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Kiesza is back (and spills piping hot tea on the music industry)


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"Kiesza credits David Massey with introducing her to Stuart Price, who is now working with her on new material – including new single Phantom Of The Dancefloor, out August 10, which ambitiously mixes operatic trills, gothic meltdowns and a deep-wobble house chorus"



Okay but I guess some of you won't know of Kiesza, she was mainly big in European countries and topped the charts here in the UK BUT as some fans of her may have noticed, after Hideaway, we basically never heard much of her and her success was quickly declining.


”I haven’t met anyone in the music industry who isn’t the nicest person I’ve ever met. They hug you, embrace you, and talk about all these plans.

“Then you leave their office… and then they send you a text or email telling you why what you asked for can’t happen. Or they just pretend like it was never even discussed.”

“[Island] weren’t backing any of my music – by this stage, they wouldn’t even send out the simplest thing as a marketing email. I was funding my own videos – but I knew I was stuck with them.”

She adds: “I was working with a new product manager, because [Island] blamed my old product manager and A&R for why things weren’t working. And one day, when I was in the studio, I got a text which said: ‘I don’t think your vision for you is in alignment with ours.’

“I was crushed.”

This article is so interesting on how the music industry can manipulate singers, especially inexperienced ones and how they should follow THEIR vision rather than the artist's own.


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That title alone sounds like an incredible bop

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9 minutes ago, gagaxgaga said:


 If you want to know, read what the post says it tells you a bit, if that’s not enough google her

She’s a cool artist who had a major hit in the UK and Europe but I don’t think she majorly took off. It sounds like she has an ambitious vision for her career though and I think she could be releasing some interesting music soon :)

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I remember waiting for Sound of a Woman to come out

Giant in my Heart is still one of my favorite songs

it's sort of like, my past is an unfinished painting..
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Baroque queen come with those trills that i love!!!!!!!!!!! 

The description got me dead!!! Something epic is coming no doubt

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1 hour ago, Gaga2017 said:

Phantom Of The Dancefloor

ugh this sounds sick :giveup: + stuart price :giveup

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57 minutes ago, gagaxgaga said:


all you have to do is read the OP lmao

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I got her debut album :sis: she was hyped back then in this cult site.


But yeah, it is not secrets that joining major label is not easy. And they don't give you much freedom, unless you bring big cash flow to prove them wrong.

It is not that different with indie labels, but at least they let you do whatever you wanna do. Except the funding will be much leas than major label, but that is a given.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ with birds I share this lonely view (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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What's super interesting about Kiesza is Hideaway song + video were all BEFORE she got signed by a major label i.e. she funded the majority of it and made it with no backing. It was when Annie Mac (a British Radio DJ here) heard the song and started playing it on the radio that the music companies began calling.

Basically, the artist was right and was best left to her own devices, how many times have we heard of situations like that?!

The good thing about Kiesza is she's still quite young i.e. she can still break through again. Sadly the music industry is ageist and as a result of this, so are the audience i.e. not as accepting to "older" singer. Kiesza is 29 I think, which is just fine. Plus Hideaway wasn't THAT long ago (2014) so a lot of people will still be like "oh it's her!" (similar situation happened with Robyn years ago when she returned with With Every Heartbeat)

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I literally been seeing adds of her new single all over the internet and I thought she was another artist I wouldn't like :duck:but her story about music industry and how things are turning for her, really got me. Time to give her music a chance :vegas:

What if tomorrow I see you again? Should I say that I used to love you?
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Guillaume Hamon

If you can get big on internet to then impose your conditions to music labels, DO SO.

If they find you they'll get you a contract that will f*ck you over and let you little to no creative freedom.

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