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Fat Shaming Gaga... Seriously?


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I wouldnā€™t worry about the comments, sheā€™s laughing to the bank, has a gorgeous boyfriend, limitless talent, leaving her dreams. Most of yā€™all here wish for one of those in your life and donā€™t even have a picture of yourself on your profile pic. So dismiss the haters dear.Ā 
Meryl Streep GIF

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Ok, thank you. She looks gorgeous.

Somebody commented that she looked fat ?

That's like saying that Brazil is a small country or that Ed Sheeran is the Pope. It isn't even worthy of a reply.

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7 hours ago, alice911 said:

nothing wrong with putting on weight... i know she's been overwhelmed lately.. i wish i was rich enough to own a personal gym and workout anytime i like in my home. We all have put weight during Lockdown so nothing wrong with it.Ā 

The issue to me as an overweight person is that it doesnā€˜t even look like she gained. Like please stop this triggering content. It makes me deeply uncomfortableĀ 

SwissMonsterĀ®ļø - Creating controversy since 1999
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Humm was dragged to this thread but dont really understand whats going on. I dont remember my coment


Everyone wants gaga to look flawless and on the right flattering pose. I think one thing is expecting that for a photo shoot, to look beautiful.Ā 

Out of that context, people need to understand that those photos are unreal, edited, out of context. Those people up close dont look like that. We have reactive skin, red spots, scars etc. We are alive for christ sake.

She looked so cute and real and bit messy, made remind some my punk friends that are all tamed down but still wear the leather jacket with fierce make up. I really enjoy when she gets real like that instead of being all tense.Ā 

I read two pages in these thread tho... And honestly therebis another aspect. The aggressive tone the righetous use against the haters. Not cool as well. Its just a photo, be calm. Yall overact too much behind the computers.Ā 

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Sheā€™s the most beautiful person I ever met. She is absolutely stunning. People who call her ā€œfatā€ seriously have no idea how tiny she is in person. She could hide behind a box of cereals.Ā 

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Now that the mean, horrible user is banned. Could you guys change the title of this thread? I live with the fear that Gaga could lurk and see one of this threads or even read the title of threads like this.Ā She clearly have some unresolved issues with mean fans like some of you and things like this are the cherry on the top.Ā 

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Infinity Wave

We recently had her pics outside going for a coffee... and she literally looked NOTHING like this. This is clearly a bed lighting, bad angle, bad focal picture. AND even if she did look like that, how can people fat shame her??

I think we must pose the difference between commentingĀ how unflattering the pic looks (but, I mean, loom at the KP one, it's SO unflattering as well :rip:) and comments shaming her, which areĀ mean and stupid.Ā 

She is so beautiful inside and outside and that's all :heart:


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Daylight Jokers

What's more disturbing is that most of the people who fatshamedĀ her are probablyĀ MEN.

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14 minutes ago, PlasticDollGirl said:

Aww she looks the prettiest Iā€™ve ever seen her, how gorgeous. Most gorgeous look and outfit shesĀ ever done... I love it..... omg Iā€™m in shock how weā€™ve never seen her like this.. she looks incredible wow omg wow wow wow! Ā Can she look like this for the rest of the era? Her make up looks flawless. Ā I feel like crying she looks so goodĀ EZ4bZ7BWkAIckgT.pngĀ :stalkga:

did you lick the cheeto dust off your fingers before typing this

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What photo?Ā 


Hasnt Gaga always went through periods of massive weight gain and loss? Im sure it has everything to do with how she eats when shes performing vs when shes not. Thats what happens to real people who want to live life. Idk why people get so ugly about it.Ā 

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4 minutes ago, HybridAT said:

why does this post read as extremely passive aggressive, just like the rest of your posts here on this siteĀ :triggered:

You don't need advice from me .... but I'll chance this. The best way to deal with posts like the one you just replied to is to ignore them. If nobody replies to it, it dies right there.

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And people wonder why young girls starve themselves, haveĀ low self esteem,Ā depression and anxiety and feel like if they are not ā€œpretty and skinnyā€ enough they are no longer useful and important. Well f*ck thatĀ Ā :fthis:

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