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Gaga: I want this to be about my life and not just visuals @MillionReasons

Noah X

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warhol killer

We just know she could do better.

But alas, we can'tĀ change the video since it already out. Let's just be contented.

warhol killer āœ“ GAGAĀ¹āµ
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My poor baby :giveup:Ā Ā 

I always hope she doesn't ready the nasty things her 'fans' say about her online but it looks like she hasĀ :ohno:

Don't worry Gaga I still support you and all your decisions.

I'll be myself until they fūcking close the coffin.
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7 minutes ago, A Gaga Lad said:

I too haveĀ noticed this narrative is becoming overused in her videography

Thinking about how many more eras are going to suffer from Gaga's emotional break downs are scaring me for real though. I fear and care for her as a person but she also needs to understand that on any profession, you can't let your weakness win and break throughĀ allĀ the time. You gotta learn to suck it up and keep going.

It sounds insensitive, I know. That's why I usually just dont think about it too much but still

Her way of healing is turning her pain into art. I like the victim rising up theme so I really don't mind that she uses it a lot, as long as its creative and she gives it a new spin.Ā 

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You can't blame the fans for complaining. Some of them fell in love with Gaga the character, some with Stefani as a person.Ā 

It's like doing art for a client. If you'll just be all personal with the execution of the output, the client will never relate to your work because the work seemsĀ self-indulgent. There should be a middle ground.Ā 

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What is wrong with some of you here?

"I hope she doesn't come here to read the comments" I think Gaga has more balls than some of you, cause what people say here is clearly NOT disrespectful. People express their opinions on why they don't like the video. In this case, most of the fanbase here agree on that. I hope she sees it. I hope she sees and makes her to think and reflect.

Maybe the MR is deep, to her, and that is fine. But I can't see what's deep. In this video she has lost the idƩa of make the auidence feel a certain emotion. Her previous videos were deep.

And to all of those who says "OMG u can't accept a more stripped down video" for the 100th time: It's not about it being simple. I mean, I would love the video to be her sitting on a field during day and night under the stars playing the guitar and singing with it.

But this video now, no thanks. No one is coming for Gaga, but for her work (which I think we have the right to critize). But if you want to defend her work, good for you

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1 minute ago, Miley said:

What is wrong with some of you here?

"I hope she doesn't come here to read the comments" I think Gaga has more balls than some of you, cause what people say here is clearly NOT disrespectful. People express their opinions on why they don't like the video. In this case, most of the fanbase here agree on that. I hope she sees it. I hope she sees and makes her to think and reflect.

Maybe the MR is deep, to her, and that is fine. But I can't see what's deep. In this video she has lost the idƩa of make the auidence feel a certain emotion. Her previous videos were deep.

And to all of those who says "OMG u can't accept a more stripped down video" for the 100th time: It's not about it being simple. I mean, I would love the video to be her sitting on a field during day and night under the stars playing the guitar and singing with it.

But this video now, no thanks. No one is coming for Gaga, but for her work (which I think we have the right to critize). But if you want to defend her work, good for you

I agree totally. It's not about the simplicity, it's about how everything seemed lazy and didn't well thought out.Ā 


I just can't with some of the fans here calling the "True Fan" card. B*tch please I don't know if you signed up for some Isis or religious thing with gaga and you have to defend her everytime even if she's being delusional and pretentious.Ā 

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8 minutes ago, Katie14 said:

Her way of healing is turning her pain into art. I like the victim rising up theme so I really don't mind that she uses it a lot, as long as its creative and she gives it a new spin.Ā 

I know that's what I like about her. Definitely her pain is being translated well into art musically. Ā  Visually, it's been shaky recently but she still has good ideas. I mean the AMAs were brilliant, I thought that was the direction she would be going for

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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5 minutes ago, A Gaga Lad said:

I know that's what I like about her. Definitely her pain is being translated well into art musically. Ā  Visually, it's been shaky recently but she still has good ideas. I mean the AMAs were brilliant, I thought that was the direction she would be going for

I honestly don't think any of the visuals have been impressive or particularly creative this era but I think her music is the best it has ever been.Ā 

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As a celebrity, she can't be this vulnerable, and I know she knew this before she became famous.

If she can't evenĀ take the "negativity" fromĀ her own fansite, I really think she should retire immediately.


So here come the "negativity "

she's not been releasing Gaga standard videos for way too long, she must not ignore this factually factual fact.

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I'm gonna say what I think, and then leave this thread. I'm so tired of everyone putting her down as if she owed them anything. If you don't like it, explain why and move on. Crying about what she should do or not is not the solution...she should do what makes her feel happy. Everything else is irrelevant.

To me, this music video was very clear about its purpose: to show that she is very sad behind the scenes, even though she tries everything to make everyone else happy.

The Perfect Illusion video could be a reference to how the fans abandoned her during a time of struggle (ARTPOP), where she realized it was all just an illusion, that people didn't really love HER but instead the money she could make (not only her manager/label but also the little chartsters). You can even see she was struggling back in Applause, where she states she lives for the love of her fans, but all those gimmicks feel like a prison (Fame Monster Gaga inside a bird cage) - she feels like she needs those gimmicks for people to love her. And after that, G.U.Y. came and she took back control over her career after being tossed aside by everyone.

Now, for the Million Reasons video, it represents her sadness behind all the flash-bang fireworks. She is showing us how she felt on the day she filmed the Apple commercial (or generally, any of her over-the-top appearances), hence the purposeful "recylcing" of imagery. The guitar parts feel superficial because they are from the superficial part of the story, the part we see everyday on our screen. The behind the scenes look is very vulnerable on the other hand, and shows that it's her family that's keeping her strong. It doesn't mean she doesn't love her fans anymore, it's the exact opposite. She is willing to make an effort to keep up the facade just for her fans, even though that's not how she really feels when she's dancing in 10-inch heels. So she WANTS to keep going and keep doing big visuals, but she wants it because WEĀ want it.Ā 

Now you'd ask me "so, why doesn't she keep giving us big visuals?", and the answer is very simple: the message wouldn't get across if she did. She needs to show us that there is a simple person behind all of the theatrics that works her ass off through pain and sadness just to make it all happen.

