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...except that Michael died with a smeared public image even despite the accusers coming forward as fabricating the charges. They extorted him and that much is widely known if you actually look into the case.


Now Bowie is a tricky one. Because the younger people he slept with 1) told him they were older and 2) don't have regrets about it and don't get the noise. So it's harder to bring anything on something "consensual".

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1 hour ago, Runway said:

People will come for Gaga because she was his opening act for the This Is It Tour :reductive: 

People will come for Gaga because she owns and maintains his clothes 

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23 minutes ago, Eggsy said:

Im Disappointed in you cousin. :grr:

Honestly, I would lower your expectations of me, I'm trash

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Can’t believe this is still going poor Michael was tired of these accusations and still even after his death...

Don't go for second best, baby Put your love to the test
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1 hour ago, King J said:


They found child ****ography on his laptop following his death. :wtf:


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2 minutes ago, Eggs said:

Honestly, I would lower your expectations of me, I'm trash

Dont Tarnish our family name like that.. We are Royalty.. And our Parents Suffered Greatly in the great slaughterer of the McNugget Bandit.. 


Also Leave Michael alone >.< General statement not to you Eggs.. 


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8 hours ago, LeJudas said:

No they didn't. :triggered:


7 hours ago, Boyboi12 said:




I don’t think it was his laptop though, I must have got that wrong.

Rowt ay soyng aybouwt yer eyesh, ayt ay sliysche ohf cherreh pye. Eye crei'd awl noiyght.
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8 hours ago, Flopplause said:

^this is false, they did not, during the entire allegations they turned over the entire neverland estate, have investigating him for months, and didn't find anything. There were millions put in these allegations, and he was acquited on all charges. Also someone who invested up to 300 million dollars in children's hospitals, setting up orphanages, etc I don't believe he was a pedophile. Just because you see the media/rumor mills say bad things, doesn't mean they are true. I mean you see how the media was turned against Gaga back in 2012-2014, the press can influence how people think about people without having to use facts. 


8 hours ago, lost in limbo said:

I've heard this multiple times and I've never found a source with proof :neyde: If they had found it, don't you think it would've blown up? :neyde: 


@lost in limbo I’m pretty sure this is a source which is reliable enough 

Rowt ay soyng aybouwt yer eyesh, ayt ay sliysche ohf cherreh pye. Eye crei'd awl noiyght.
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This is somewhat unrelated, and no offence to the op, but...

Why is it that when accusations about R.Kelly resurface we get sidetracked on anything or anyone besides R.Kelly himself? All the talk is about 'this random artist who sang a tune with him once needs to be punished', or "what about this other totally unrelated artist who also had accusations about them'. Hardly anyone focuses R.Kelly's actual crimes or on justice for R. Kelly's victims.

I don't get humans sometimes.

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1 hour ago, King J said:

Believe what you want but I will quickly breakdown this article and how it's twisting the truth. 

Firstly it's quoting a bogus RadarOnline report that illegally tampered police files from 2004 (the County of Santa Barbara made a statement confirming this) and tried to make pages from legal art books he owned look more incriminating than reality and even included things he didn't even own. 


This is one of the doctored photos. It's a picture featuring ADULTS they've tried to edit to make look like minors naked.

When they say "Among the items found at Jackson's home were images of children bleeding or in pain, and of children’s faces superimposed onto adult bodies" 

They are referring to this art book which you can buy on Amazon. 



"Simen Johan creates surreal and narrative tableaux of corrupted youth. His images of children and adolescents are constructed by digitally manipulating and combining parts of faces and bodies belonging to people of various ethnicities, ages, and genders."


And when they say "Other books found by police contained images of children nude or in swimwear." 

They are referring to these. One of which is from the famous Calvin Klein's ex wife Kelly Klein 



You can see some of the book here: https://www.kellykleinstudio.com/underworld/

But because out of hundreds of pages it featured this page:


It was included in the report. 

The other mentioned in the article is: 




It literally says in the POLICE report: 


"“None of the material within this book would meet the legal requirements to be considered child ****ography" 

MJ was a avid art and history collector who owned thousands of books. While these books may seem odd to some, they certainly aren't illegal. It all makes for a good sensational headline though. 

If he had been found with actual **** involving minors he would have been arrested and charged immediately. 

As far as MJ's actual **** found at his home, it was all hetero stuff kept separate from these books. A list can be found here (it's basically playboy & hustler magazines).


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12 hours ago, King J said:


They found child ****ography on his laptop following his death. :wtf:

Why would they invade his personal privacy and check his laptop like that?

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Infinity Wave
12 hours ago, King J said:


They found child ****ography on his laptop following his death. :wtf:

Yeah and every night before sleeping he took his nose off and put it on the night table

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