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Enigma For Rich People


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I'm not rich and I plan to go there in 2020...

I'm just saving for this and if you search a bit there's low cost flights and regular tickets are not that expensive tbh There some tricks to save a bit money for that experience

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Sure, let’s continue complaining because a US artist is choosing to do a Vegas Residency which is located within the US. God forbid. 

Save your money, stop purchasing all those Helix videos, and go see her the next time she tours near you. 

I can understand wanting to see the show, but come on. People need to stop acting like she stated “I’m never touring overseas.”


It’s one tour. 

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Theres this thing, its called saving money.
And if you can't save money, well sorry for you but deal with it. 

Also you know whats not fair, calling this Vegas residency not fair. 

Also, it's a Vegas residency because it takes place in Vegas and only in Vegas. 
So just accept it. 


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Okay y'all need to stop telling people to save up. It's true that this show is very expensive.

She is rich and can afford to sell tickets for cheaper. Remember the Monster Ball when she was almost broke at one point and yet she was selling $40 tickets? She said she hated money and she wanted all her fans to be able to experience it?

Well, she can do that. I love, love, love Gaga but there's no denying that she's a rich bitch, she's the upper class. And maybe the venue decides pricing for this show and not Gaga but it's not like the JWT was cheap or even inexpensive. And then when you see thousands of dollars for M&G, that's just not very Gaga. I know she's Gaga but she also loves her fans. The fact that she's so big should be a reason for prices to go down, not up. The rich don't need to keep getting richer.

I wish Gaga would make her next tour more accessible to everyone.

@IsraeliUnicornI feel you but please edit your post. No need to be so rude or wish death upon someone. You might also get a lot of WPs for it, so.

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אני הולך לגור בטקסס אבל אין לי שום תוכניות לסוע במיוחד לראות אותה. 

I'm just grateful to have seen her live at the artRAVE at this point. 

אחותי למה את מתעצבנת על כולם? הם לא מכירים אותנו או את הבעיות שלנו,  קחי בקלות מאמי. 

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I'm not rich in any way, i'm kind of poor tbh, and I'm from Spain.

I'm saving money and attending. With an average salary you can save, and you don't have to buy everything at the same time. I got the tickets in August, i'm getting the plane tickets this January, Hotel in February, etc.

¿Qué currículum tiene ésta tarántula?
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2 minutes ago, KURUSHITOVSKA said:

Gosh where's your ****ing brain? Do people have to be sorry for being able to spend their own earned money? 

Nope but people can and are allowed to feel bad and dissapointed that they don't have the money/time to go and see the show and you don't have to lower yourself to the same level from that stupid comment by asking where is brain is :bye:

Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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See I would probably go, I live I.mn the UK and would cost me thousands but I could make it a holiday. The issue I have tbh is she cancelled my JWT date Twice. It’s fair enough why but I’m now at the point I can’t just gamble a few £1000s is she cancels again. 

Hopefully she brings the tour to Europe. Even if it’s only at 1 venue for like 10 shows. 

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Concerts are a luxury overall in my opinion, I mean you usually spend $100+ and if we're gonna boil things down, it's to see someone sing and/or dance on stage for 90-120mins with pretty lights :emma: Enigma's a bigger luxury because it's in one location and it's not a cheap location either, but a luxury nonetheless.

If you can save up and go and want to be spending that on Enigma then make yourself happy and go :party:
If you can save up and go but don't want to be spending that on Enigma then make yourself happy and spend it on something that you do want to spend it on :shrug:
If you can't save up and go but want to go then it's harder and sadder but I'm not quite sure what else to say about it, it kind of is what it is :noparty:

I mean Gaga touring normally is the same in some ways because there are some countries that aren't visited, so the fans in those countries who want to see her have to do the same thing that fans are doing for Vegas: booking a flight, booking a hotel, sorting out all the in betweens, etc :sweat: There's no tour that will tick all of the boxes for all of the fans and it will always end up being a lot more convenient for the people who live local and have the money to spend on it, it's just the way things go in my honest opinion :S

As someone who's not going to Vegas to see Enigma, I really hope she pulls a Britney and takes it worldwide eventually. If that does happen, the second there's an announcement that she's coming to London I'll be right there trying my hardest to get a ticket for it :happy:

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