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I give the album a 7 overall. There's a few really strong catchy ones, but overall the theme/genre gets kinda jumbled. Definitely one of her most passionate albums, but not her best. Better than ARTPOP, but not any of the others in my opinion. I'd say John Wayne is the best song on the album; It's unique and retains a catchy pop vibe. 

My album order is TFM > BTW > TF > Joanne > ARTPOP

I know people will disagree but this happens every time. The month the album gets released people let hype of the new music drastically alter their judgement, and then when it slowly fades out they change their mind.

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Diamond Heart - 7/10 - it took a couple listens for it to grow on me but now I really appreciate it for what it is. The lyrics are hard hitting and personal, and it really sets the tone of the album well. the part where she goes OFF during the bridge is my favorite and it saves the song for me. 

A-Yo - 9/10 - One of my favorites on the album. She really pullled off rock, country, and soul SO PERFECTLY on this song while still being simple and catchy like wtf. I kind of wanted more from the verses but the rest is flawless. It's her very own "Gimme Shelter"!

Joanne -10/10 - SUCH a sublime and perfect ballad. I was in actual shock when I first heard it because it's so simple and pure and perfect... the first time Gaga SHOCKED me with how good a song was in a while.  I expected it to be more depressing than it was but it actually turned out to be full of light and wonder, yet sadness at the same time. Some of the lyrics do seem to trail off a bit, but I really couldn't complain with a melody that's so perfect. 


John Wayne - 6/10 - don't tear me apart little monsters, but I really don't get the obsession with this one lol. It's definitely grown on me since I first heard it but it's no where near my favorite. The breakdown is really cool but the way she says "baby let's get higgggh john Wayne" just sounds lazy idk. The production is what makes it truly stand out for me but other than that, i wasn't feeling it THAT much. MJH >>>> 


Dancing in Circles - 8/10 - literally the SEXIEST song she has ever made (other than Sexx Dreams). Gaga has spoken a lot about sex in her songs but this is the first time where the music was actually OOZING with sex appeal. Her voice is so sultry and hot during the chorus omggg it instantly makes me wanna drop my vagina to the floor and BOP. The production is pure fire too. I lowkey expected more melody from the chorus but overall I'm more than satisfied with this GOSPEL HYMN.


Perfect Illusion - 6.5/10  - it does kind of pale in comparison to the other songs on the album, but it's still a solid song overall. The bridge here is my favorite part with the lyrics and those synths/guitars in the production... so heavenly. an actually catchy chorus would've SAVED this song altogether, but once you get used to the chorus it does it's job well I guess. It would've been better off if she left it as an album track tbh. There's no way this should've been her big comeback single after 3 years! 


Million Reasons - 8/10 - amazing ballad with some of the most raw and perfectly written lyrics on the entire album. The chorus does its job extremely well here too. The subtle country guitars woven throughout the verses is such a nice touch. I really feel like such a great hit potential omg, that chorus belongs on pop radio! Speechless and You and I still remain her best ballads but this is still one of her best ones yet, hands down. 


Sinners Prayer - 9/10 - such a chill and laid back song. She pulls off the folk/country vibe effortlessly here without feeling forced at all. Another very simple, yet effective and catchy chorus. The lyrics are so clever too: "Her love for him ain't cheap, but it breaks just like a knockoff peice from Fulton Street" is perfection. Some of the lyrics on this album wouldn't at all sound out of place on albums from rock legends like Bruce Springsteen or the Stones. 


Come to Mama - 8/10 - it felt kind of cheesy and forced when I first heard it, but it's grown on me sooo much. The lyrical meaning is so beautiful, with Gaga taking on a maternal figure and speaking to the world telling us to get our **** together before we destroy each other 😭 Hearing her talk about science vs religion and Mother Nature etc on such a soulful pop song.. bitch YES!

Hey Girl - 10/10 - probably my favorite song on the album. I can't even begin to understand why most of y'all aren't feeling it! the production, the "Bennie and the Jets" influence, the MELODIES in this song are ethereal. Mark went OFF with the soulful, yet dreamlike production on this track. The bridge on this song is perhaps my favorite part of the whole album: "Help me hold my hair back, take me home cuz I can't find a cab. Then we dance down the Bowery, held hands like we were 17 again" I MEAN COME ON YALL. THAT IS POP MUSIC SONGWRITING AT ITS FINEST! Even The FameGa couldn't have come up with something so catchy and soulful and nostalgic yet SO SIMPLE at the same time. it's the one part of the album where I really can't think of a way she could've done it any better 😭

Angel Down - 8/10 - perfect ending to the album. Probably the most haunting ballad she's ever written. Its chorus ranks up there with the best ones on the whole album. Especially with all the terrible things going on in the world right now, it's especially powerful. Again Mark gave us a masterpiece of production with this one, with the harps looping in and out with her vocals at the end... it's sonically one of beautiful moments in any of her songs imo. For whatever reason I haven't listened to it as much as I did with the others but it's still amazing!


