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[GAME] GGD Danganronpa - Season 1 (END)


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A-YO Y'all, me here again :icega:

I am going to start a GGD Danganronpa :stalkga: Read for the rules below:



1.  @Avril Lavigne (Talent - Gambler) [Graduated]

2. @The Bling (Talent - Gif Maker) [Punished by Monokuma]

3.  @Avenues (Talent - Disintegration Of Matter ) [Murdered]

4. @Raga (Talent - Stalker :stalkga:)

5. @Noah (Talent - Comedian)

6. @TheWitness (Talent - Witness) [Murdered]

7. @TheShameMonster (Talent - Gaga Stan) 

8. @seXXX dreams (Talent - Graphic Designer) [Murdered]

9. @LADYGAGASHOOCK (Talent - Confectioner) [Graduated]

10. @August Blue (Talent - Creator) [MURDERED] 

11. @Enzo (Talent - Gamer) [Murdered]

12. @Ruthy (Talent - Occultist)

13. @Gardevoir (Talent - Procrastinator) [Murdered]

14. @munty hunty (Talent - Baking) [Executed]

15. @DramaMonster (Talent -  Actor) [GRADUATED]

16. @Trepadation (Talent - Detective) [Murdered] 

17. @mister max (Talent - Game Maker)

18. @Blue Madonna (Talent - Cosplayer) [EXECUTED] 


Danganronpa is a game where 18 people are forced into a killing game. Lurking with the other 18 one of them is the mastermind of the game and has to be killed in order for it to end. Every 2 days (Game days. 2 days will be equivalent to a day)  someone will PM me to kill one of the members (Or I'll force them to :lolga:) and you'll decide who it is. If you're right, they'll be punished. If you're wrong, you'll all die and the killer gets away


Be as active as you can (If you don't participate you'll either die or be replaced :derpga: ) 

To participate, just comment below and I'll PM you if you're the mastermind (Keep this a secret to EVERYONE)

Reply to the murder PM even if you don't want to kill :sweat: just reply with "Don't want to kill" 

Have fun (Don't spam me if you die :selena: I'll just block you :lolga: )



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The Bling
Just now, MonsterGaga5555 said:

That was fast :ladyhaha:

Well it's only 16 people so I rushed :air: I didn't even read anything I just came in and commented :ladyhaha:

Sigmund Freud, analyze this
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Just now, The Bling said:

Well it's only 16 people so I rushed :air: I didn't even read anything I just came in and commented :ladyhaha:

That's our @The Bling :icega:

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7 minutes ago, Raga said:


count meee in :staymad:


13 minutes ago, Avenues said:

I'll join! 

:kara: Of course!

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sorry for the tardiness, just wanted to slip into something more comfortable


but bitches i'm here :queenga:

angels forever, forever angels
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The Bling
2 minutes ago, TheShameMonster said:

sorry for the tardiness, just wanted to slip into something more comfortable


but bitches i'm here :queenga:

Your talent :selena:

Slé anyway :applause::applause::worship2:

Sigmund Freud, analyze this
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12 minutes ago, TheShameMonster said:

sorry for the tardiness, just wanted to slip into something more comfortable


but bitches i'm here :queenga:

:stalkga: Welcome

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