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Taylor Is Going To Pander To The Gays


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....and I'm LIVING for it!


Warning: this is a thread for Taylor fans. Honestly, if you hate her, this isn't the thread for you and you can take your hate comments to the general threads for LWYMMD.

Her entire career she has always had a steady fanbase made up of young girls and wholesome families. However, she has also always had a dedicated following of some gay fans, yet she has never really done anything that is explicitly for "us". Of course I have never cared that Taylor wasn't as gay-friendly as artists such as Gaga, Lana, Britney, etc, but I was so excited when I saw the preview for the Look What You Made Me Do video.

At the end there, you can see that Taylor has a line-up of very androgynous dancers. And besides that, Taylor's look in the video is SO different from previous videos. She is dressed and done up to look very sexy and dramatic (something gay pop fans love)!

Besides the video, the song is VERY gay-friendly. I can already imagine bopping to this song, especially to the chorus, out at the bars (if I ever made it out to them lmao).

Anyways, I'm pretty excited for this and thought I would share!!! Can't wait to bop and slither at the Reputation World Tour with my LGBT brothers and sisters!



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1 minute ago, gagagoogoose said:



Not very born this way of you 😫
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Yeah she become a real Pop artist, LGBT friendly, show her Dark Side, she come back with a choreography :firega:

She want it and I'm here for it :classy:

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I'm so here for her this era :giveup:I liked her before but now I'm obsessed with her, and that video looks like it will snatch countless wigs:giveup:

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The anthem for girls in the middle school fighting. 

I can't believe that you all are still falling for her playing a victim. Kim even posted a video.

I actually believe that  Kanye, even though I don't agree with everything he does, is a better man and has no evil in his heart. 


Shameless selfpromo
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Guest bostonGUY
15 minutes ago, LDR said:



I will give her this, as some who DOESN'T like her


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