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Lion Heart

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So watching the season 1 commentary, they mentioned that Ros becomes almost a main character in the second season. Logic would say that she replaces a certain character who aids Tyrion, or do you guys think she will just be in more random scenes like Littlefinger and Pycells last season?

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Lion Heart

Lol- those were good Roma! :dies:

So watching the season 1 commentary, they mentioned that Ros becomes almost a main character in the second season. Logic would say that she replaces a certain character who aids Tyrion, or do you guys think she will just be in more random scenes like Littlefinger and Pycells last season?

I'm thinking she'll just be in more scenes with Little Finger and Pycelle. Also in one of the trailers, I swear I saw Shae attacking/ mocking Ros but I forgot which one it was. I guess we'll see the Council's motivations/ secrets through Ros' eyes like how we discovered that Pycelle fakes his back pain in Ep. 10.

Joffrey and other people...


Maisie Williams (Arya) joins Crickley Hall:


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Game of Thrones on Facebook just posted this.

I have no idea who it is, but the comments sayYgritte, so I guess it's Ygritte.

57% done with book 1.. Hopefully finishing it this weekend and then on to book 2 as soon as I finish it. :party:

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I have no idea who it is, but the comments sayYgritte, so I guess it's Ygritte.


Better not be Ygritte. She's supposed to have crazy wild, red hair. So unless Westoros imports hair dye and straighteners... :roll:

But I just researched it and it is.


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I expected her more ragged, but it's pretty much along th lines of what I thought (kind of an uglier Sansa)

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I expected her more ragged, but it's pretty much along th lines of what I thought (kind of an uglier Sansa)

'Ragged' is a good word. Or 'wild.'


This, tbh. Less Disneyish, obviously. :P I could have sworn she was supposed to be ugly. I could have just imagined that just because I don't like her though. :rofl:

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Lion Heart

Ooh I need to watch that trailer- I've been away all day long. :cry:

Hmm... Ygrette looks too.... pretty? Eh... I don't really care tbh.


There are no spoilers btw

Throwing more grime and grim realism on screen than 99 percent of TV shows rooted in true history, the second season of the fantasy epic Game of Thrones once again plunges us into a universe of dynasties thwarted and vengeance unlimited. As they would not say onGame of Thrones: Yee-haw!

As you'd imagine, the reverberations are still being felt from last season's killing of Lord of Winterfell Ned Stark at the order of the weaselly boy king Joffrey (Jack Gleeson). The kid's overweening arrogance and the paranoid plotting of his mother, the Queen Regent Cersei (Lena Headey), threaten to weaken their hold over King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

To an already large cast GoT now adds more, more, more, without suffering from bloat. Among the prominent new faces: Stephen Dillane as Stannis Baratheon, Cersei's brother-in-law and yet another contender for the Iron Throne. And he in turn teams up with Carice van Houten's Melisandre, a dynamic ''red priestess,'' to aid him in his ruthless ambition.

Of course, jockeying for power is only one aspect of GoT's entertainment factor. The series abounds with juicy questions. How will Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) use her freshly hatched trio of dragons as she pursues her own path to dominance? How many wenches and how many warriors will Peter Dinklage's Tyrion Lannister continue to skewer verbally, while seeming to consume more wine than any man possibly could without keeling over? Will Kit Harington's Jon Snow and his filthy fellow Night's Watchmen ever come in out of the cold for a nice hot bath somewhere?

I've tried a little experiment: I had read the first volume of George R.R. Martin's saga A Song of Ice and Fire (the source material for this series) before I watched the first season of GoT so I would be familiar with the vast array of characters and plots that would develop. But I intentionally did not read the epic's second volume, A Clash of Kings, before watching the start of GoT season 2, because I wanted to see if I'd have trouble following the new intricacies.

And I'm here to report that my lack of homework in no way prevented me from becoming enthralled with this series all over again. That's a testament to what adapters David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have accomplished in whittling down and reshaping Martin's novels for weekly TV. It's difficult enough to hook a viewer like me, who resists sprawling, noncontemporary narratives; it's another level of pop culture wizardry to make such storytelling seem so vivid, so vital, and just plain fun. A-

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Lion Heart

FINALLY finished Dance with Dragons. :excited2:

Awesome! :party: Can't wait to catch up.....

btw Thrones is losing y'all. http://www.hulu.com/...nshow?year=2012

(45% vs 55%) Two clicks to vote. Eh.. It's really not that important but whatever.


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can somebody whos watched the 'You win or you die' vid on youtube tell me if its worth watching? It looks like a recap with interviews am i right? Also is that the thing HBO are airing on the 25th?

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can somebody whos watched the 'You win or you die' vid on youtube tell me if its worth watching? It looks like a recap with interviews am i right? Also is that the thing HBO are airing on the 25th?

Yeah, it's pretty much a recap, saying season 2 will have a lot of fighting, vague season 2 hype, interview clips, talk about how happy they are to be recognized by being nominated, etc.

No real new information on season 2.

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Was there anything said of the House of the Undying chapter? Will that be in this season? And how do you guys think they'll play things out (since Martin wrote 'a boy' or 'a girl,' and actually showing who they are through actors we recognize ruins the mystery)? And will they cast a Rhaegar and Lyanna and Elia? Tbh, they can screw up everyone's casting as long as they keep Rhaegar's description similar. I have fiction crush on him. :flutter:

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Lion Heart

Was there anything said of the House of the Undying chapter? Will that be in this season? And how do you guys think they'll play things out (since Martin wrote 'a boy' or 'a girl,' and actually showing who they are through actors we recognize ruins the mystery)? And will they cast a Rhaegar and Lyanna and Elia? Tbh, they can screw up everyone's casting as long as they keep Rhaegar's description similar. I have fiction crush on him. :flutter:

I doubt :/

BTW, now that you've finished Dance with Dragons, how would you rank the books?

Like SOS> GOT>COK, etc

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