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I fell in love with it BUT there are issies with execution. It seems so set up and way too subjective. 

It's like everything is 100% produced. I hate not seeing full songs in lipsync battles. 

They need to reconcept it a bit, change the format and edit it better. 

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I do love the show but it's not as good as it used to be. The last All Stars season was kind of a trainwreck and the last actual season was also... good but not great :noparty:

I guess it was bound to happen. It's getting milked to death. But I still watch for the queens and their art, there's nothing quite like it.

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I like the regular seasons but all stars is just way too obviously set up and really doesnt have any purpose anymore other than making more money because slowly but surely every dam queen has been on there, they should just call it "reshuffled" or smth. instead of all stars. Not gonna watch the next all stars season. 

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I don't think your criticism is the problem with the show & I don't agree with you overall. But the show is facing a problem with storytelling that I think is making it boring or fake. Probably an issue with casting + the show runners running out of ideas. Natural for a show in its 12th season. 

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Stopped watching consistently after season 6, which was the last truly good season imo. I did enjoy season 9 but really it just hasn’t been the same since 6. The show and everyone on it have basically become caricatures of themselves and it sometimes feels that it is just reinforcing various gay stereotypes, etc.

yea, it’s glory days are long over, but it has further mainstreamed since then (for better & worse). But again, yea, I’ve been done for quite a while. Feels hollow. 

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The thing is, what was once a fun reality trash TV show is now reality trash masquerading as something else. And the fun, edgy, raw, offensive, sort of problematic gay/drag subculture that wasn't all sprinkles and fairytales and WOKENESS is gone. Season 2-5 were absolutely BRUTAL. Truly, malicious gay f*ggotry.

The show AND the fans take themselves way too seriously. I just want to see drag queens fight, good drama (and comedy), and runways/lipsyncs. Nothing else lol.

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its good for a good kii

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I tried, I promise. It never caught me

Listen to my debut pop single 'Want You Bad'! (link on Insta)
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I never watched it, so I can't say if it's good or bad. The only thing I know for sure is that it is not my cup of tea :awkney: .

Ew, David!
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Seasons 1-6 were GAY PERFECTION (and I watched them all as they happened by the way). They really dropped the ball on Season 7. (Yeah, yeah, you Trixya fans just hear me out - I actually learned to like Trixie and Katya post S7). Untucked got cancelled and it was arguably the best part of the show, so it became the Ginger Minj Power Hour on YouTube. The cast was not as strong as the immediate years prior. The shemail controversy was pathetic and the producers went on damage control but it went too far. The challenges seemed poorly produced and poorly executed. After the GAY PERFECTION that was Season 6 and prior, Season 7 just ruined it for a lot of the old school viewers. But during this season, the show went more and more viral as mainstream content shifted more to internet platforms. The audience shifted from teenage-late twenties gays to preteen-early twenties straight girls. The production in newer seasons reflect this change in rating share. I do believe Season 8 was wayyyyy better, but it was short lived to make room for AS2. Season 9 was when they really lost me. I did not vibe with that season at all. I could barely pick a favorite, the challenges sucked, (imo, don’t bully me, Sashea fans) the cast was the worst yet, and the new idea of the “lip sync for the crown” was just a horrible cop out. They’re going to crown a winner who didn’t even win a main challenge on her own? Or should I say his own? Big whoop, Sasha pulled roses out of a bad wig while wearing a bad dress in bad makeup. I nearly rage quit but AS3 sort of saved it for me after that. And I know a lot of people call AS3 the worst season, but I enjoyed the drama and the twists and face cracks. Season 10 was good and Season 11 was the best since Season 6. But they don’t compare to the original 1-6. 

My case in point, if you’re going to watch the show, start with Season 2 and work from there. The new seasons are just whitewashed garbage for straight little girls who care more about Instagram likes than actual talented people and not people who know how to buy [BLEEP] shoes. 

And Paula Abdul ain’t got [BLEEP] on me!
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Honestly if people watch Drag Race and think that's an accurate potrayal of all gay people then it's completely a problem on their end:emma: It showcases lots of drag talent and history and spreads a lot of positive messages. A small part of the show is that shadey/bitchy side you are referering too but honestly it's no different to any other reality show. It's just drama to keep things interesting, but I totally get that isn't everone's cup of tea because that side isn't really mine either. 

I do think the show is going downhill but mainly because it's becoming more and more produced. It has always been "reality tv" but it is getting more and more fake and just generally more tired in the last couple of seasons.

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5 minutes ago, nathantj594 said:

The shemail controversy was pathetic and the producers went on damage control but it went too far.

What happened there? I just saw all the seasons in the past months and idk about that 

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