In conclusion: the Joanne era isn't supposed to have avant-garde visuals, it's anĀ autobiographical narrative about her most vulnerable and HUMAN side. If we get some, I'm here for it. If not, I'll just appreciate it for what it is and enjoy the beautiful music. All I want is for her to finish this story with a sense of accomplishment at the end, before going back toĀ the ultramodern alien stuff.

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47 minutes ago, Supersonic said:

You literally said I'm seeking out negativity on purpose and just condescendingly told me to log off because it's appearent I'm in meltdown mode. :emma:

Why are you trying to wind me up with passive-aggressive remarks? Have I hit a sore spot or?

I'm kind of tired of responding to you :giveup:

So I'm just going to stop at this point :giveup:

But the fact that you were in a pasta joke thread (I didn't even have to search you out sis. You were there:giveup:) making things about this whole MR video controversy speaks volumes and is really really sad.Ā :giveup:

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The visuals were good though. What kind of video did you all expect for a song like Million Reasons? She ain't gonna go burning a Russian mob boss in a such a personal and stripped song. The tone matches the song and video together.

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10 minutes ago, arctikstorm said:

I'm gonna say what I think, and then leave this thread. I'm so tired of everyone putting her down as if she owed them anything. If you don't like it, explain why and move on. Crying about what she should do or not is not the solution...she should do what makes her feel happy. Everything else is irrelevant.

To me, this music video was very clear about its purpose: to show that she is very sad behind the scenes, even though she tries everything to make everyone else happy.

The Perfect Illusion video could be a reference to how the fans abandoned her during a time of struggle (ARTPOP), where she realized it was all just an illusion, that people didn't really love HER but instead the money she could make (not only her manager/label but also the little chartsters). You can even see she was struggling back in Applause, where she states she lives for the love of her fans, but all those gimmicks feel like a prison (Fame Monster Gaga inside a bird cage) - she feels like she needs those gimmicks for people to love her. And after that, G.U.Y. came and she took back control over her career after being tossed aside by everyone.

Now, for the Million Reasons video, it represents her sadness behind all the flash-bang fireworks. She is showing us how she felt on the day she filmed the Apple commercial (or generally, any of her over-the-top appearances), hence the purposeful "recylcing" of imagery. The guitar parts feel superficial because they are from the superficial part of the story, the part we see everyday on our screen. The behind the scenes look is very vulnerable on the other hand, and shows that it's her family that's keeping her strong. It doesn't mean she doesn't love her fans anymore, it's the exact opposite. She is willing to make an effort to keep up the facade just for her fans, even though that's not how she really feels when she's dancing in 10-inch heels. So she WANTS to keep going and keep doing big visuals, but she wants it because WEĀ want it.Ā 

Now you'd ask me "so, why doesn't she keep giving us big visuals?", and the answer is very simple: the message wouldn't get across if she did. She needs to show us that there is a simple person behind all of the theatrics that works her ass off through pain and sadness just to make it all happen.

In conclusion: the Joanne era isn't supposed to have avant-garde visuals, it's anĀ autobiographical narrative about her most vulnerable and HUMAN side. If we get some, I'm here for it. If not, I'll just appreciate it for what it is and enjoy the beautiful music. All I want is for her to finish this story with a sense of accomplishment at the end, before going back toĀ the ultramodern alien stuff.

This was incredible to read, and exactly what I have been thinking.Ā 

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666 others
1 hour ago, Edonis said:

It actually is. No one but 1 person is name calling (the one person who is happens to be a fan of the video)Ā or calling Gaga names. It's just criticisms of the video and why people feel that way. Should GGD not be allowed to talk about why people don't like the video? Should members not be honest any more, and just say I didn't like it and move on? Would that make everything better?Ā 

tbh, I think yes. It's a music video, not the end of the world.

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666 others
1 hour ago, A Gaga Lad said:

I too haveĀ noticed this narrative is becoming overused in her videography

Thinking about how many more eras are going to suffer from Gaga's emotional break downs are scaring me for real though. I fear and care for her as a person but she also needs to understand that on any profession, you can't let your weakness win and break throughĀ allĀ the time. You gotta learn to suck it up and keep going.

It sounds insensitive, I know. That's why I usually just dont think about it too much but still

That's really insensitive. It does not only sound insensitive, but it is actually very insensitive. One should not care more for the eras than the person who who creates them. Eras do not suffer from mental illness, Gaga - the human being behind the eras - does.

Let's assume the worst case scenario, that Gaga is already past her creative prime. What does that mean? That her songs and videos will become less and less appealing to fans and GP (that is considering if she keeps on releasing new albums), her sales will gradually dwindle, and one day she will cease to be relevant in music and pop culture (some people argue that she already is). Gagadaily will cease to become a thing, the name "Little Monsters" will be forgotten. Gaga will perhaps become something like this : https://vimeo.com/79636689. For all we know, this worst-case scenario might have already started; we may not get a single excitingĀ  era from her anymore.

That can't be helped. If she loses her creative streak (due to whatever reason - age, metal illness, anything else), no amount of fan meltdown is going to bring that back. But life will go on just as it didĀ  before. And her old work will always be there. I hope she gets the necessary treatment and support for all her issues, and leads a healthy, happy, full life - even if not as a pop diva.

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