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The Polarization of Chromatica


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I've been listening to this album the whole day and I can't help but feel like this is ARTPOP's revenge, maybe not intentionally (most likely) but this is exactly what I wanted on that album. Chromatica is a non-stop dance pop mix, euphoric, fun, nostalgic, ethereal at some points. Lyric wise is her best to me, it's deeply personal but not in the typical cheesy way, you can hear her struggle as a woman who's constantly suffering mental and physical pain, heartbreak and faith. The interludes really make this album stand out even more, and even tho I agree that some songs sound kinda dated (SFA, 1000 Doves, I'm watching y'all) I feel like that's the purpose, it's what she couldn't do in the past but now she feels free and confident enough to do it. This album is straight to the point, it's PURE dance and pop, it's beautiful and it feels really fresh in her discography, because it's the first time she does dance music so unapologetically, dance music on its purest form. 

Now, I understand why some people have so many different opinions and experiences on this one, and it's for the same exact reason I wrote above: It's pure dance. We are used to Gaga mixing a lot of genres, there's always this "I put my music on a blender" kind of vibe with Gaga's music (in a good way) but with Chromatica she dared herself by creating something completely cohesive and clean, which I think is what threw some people off, who were probably expecting something more experimental (which it is TO HER) or more "dark", but Gaga has never been this confident in her art IMO, I feel like this screams Gaga, the real one, like she put her very soul on it... I think we should all at least wait at least a week until giving our "negative but constructive" opinions on the album, once we fully digest it. 

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xoxo Craig

Chromatica is her best album of all time. And thats on that Black Girl Period GIF

End Racism Now
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6 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

Chromatica is her best album of all time. And thats on that Black Girl Period GIF

Y A S.

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Venus Rose
7 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

Chromatica is her best album of all time. And thats on that Black Girl Period GIF

Born This Way has been DETHRONED.

oprah winfrey GIF


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Man the collabs alone on this album: ROM, SFA, SC, they slap so hard.

Let alone 911 Alice FT FW Enigma and the rest of the album

I didn't ask for a free ride, I only asked you to show me a real good time.
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Well i see everyone here enjoying it. It seems to me its the one with best reception from fans. Btw was panned, ARTPOP we all know. Joanne, slandered. 


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The Edge Of Glory

Chromatica, for me, is the best album since Born This Way, with no doubt!

I'm on the edge with you 🎶🎷
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To me it feels like a mix of all her pop albums, but for sure mostly ARTPOP due the European sound.

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Chromatica is an amazing album and it achieved Gaga’s vision. On the other hand, I hope she will do C3C next just to piss off little producers of this fanbase.

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Galactic Mess

This division was expected from the beginning, honestly. Gaga is very diverse and likes to work with different genres. When she’s put out such a monochromatic (:derpga:) work, it’s only natural that the fans who prefer her edgy/experimental sounds won’t like it as much. 

I for one am LOVING this. Many songs still give me goosebumps and I’m on 4th listen. I think this is the first album since TFM that I just listen through and through, skipping only 1 or 2 songs max.

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As weird as this may sound, I feel like this album from the POV of Lady Gaga's life is a continuation of ARTPOP. It focuses on her dealing with her sadness, but as expressed in 5F2 as a woman and not a girl.

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It's completly different from what she ever done before yet it feels so much like herself. It's so well produced. It's very dark lyrically but the sound, the rithm,sound and melody make me feel happy. This whole album sounds as if she brought the past into the futur, I mean it feels very nostalgic yet so futurostic and modern. She did THAT.

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To be honest this is the best reaction to a Gaga album I've seen since The Fame Monster. Born This Way was very polarizing, ARTPOP was received with underwhelming reactions and Joanne was rejected from the start.

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