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Matthew McConaughey urges Americans not to treat pandemic as partisan issue


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The Academy Award-winning actor appeared on Tuesday's "Special Report with Bret Baier" to discuss his new PSA, aimed at uniting Americans during the pandemic, and remind people that COVID-19 "is not about politics."

"I could feel that this united purpose we all have as Americans to beat this enemy and this virus, that purpose got hijacked a bit by partisan politics," McConaughey said. "The narrative became if you want to go to work, you're on the far right. If you don't go to work, you want to stay home, you're on the far left. And now even the mask wearing is getting politicized, where if you want to wear a mask, you wear a mask, you're a liberal and if you don't, you're conservative and that's just not true."

The "Dallas Buyers Club" actor said this divide has caused people to fight two wars: one against the virus and one against each other.

"This is not about politics, it's about us. The U.S.A. We got to take care of each other right now, we have a collective purpose," the 50-year-old actor said. "How many times are we unanimously convicted of an enemy that we all want to beat? Look at how great Americans are when purpose comes to us in a crisis."

McConaughey said although he doesn't see a solution to the pandemic right now, he encourages people to think of ways they can help.

"We are waiting for science to catch up with us in this predicament. So what can each of us do independently, individually in our families, in our households, in our communities, in our neighborhoods, in our cities?" the actor said. "This is uncharted waters, there’s not a playbook. I understand that. These are band-aids and things we need to do to hold this off until we have enough science to understand (it's safe to re-engage)."

The "Gentlemen" actor also encouraged people to wear masks if they go outside. 

"I hope we wear masks as a badge of honor and something we feel like somebody told us we had to wear and it takes away our identity. I think wearing a mask is not propaganda," McConaughey said. "I don’t think it’s partisanship or politics. I think a mask is all about our purpose right now."

source: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/05/13/matthew-mcconaughey-bret-baier-coronavirus-not-politics/5182539002/

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It's common sense :shrug:

Why is it so hard to understand for some people? It's a basic survival instinct. 

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1 minute ago, alicefromabove said:

It's common sense :shrug:

Why is it so hard to understand for some people? It's a basic survival instinct. 

Sadly they dont understand it until they get it themselves :selena:

There could be a 1000 doves in the sky...
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This seems to be a very American issue. Science based evidence is some how something that can be attacked by baseless opinion for the sake of it.


It is the right and the far right creating the issues though. 


This isnt a "both sides" argument.

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Flashbacks to when I had to explain to my aunt I'm not a communist because I am pro-social distancing 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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It's shocking how selfish the dumb fxcks on the right are being. If we've reached the point where we define our purpose as a society as to increase shareholders' profits over ensuring our survival as a species, we've completely lost our sense of humanity.

Greedy, selfish, and evil. I don't want to live here anymore. 

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9 minutes ago, Reginald said:

It's shocking how selfish the dumb fxcks on the right are being. If we've reached the point where we define our purpose as a society as to increase shareholders' profits over ensuring our survival as a species, we've completely lost our sense of humanity.

Greedy, selfish, and evil. I don't want to live here anymore. 

Again, folks on the right is such a generalisation. Perhaps you mean far right, because I am somewhat right leaning and I do see the purpose and necessity of social distancing and wearing a mask. I, however, do believe in reopening as soon as possible, and having a plan for protection for the elderly and those with previous conditions

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Just a reminder, you can have progressive social ideas, and be on the right politically, wanting less government, etc etc. It does not equate to having an absence of a mind. 

What this actor is saying is pretty spot on, the media, which is objectively left leaning, has used this time to further divide, aka sell the narrative that being on the right and being on the left are unbridgeable experiences. In fact it is sad to see that that is what gets the ratings and people wanting to watch more, the tribalism. When this situation could’ve had the potential for understanding, meaning, it is a crisis and the different ways we react shouldn’t be scrutinised as if we knew that much more than the others. However, I don’t justify the lack of mask wearing, or social distancing, or just being like those Spring Breakers at the beginning of it all, etc



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Giorno Giovanna

I'm sorry but the fact somebody has to say this. 

It's unfathomable. 

How can americans (or like 50% of americans) be this stupid and idiotic again and again and again and again. 

However kudos to McConneughayjbwakd for saying this. Let's not put a pandemic issue into political issues. 


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Franch Toast

To those of you claiming it's the media politicizing it: it's not, at least not where I live. The people politicizing it are the ones storming a certain capitol building with firearms and without masks and without social distancing, while calling for the governor to be lynched or assassinated. This is the example of just one state. 

Or maybe it's Trump and his cronies initially claiming it was all a hoax. Or Trump and friends refusing to wear masks until recently (and even now, I think he won't wear them). Or the people trying to replace science with conspiracy theories. 

If any media is politicizing the pandemic, it's the far-right media like Fox News and OANN. 

If people are going to act like idiots and defy science and common sense, don't blame the media for reporting on their stupidity and claim it's the media that's partisan. 

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In my opinion, affiliating with a political or religious group makes you shortsighted. At least a little bit shortsighted. 

Not to say that political or religious people aren't smart. There's just an untapped potential when you resonate with a mob psychology. 

Each large issue should be looked at holistically, without the filter of a chosen institution. 

Get the pinot ready, because it's turtle time.
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He's spot on. I've always appreciated his opinion on things, he seems like one of the good guys.

It is embarrassing how many people are made fun of for WEARING MASKS in public, and that's just one of the many things that have divided people during this pandemic. At this point, it's not longer us vs covid, it's us vs us WHILE also fighting covid.

It also seems like the US is now "bored" of it, well, a lot of areas, and they're just ready to move on. That's not how this works, but ok.  I'm going back to work Monday and all I'm going to hear for the upcoming weeks is how evil our governor is for trying to save our lives, how masks are pointless, and all of the above. 

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