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Madonna Reached Out to Gaga About Performing Together

Molly Aphrodite

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After shading the fukc out of her nonstop :wtf:

If these two are gonna perform together, It'd be better and 10x more epic at an awards show or something.

I mean I know, she threw a lot of shade out there, but she's reaching out.. I guess it's better than more shade? Unless it's like she wanted to make up for it so she didn't look as bad? Idk..hahah

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Think about it guys! Madonna and Gaga would be great together on stage :)

Yeah like 3 years ago maybe lol now it would just seem forced.

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uh no, this b---h needs to face the negativity she put out there towards gaga, and gagz would out-sing her anyways.

b---h cant just crawl back and ask her to grace her presence at this mdna-nnoying show.

i say **** her.

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i think it will be a perfect opportunity to show the whole world and everyone watching that gaga is the upgrade of madonna. no im not bashing madonna, i dont care enough about her to bash her, im simply saying in terms of actual raw tallent gaga trumps her 100% so put them together and watch gaga run rings around madonna! <3

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I hope it doesn't happen. Madonna has been downright disrespectful to Gaga. unless if Madonna does something that hints to an apology, I am not interested.

And Madonna is doing this in order to leech off Gaga more, just like she did with Britney and Justin. #desperate.

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madonna can't perform like she used to.. why would you people want it to happen.. it's like putting a lip sycning britney that just stands there.. next to lady gaga.. how is that impressive?

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Can someone write what he exactly says in the video? I know English but I can't understand any word he says! :cry:

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She has indirectly insulted Gaga many times and directly insulted her once.

I hope you're not thinking that "reductive" is the once. Because, despite the insinuations of the incompetent/malicious interviewer to the contrary, Madonna clearly* meant that it was the comparisons that were reductive. (It doesn't even make sense to refer to the song as reductive.)

But the real problem is Madonna's ongoing performance of BTW in her show, in a manner that (we can only assume) led Gaga to speak of people making a mockery of her work, and Madonna's carefully ambiguous (aka shady) comments, like "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" right in the middle of saying that she loves Gaga and they're going to be on stage together. Honestly, I doubt that Madonna is all that malicious about it; she thinks it's funny... but Gaga doesn't. Neither do most of the fans, on either side. So, before they should ever consider working together again, I think Madonna needs to stop, and clear the air. A LOT more than she has so far. No more trying to have it both ways.

* Clear to me, that is. I realize that most people don't see it that way. But again, I blame Madonna, for making no effort to correct the false impression... because she thought the controversy would be more fun.

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