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Your new weekly Chromatica song ranking?


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So every week we switch up our favorite Chromatica tracks from favorite to least, what’s yours this week? Mine:

1. Enigma

2. Replay

3. Rain On Me

4. Free Woman

5. Plastic Doll

6. Stupid Love

7. Babylon

8. Fun Tonight

9. Alice

10. Sour Candy

11. 911

12. Sine From Above

13. 1000 Doves

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1. 1000 Doves

2. Alice

3. Fun Tonight

4. Rain On Me

5. Replay

6. Free Woman

7. Sour Candy

8. Plastic Doll

9. Enigma

10. 911

11. Sine From Above

12. Babylon

13. Stupid Love

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Alice (on top since the beginning :whitney:)



Plastic Doll 

Rain On Me

Free Woman

Stupid Love

Sour Candy

Fun Tonight

1000 Doves


Sine From Above 


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Idk if my fave will change week to week, but my ranking for now would be

1. Alice

2. Rain on Me

3. Enigma

4. 911

5. Sine From Above

6. Replay 

7. Free Woman

8. Stupid Love

9. Plastic Doll

10. Fun Tonight

11. Sour Candy

12. 1000 Doves

13. Babylon

14. Love Me Right


Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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Saint Hollywood

1. Replay

2. 911

3. Rain On Me

4. Sine From Above

5. 1000 Doves

6. Alice

7. Love Me Right

8. Sour Candy

9. Plastic Doll

10. Fun Tonight

11. Free Woman

12. Babylon

13. Stupid Love

14. Enigma


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1. Rain On Me
2. 911
3. Free Woman
4. Sour Candy
5. 1000 Doves
6. Alice
7. Babylon
8. Plastic Doll
9. Sine From Above
10. Fun Tonight
11. Enigma
12. Stupid Love
13. Replay

It takes a smart brunette to play a dumb blonde.
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Biggest Bitch

1. 1000 Doves

2. Free Woman

3. Sine From Above

4. Alice

5. Fun Tonight

6. Plastic Doll

7. Rain On Me

8. Enigma

9. 911

10. Babylon

11. Stupid Love

12. Love Me Right

13. Replay

14. Sour Candy


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1.    Sine From Above

2.    Rain on Me

3.    Alice

4.    Babylon

5.    Replay

6.    911

7.     Stupid Love

8.    Sour Candy

9.    Plastic Doll

10.   Free Woman

11.   Enigma

12.   Fun Tonight

13.   1000 Doves

I'm not having fun tonight.
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1000 Doves



Sine From Above


Love Me Right

Fun Tonight

Stupid Love

Rain On Me

Plastic Doll

Free Woman

Sour Candy

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Johan Colli

1. Free Woman

2. Sour Candy

3. 911

4. Sine from Above

5. Alice

6. Replay

7. Enigma

8. Rain On Me

9. 1000 Doves

10. Babylon

11. Fun Tonight

12. Plastic Doll

13. Stupid Love


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1. Babylon

2. 911

3. Rain On Me

4. Alice

5. Fun Tonight

6. Replay

7. Free Woman

8. Sour Candy

9. Love Me Right

10. Plastic Doll

11. Sine From Above

12. 1000 Doves

13. Stupid Love

14. Enigma

One of me is wiser. One of me is stronger. One of me is a fighter, and there's a thousand faces of me, Army of me
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