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Official Rupaul’s Drag Race S13 thread | Congrats to our winner!

BUtterfield 8

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Wait... no new ep this week? This season already feels like its been going on forever... do we really ned covid special?

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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Watching the corona special and its so polished and overdramatic, I can't. The music of doom, the interview setup. We are all in the same boat, this special doesn't really add anything.

They mention a NYC Queen that died, but super briefly. Did she die of Corona? Why mention her and not tell us more about her. She looked spectacular, but I didn't get to know anything about her. Missed opportunity. 

This should've be an extra next to a regular episode, they have dragged this season on long enough. And if you want us to feel sorry for these queens, just put up they're venmo on screen during the regular episodes. 

The UK special makes more sense since their season was interrupted because of the pandamic. And it was an extra episode. The US queens knew what they were getting into. It's not easy, but this seemed over dramatic, mostly due to the editing and music.


According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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Didn't even bother with the special lmao. The season is already being stretched to hell and back, I don't understand why they had to replace a regular episode with a special instead of airing both like they did with DRUK. 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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3 minutes ago, alsemanche said:

Didn't even bother with the special lmao. The season is already being stretched to hell and back, I don't understand why they had to replace a regular episode with a special instead of airing both like they did with DRUK. 

I’m watching it right now and it’s super lame :yennefer: wish they would get on with it, this season is so underwhelming 

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2 minutes ago, GagaSine said:

I’m watching it right now and it’s super lame :yennefer: wish they would get on with it, this season is so underwhelming 

It's really getting annoying especially that most of the queens are really good and talented. But the writing and production are ruining tf out of it.

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Are they planning on making this season two years long or something? Why the hell would they air that... I guess we'll go with "special," in the middle of the season instead of after the finale? This season is getting lame really quickly. 

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I don't get why now, this week, right before the Snatch Game? I'd be more on board with this after the finale but I'll still take it. That's my only complaint, we as a community need more of our content so the collective bashing of the show or its iterations is getting tired... & don't y'all remember on early seasons we had those specials before the finale?

Anyway the only thing worth complaining from this is that choice of filter that made every queen's lips look yellow :awkney:

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Even in the covid special they gave denali like zero air time :spin:

I wish the show would just cast the strongest queens they could find (no easy outs or filler queens) and just let them COMPETE. I'm so tired of the show overproducing and pushing average queens to the top. 

live and let live
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Luna Lovegood
On 2/27/2021 at 2:13 AM, COOOK said:

So Tina snapped:

her neck 

luna’s advocate
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BUtterfield 8
On 2/27/2021 at 12:14 PM, Batwings said:

Are they planning on making this season two years long or something? Why the hell would they air that... I guess we'll go with "special," in the middle of the season instead of after the finale? This season is getting lame really quickly. 

Maybe because all stars 6 isn’t airing on cable and on streaming?

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she looks amazing but why is she so dark :air: 

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1 hour ago, BUtterfield 8 said:

Raven posted her look for tonight’s episode... :awkney:


I love her but this is so ridiculous :toofunny:

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