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Animal Crossing for Switch in 2019


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I got more life advice from a sheep wearing a scarf in Animal Crossing than from my real life friends my whole life :koons:

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8 minutes ago, bionic said:

can't wait for the next generation of resetti hentai



✨oh the lights dim while we’re dancing yeah the floor is shaking in this disco heaven✨
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I’ve never understood the hype of this game. I’ve played it and I get bored fast. 

Maybe my attention span is just bad?

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this game used to give me almost depression because when I stopped playing it and when back to real life I was constantly about to cry about thinking how could the world not be like the game lol so I think I'll pass this one, tho I enjoyed it on 3DS and Wii. As if I had a Switch lol

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16 hours ago, Aqua Mars said:

I got more life advice from a sheep wearing a scarf in Animal Crossing than from my real life friends my whole life :koons:

Baarbara is my bestie :heart:


Which sheep is yours?

*she switched baristas. ☕️
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Addison Rae

OMG!!! I will have to buy a switch for this won’t I :poot:

 New Leaf is so iconic still! I hacked it and have all of my favourite rare :giggle:villagers and tons of money 

sitting on his lap sipping diet pepsi
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25 minutes ago, Andreu said:

this game used to give me almost depression because when I stopped playing it and when back to real life I was constantly about to cry about thinking how could the world not be like the game lol so I think I'll pass this one, tho I enjoyed it on 3DS and Wii. As if I had a Switch lol

me irl visiting a villager's house and sitting on their sofa for hours while i do stuff around home, just to be sociable

stream bionic
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Tom Nook
2 hours ago, Alexander Levi said:

I’ve never understood the hype of this game. I’ve played it and I get bored fast. 

Maybe my attention span is just bad?

No it’s just a very slow pace game :poot: don’t expect so much to happen within the first few hours of gameplay 

Uh Red Wine... Convict... Gah Gah...
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31 minutes ago, Eido said:

What do you think will happen this time ? I hope there will be more exploration and online features. 

I dont know. I think it will contain the normal village/town concept

Maybe the town is bigger. They will for sure add more fashion/objects and stuff to do. Like mini games or also activites like when they added swiming/diving in ACNL. Who knows what they are up to. 

Besides better graphics I expect more interaction with villagers. Also they should add more things to do and add things to the game so that it does not end in a repetitiv gameplay at the end. maybe with (more) events or updates.

I hope for more things to do. Like a variety of jobs or something. Dunno. They could add more gardening stuff. A cooking feature would be awesome. Maybe then the game comes close to  harvest moon or stardew valley, but that would be okay for me cuz I love those.


I just love animal crossing. The music takes me right into the world. everything is cute and lovely. I love the creative gameplay like decorating your home and I also love to share thosse things with friends. Cant wait to meet the dove in the coffe shop (I think its koffi in german) I will instantly search for Paulina (purple squirell). always loved her back in wild world. And after a while I found out she and me share birthdays.  

Everything is just so nostalgic to me and i really cant wait to play it.

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