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WandaVision (Fridays On Disney+)


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In the end, I loved how simple they kept it. As others have said, this story is about Wanda and I'm glad that it ended with her letting go of Westview and focusing on finding herself. I would have loved to see something with Mephisto, Arcanna, Nightmare, the Mutants etc. but it would have probably distracted from the core of the show. There's only so much you can do in a 40 minute episode. 

The only thing that was disappointing is how Monica almost had no role in this. We didn't really get to see her powers at all  except when Hayward was shooting at her (Yikes). But I guess we'll see more of her in Captain Marvel 2 so at least it's something. 


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11 minutes ago, DelusionalGaga said:
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In the end, I loved how simple they kept it. As others have said, this story is about Wanda and I'm glad that it ended with her letting go of Westview and focusing on finding herself. I would have loved to see something with Mephisto, Arcanna, Nightmare, the Mutants etc. but it would have probably distracted from the core of the show. There's only so much you can do in a 40 minute episode. 

The only thing that was disappointing is how Monica almost had no role in this. We didn't really get to see her powers at all  except when Hayward was shooting at her (Yikes). But I guess we'll see more of her in Captain Marvel 2 so at least it's something. 




I thought it is rather obvious, Monica was introduced here so they don't have to waste time for making her power origin on CM2. What have been shown is enough for a tease tbh.

Also you are too ambitious with all those names and references. Especially with X-Men when the  movie itself not officially announced, and doesn't even have a date yet, and just recently get their working/tentative title.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ with birds I share this lonely view (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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Danny Milk

I did not expect to cry as much as I did


I guess it doesn't really matter
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I liked it :lolly:

though I was primed by the leaks that dr strange was gonna appear so when he didn’t I was a little disappointed but oh well 

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The way I cried and cried and screamed and then cried some more. :bradley: 

Still not being able to process that transformation. :giveup: :saira: Scarlet Witch has always been one of my favourites from Xmen along with Rogue, Jean Grey and Kitty Pryde. :bradley:

Also did anyone catch that doctor stange theme at the end of the second post credits scene :lolly:

I'm not very good with Social Mediaᵀᴹ
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yes and

So the white vision will probably appear in the future movie because he really exists, right? I expected him to appear at the end together with Wanda, When the illusion disappeared, he could've come and it would've be epic and cute, but anyway 


Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? No
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Well... I liked it but idk :selena: I'll watch it again :bon:

I guess we'll never see Evan Peters and that weird rabbit again in the MCU :messga:

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Ahhh omg that was soo good.

The only thing I'm still confused about is Evan Peters. Was he pulled from another universe or did they cast him just to mess with us?

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I never thought an MCU show would make me cry (as in the sob kind of cry). This is one of Marvel's BEST.

some spoiler-y comments:


1. i REFUSE to believe that that's the last we'll see of Vision, Billy, and Tommy. I mean it's kind of implied that they will show up again in the future.

2. It's kinda disappointing that Fietro was Ralph all along. I was hoping that he was really the X-Men's Quicksilver but oh well. I hope they have plans for Evan Peters, because specifically having him in the show for it to end just like that is like... meh.

3. So is she gonna be (one of?) the villain/s in DS2? I imagine she'll fight against Strange but eventually help him towards the end.


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1 minute ago, RahrahWitch said:

Ahhh omg that was soo good.

The only thing I'm still confused about is Evan Peters. Was he pulled from another universe or did they cast him just to mess with us?



No, he is the Witness Protection Program guy. He was controlled by that magic necklace, from which he also got that faux power of Quicksilver.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ with birds I share this lonely view (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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2 minutes ago, RahrahWitch said:

Ahhh omg that was soo good.

The only thing I'm still confused about is Evan Peters. Was he pulled from another universe or did they cast him just to mess with us?

I think it's the latter option :fatcat: However, they don't have to tie up every single loose end in this series. I think there is room in future MCU project for them to reveal that maybe he's Quicksilver after all (I know I'm being delusional :fatcat:)

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3 minutes ago, Lumiere said:

I never thought an MCU show would make me cry (as in the sob kind of cry). This is one of Marvel's BEST.

some spoiler-y comments:

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1. i REFUSE to believe that that's the last we'll see of Vision, Billy, and Tommy. I mean it's kind of implied that they will show up again in the future.

2. It's kinda disappointing that Fietro was Ralph all along. I was hoping that he was really the X-Men's Quicksilver but oh well. I hope they have plans for Evan Peters, because specifically having him in the show for it to end just like that is like... meh.

3. So is she gonna be (one of?) the villain/s in DS2? I imagine she'll fight against Strange but eventually help him towards the end.


Spoiler #1 and #3 is already hinted on the second post credits.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ with birds I share this lonely view (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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Wow, what a ride. To see magic users at the forefront of a TV show is a dream come true. This is like if Dark Willow from Buffy became the main character. I found myself smiling the whole way through! Wanda's magic, Agatha's magic, Billy's magic. UGH, I JUST LOVE MAGIC.

My only gripe is that if Chaos Magic is something that's unique to the being that is Scarlet Witch, why is Agatha able to handle it? The Rune trick Wanda used was cool, but it would have made more sense for Agatha to be overwhelmed and crumble apart, unable to handle the Chaos energy. I'm a little uneasy about that second Post-Credit scene though -- I'm getting some villain vibes... If Wanda gets a Daenerys ending I will literally fall apart. I still am hurt by what they did to Daenerys in Game of Thrones.

Side note:

Fietro - Something I actually noticed rewatching the Halloween episode last night - When he made a reference to their childhood and it showed young Wanda and Fietro trick-or-treating, that's not young Wanda, it was someone else. I'm not really sure what this means exactly but it's interesting for sure. Maybe he actually is from another universe? 

See the difference:





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