Overall: 8/10 

Gaga really just served us her most honest, emotional, well-written, and cohesive album with Joanne didn't she! It's definitely up there with BTW and TFM imo. I think some of the choruses could've been bigger, and some of the lyrics could've been more intricate in some places. Also since it's so short, the few flaws that it does have tend to stick out more because there's less material to observe overall. But at the end of the day it's really an amazing album start to finish tbh. Gaga did that!!!!







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Diamond Heart - A really great opening to the album. It's not my favorite but I enjoy listening to it. I also think it's single material and the lyrics IMO could make it big. Almost every girl today thinks she's a bad bitch so this song is for them: 8/10

A-YO - My least favorite track on the entire album. It's actually the only song I didn't repeat so far, reminds me of MANiCURE and I didn't like it either. It's a fun song though: 6/10

Joanne - A really, really beautiful song and one of my favorites. I was never a fan of Gaga's ballads or slow songs but I love this song. The lyrics, the sadness in her singing voice, the vulnerability, it's beautiful: 10/10

John Wayne - The intro is iconic, very 'Gaga that we love'. Great beat, very fun and it sort of reminded me that with each album Gaga is a new person. With John Wayne I was instantly reminded how deep she goes to get in character to perfect something and she definitely did that with this cowgirl persona (on this song): 10/10

Dancin' in Circles - The instant favorite, I was living for every second and didn't want it to end. It's so good and should definitely be a single, it could go really big. But for some reason I don't see Gaga releasing it: 9/10

Perfect Illusion - I really don't understand what this song is doing on this album: 7/10

Million Reasons - I like the song, but I liked it more before I heard the rest of the album. Someone said it before me but compared the masterpieces on this album and the incredible lyrics, this sounds like a song any other pop star can sing. Gaga's voice just makes it a million times better and more authentic. Compared the Joanne and Angel Down though, I consider this an 'alright' ballad: 8/10

Sinner's Prayer: One of my favorites. I especially love the guitar in the beginning and the end, in between the chorus and verse. The song could have gone two ways, either really loud and overproduced or subtle yet so damn good and that's what Gaga delivered. It's perfect the way it is, too perfect: 9/10

Come to Mama - This song would do well if it was released around Christmas, and I see many of us have caught up to that by now. It's a really happy, joyful song and it could have fit on C2C. I don't hate it like many others do, I tried to enjoy each song for what it was rather than judging the album as one big messy piece. The production of the song, and her voice are outstanding. I think it's a solid song, just not something you'd release: 10/10

Hey Girl - I guess this being a duet I expected something uptempo and out there, but they took a different approach. I enjoyed the song, the lyrics more than the melody, but the last few lines especially touched me and for that I give it a: 8/10

Angel Down - I love almost every single song on the album, but this one takes the prize. For me, that's definitely saying something because I have never loved a Gaga ballad this much, and to my surprise more than the upbeat pop-sounding ones. It is one of her most incredible songs to date, very very powerful lyrics and production. That ending is absolutely heartbreaking, and I am living for the message. A solid: 10/10

Overall I give the album a 9/10. I'll just pretend A-YO and Perfect Illusion don't exist because every other song is a masterpiece. Well done Gaga, you went in a new direction but you did not disappoint. I hope she gets that #1 and well deserved Grammy.


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18 hours ago, MonsterMarty said:

The best thing about Joanne is the lack of fillers. The peaks are pretty standard for a Gaga album, but there's much shallower dips between the standouts. Best tracks from the first few listens:

Angel Down (everything of today in a ballad of perfect songwriting and production)

Come To Mama (lyrics a little corny, but in a good way. Sax instrumental is outstanding)

Dancin' In Circles (most exquisite track, it's fantastically Gaga)

Diamond Heart (a little basic [don't @ me] but its verses make up for it and then some. Think TIHTY but with specifics and resilience that's as heartbreaking as it is empowering)

Oh and let's be real, this genre will age FAR better than any Gaga record before it, even Born This Way.

You're last line was the most true thing I've read about this album since we've been able hear it yesterday. 

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Robo Ga
6 hours ago, EllieSioux said:

you write so wonderfully about music and i can tell it comes naturally too!! you must be a gifted writer :unicorn:

thank you so much :hug:

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Joanne is another Gaga exceptional album, she will always deliver, shes a genius musician.


I´m so proud. :diane: 

Thank you Joanne. :heart:


BEST SONG: Angel Down.

