was actually surprised that Doctor Strange didn't show up. We know that WandaVision leads into Doctor Strange 2, but it looks like it's going to be more of a soft transition as opposed to a blatant and obvious one. I don't have a problem with that though. Like I said, I like that the finale still centered around Wanda.

- The Darkhold. So 3 things were confirmed in this episode. #1.) the book that Agatha had was the Darkhold. Many people thought it'd be a different book, but I had a strong feeling it would be the Darkhold all along. #2.) The book specifically has a section in it dedicated to the "Scarlet Witch." Which by the way, can I just say, I love that the "Scarlet Witch" is a title. It gives the name more meaning as opposed to just being something Wanda calls herself just because she likes the color red and has magic powers. #3.) The Darkhold says that Wanda is STRONGER than the Sorcerer Supreme (Doctor Strange). I'm very interested to see their interactions in Doctor Strange 2. She has more raw power than him, but like Agatha said, she lacks knowledge. I hope Strange is able to teach her.

- "Fietro". I already know this a lot of people are going to be angry about this one. Personally, I knew that he wasn't a multiverse Quicksilver. Just the way Agatha talked about him in episodes 7 and 8, and his behavior in episode 6, made it evident that he wasn't the Peter Maximoff from the Fox X-Men universe. I'm not too mad about it, but I know a lot of people will be. It was confirmed that he was Ralph, but that's about it. I guess this also confirmed that Ralph was someone special, but I guess he just wasn't anyone too special :sweat: I'm not going to lie though, it is kind of disappointing that he wasn't from the multiverse. I think this was a very rare instance of Marvel misstepping. 

- Dottie & Senor Scratchy. I put these two together because a lot of people thought they were "important" characters :lmao: I don't know why some people thought that...Dottie was in 1 episode, that was it. If she was someone important, they would've set her up more. Senor Scratchy was also just Agatha's familiar...He wasn't Mephisto. He wasn't Nightmare. I don't know why people thought that.

- White Vision. Personally, I thought the Vision vs. White Vision fight sequence was cool. That said, I think that White Vision's overall role was somewhat disappointing. I mean, he was just introduced in the last episode, so it kind of seemed like a gimmick, IMO. I do think, though, that this clearly sets up a way for Vision to come back since Vision restored his memories and he just flew away. It was a cool little nod to the comics, but I do think they could've done without White Vision.

- Agatha. I think she's coming back. I think Kathryn Hahn did a phenomenal job with the role, so I hope she does. But in the end when she says "You don't know what you've done" and "You're going to need me," I think this is clearly setting up her returning in Doctor Strange 2 where she'll probably help keep the multiverse at bay.

- Scarlet Witch. First of all, I hope her codename gets used more. I loved calling her "Wanda" all this time, but she has now properly received a title (and an AMAZING new outfit!). I was actually pleasantly surprised that we got such a good look at it. I was expecting her to get it in the last 5 minutes or something. I think Elizabeth Olsen has done such an incredible job with this role. I really can't wait to see her return in Doctor Strange 2, with hopefully a new understanding of her powers! By the way, the 2nd end-credit scene referenced two things: first, it shows that Wanda is able to astral project, referencing Doctor Strange, and second, the very end when Wanda hears Billy and she cross her arms and the screen flashes red, that's a reference to the post-credit scene of Winter Soldier where the final shot was Wanda crossing her arms and the toy blocks exploding.

- VFX/CGI. Finally, I want to talk about the VFX of this episode because while I absolutely loved most of it, I did think some scenes were really off. Unfortunately, I think the scene of Wanda and Agatha fighting in the sky wasn't all that great, from a technical perspective. Creatively, and story-wise, it was awesome to see. However, there were times during that fight where I thought the CGI just wasn't good. There were also small examples of that during the Vision vs. White Vision fight. Again, overall it was pretty good, but some scenes were just not it...


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37 minutes ago, Logan said:

You guys :fatcat: My heart is so happpppy




I'm getting Dark Phoenix vibes from this scene :giveup:

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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I started binging it. Got to finish up until episode 3. It's been a pretty slow start. Episode 2 was hard to get through.

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I actually enjoyed this series. Kudos to Marvel for giving Wanda some attention/character development, because after Age of Ultron, homegirl faded into the background 90% of the time.

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I'm cackling at the people who're angry because their theories and speculation didn't turn out to be true :lmao:

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9 minutes ago, Eido said:

I want the gay kids back :saladga:

They'll be back 

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wandavision is hands down the best thing the MCU has done so far AND wanda has had the best character development for any character we've seen yet in the MCU.


you can serve it to me ancient city style...
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this is a random question I've had but forgot to ask lmaoo why does everyone in the opening credits look like the actors, except Black Widow? That ain't Scarlett Johansson 

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The finale was f*cking incredible and any other opinion is invalid. :shadow:

🌹 free britney 🌹
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