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Dancin In Circles (feat. Iggy, Beyonce & Nicki) [Reloaded]


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I like the concept although the Bey part is in the wrong key, the rest is nice, wasn't expecting the double time from nicki:excited:

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6 minutes ago, StopCallingMe said:

I like the concept although the Bey part is in the wrong key, the rest is nice, wasn't expecting the double time from nicki:excited:

Maybe a verse from Déjà Vu would work better with it?

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The only two songs that are in the same key as Dancin' In Circles from Bey would be Get Me Bodied and Be With You and there are probably no acapellas of these so I thing if you pitch the existing one to the right key it would fit good :)

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4 minutes ago, L A D Y G A G said:

Iggy is still a thing? 


Only on pop forums. 

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DIC could’ve been a hit. :selena: If only it were released spring 2016 as like a stand alone single, that way it would’ve gotten noticed/been a single, and not been featured on Joanne because it really doesn’t fit. :messga: 

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