Best Songs: Diamond Heart, Joanne, Dancin´ in Circles, John Wayne, Million Reasons, 


All monsters are human, you are a monster.
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I'd like to take a moment to appreciate Mark Ronson for being a wonderful producer. This is the production I've wanted on a Gaga album for years. It's so clean and cohesive. :golfclap:  He brought out a side of Gaga and really gave us some incredible productions. It's weird to think that just three years ago we were listening to ARTPOP and now we have this..this album is a testament to Gaga and her ability to write great music and not need heavy productions.

This is hands down my favorite Gaga album next to TFM. I'd give Joanne a pretty 9.5/10 ratings. I usually can come up with a list of things I don't like about her albums immediately after release, but so far I have nothing but small things I dislike about certain songs.

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Diamond Heart - As many of you have said it's a really solid start of the album. Dramatic vocals in verses are everything. And the bridge itself has amazing energy in her voice. It reminds me of some rock bands. 8/10

A-Yo - Here we go! :ladyhaha: Song that is the funniest of the album. Very cheerful vibe. Maybe it's not my favorite of the album, but it's the one that is hard to skip. 7/10

Joanne - This one really bring back Ray Of Light to my mind. It's bitter-sweet. Her voice is very delicate, but you can feel her pain throughout the song. Also I like the moment when the music stops for few seconds before the final choruses. When I'm listening to it I think about my dead grandma so it's not that easy to not shed a tear, or two.  9/10

John Wayne - Absolutely brilliant intro with her screaming "faster!" and then start of the first verse! One of my faves on the album. 9/10

Dancing In Circles - Catchy melody, with these wild rythms. It's good and something I would dance to wildly. giphy.gif

I like her seductive voice all over the song and the nice transition between the bridge to ending chorus. I also made a joke to my best friend that it should be played in my local kebab bar instead of these trashy arabic tunes they play. 8/10

Perfect Illusion - To disagree with major part of you I'd say it's a strong, energetic sound and It's okay choice as a single. Intro and that synths are amazing, also the key-change is something memorable. It's a bit overplayed by me. :sis: 8/10

Million Reasons - Seriously Joanne has like the most breath-taking ballads she's ever done. I wasn't a fan of her slower songs before, but this time it's completely different. Relatable and pretty lyrics. 8/10

Sinner's Prayer - Darkish song with aura of western and turbid vocals. I like the piano arrangement in the second verse. 8/10 

Come To Mama - In my opinion, it's her version of Mariah's All I Want For Christmas. Jazzy song with deliberate lyrics, not cheesy at all, I don't know what some of you are talking about. It's a song about peace with deeper den. I know what I will listen to when I'm decorating my christmas tree. Solid 7/10

Hey Girl - I waited for this for too long. At first it wasn't something that outstanding for me, but after few listens it became something more. I appreciate this one, not only because of Florence Welch, but also of this great psychedelic synths in the song. I will listen to this song with my future boyfriend at concerts. 8/10

Angel Down - Another one of my total favorites. The intro makes me cry everytime. I don't know, there is something extremely sad about the melody. I feel like I am in a post-apocalyptic world listening to this or like I'm during world war II times. There is frustration about everything bad that is happening and feeling of hopeless. It's really relatable to me. I needed a strong song like this one. 9/10


Overall, album is a contender to be one of her best album's ever. Lyrical-wise it is for sure totally superior one, to date. I waited so long for this side of Gaga to come out. Production is priceless, no autotune, clear melodies. I fancy it a lot! I would love her to keep this sound for a long long time, and hopefully she will since she's said herself that this album will be the new beginning for her. All I feel from listening to this is that I fvcking want to hear it live right now! I think that it was also the intention over the record. 


Album: 8/10

I also can't wait for deluxe edition to see the daylight. 


Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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21 hours ago, LibraLove said:

Can someone please send me a link or something??? I'm seriously freaking out because I can't find it and my friend is taking forever to send them!!

Let me know if u find one

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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14 minutes ago, Hexxx said:

Let me know if u find one

I did. Thank you. Unless the deluxe is floating out there somewhere, then I need that right now. lol

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1 hour ago, LibraLove said:

I did. Thank you. Unless the deluxe is floating out there somewhere, then I need that right now. lol

Link pretty plz? :giveup:

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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It´s Gaga´s BEST "ALBUM-orianted" Work.

Not a "potential singles´" album

No skips this time!

All songs are between 8/10-10/10








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N a t h a n

Honestly, I'd say this is her best vocal work. But it's not fair to compare her albums because the first 4 were dramatically and phonetically different than JOANNE.

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Thomas P

Diamond Heart 10/10

A-Yo 7/10

Joanne 8/10

John Wayne 10/10

Dancin In Circles 9/10

Perfect Illusion 8/10

Million Reasons 8/10

Sinner's Prayer 10/10

Come To Mama 7/10

Hey Girl 8/10

Angel Down 10/10

Overall Average: 9/10

What I really think it should be: 15/10


I’m a simple guy to please, if you like Melodrama, we chill.
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