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Justin Bieber Being Abusive To Hailey, Surprised?


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There is no evidence to determine that Justin is an abuser. 

Come on, guys.

Taylor made a point in her documentary that artists are 'frozen' at the age they get famous, and they then have to catch up rapidly as they enter adulthood. 

Justin's life was 'taken' from him aged, what, 13 years old? 

He's very child like and unpredictable - it would at least seem. 

His mental health and stability is collateral damage to his fame - and it's the same story for so many young artists. 

Justin has had so many problems in his adulthood because he never had a fair childhood. 

You guys should show more compassion towards him. Gaga would.

Also, just to make clear: I make this comment generally about his life; not because he and his wife joked about. That's totally innocent and subject to their respective relationship. 

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6 hours ago, KatieJudasGaga4 said:

They are referring to this:


Super obvious to me that he doesn't love her like that. He needs her because he's miserable, lonely, and doesn't trust people around him. He thinks by "starting a family", he'll gain stability, trust, authenticity and true love, less loneliness. But it won't work, cause it doesn't work like that. He'll make her miserable and she'll get a divorce and he'll remain in his own dirt, the way he shouldve remained a long time ago so that he can work on himself and inner demons and finally move forward and have a healthy relationship with someone he truly fell in love with. Hailey is his medication, not wife, and she loves him so much that he can say disrespectful things to her (who knows what other things he's said behind closed doors) and she'll stay. He's the mother, the nurse, and the therapist not a wife.

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Guillaume Hamon

The fact she posted it herself + the Vine format make it seem like a skit for fun.

Maybe the angry tone is him "acting it" hard.

If he's seriously mad at her over that then yeah he needs help.


The comment about Brown being a mix of MJ and TUPAC is pure blasphemy tho! :D 


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1 hour ago, Lord Temptation said:

Wow gurl, you really worship Justin huh. Hope he never spits on you like he did those other fans. 

How in ANY WAY is this indicative of me worshipping JB ? Calling out what’s a clear example of psychological and sexual abuse and saying said person needs help is “worship”?. You’re an idiot 

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Lord Temptation
1 hour ago, MissKombucha said:

How in ANY WAY is this indicative of me worshipping JB ? Calling out what’s a clear example of psychological and sexual abuse and saying said person needs help is “worship”?. You’re an idiot 

Thanks again for further revealing your level of maturity :applause: 

Maybe YOU are the one that needs professional help :reductive: :creepflop: :oops:

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I think this video seems like they're joking around. Sometimes, when you mean to sound jokey, it can come out sounding serious. Such videos can be misinterpreted. It's a very serious accusation to call him an abuser. Although, Selena claims he emotionally abused her, certainly. I have the feeling his problems stem more from his emotional state and I'm sure if he'd ever been seriously violent, we'd know by now. He committed a few crimes back in the day but nothing related to violence, so I'm inclined to believe he's essentially harmless from a physical standpoint. Whatever the case, he clearly shouldn't be married, he's not got the maturity level for it. The lyrics from his new album sound very worrying, like this is a very co-dependent relationship where he views Hailey as an object that he owns to make himself happy. And the whole album is about her, so it's an uncomfortable listen. I'm sure the full story of them will all come out one day because the way things are going, I don't see this relationship lasting.

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2 hours ago, Lord Temptation said:

Thanks again for further revealing your level of maturity :applause: 

Maybe YOU are the one that needs professional help :reductive: :creepflop: :oops:

You don’t know me first of all. You reveled you’re intelligence by conflating recognizing someone’s clear trauma with the worship of their behavior. I called a spade a spade, and my you are certainly a spade. This is what happens when you’re a site consisting of teens and early 20-somethings I guess. Oh well 


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holy scheisse

Jb is a man who was given everything he ever wanted in life. I'm sure he struggles with emotion self-regulation which is why he's had problems with drugs and depression, as he developed in such an unnatural, atypical environment and context where he had boundless resources and probably way fewer experiences with rejection and other negative life experiences. Lolll can't tell if he's actually enraged here or just joking. 

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