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New Tumblr - "82612 Revolution" Discussion Thread


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Why is this such a hateful place? Even if they didn't have anything, you don't need to be hateful. You never know if they even had it, maybe they did. This is why I sometimes hate ****ing GagaDaily, and not only GagaDaily, the whole fanbase. our --- "leader" is talking about being respectful to everyone and being nice and kind and loving, and you don't even listen to her, you just say: "Awww, she's so nice. I love her" and move on back to your ****ing hateful ways. And then you complain when someone treats us with hate. This is so wrong. Little Monsters dissapoint me.


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Please stop wasting my time with threads like this.

It's a waste of your own time to read the thread and then respond to it. OP has every right to post whatever they want.

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