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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

I DM Gaga on intagram, meltdown!


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Just now, IntoYou1 said:

Thank you , your comment is so stupid bye Felicia 

:saladga: at least correct your grammar if you're going to message her with senseless things like this. 

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Lmao you're so funny hahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahaha oh my god so entertaining wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! We all should laugh so hard!



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3 minutes ago, Gypsy Life said:

This isn't a meltdown, you're just whiny.

Gosh ..man or women 

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Just now, IntoYou1 said:

Gosh ..man or women 

Let me guess


you're brazilian.

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Just now, ARTPOPthatbooty said:

Lmao you're so funny hahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahaha oh my god so entertaining wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! We all should laugh so hard!



I was not trying to be funny ,, ok .. I was jut bored .. So you can go wash you duty comment and then open your asshole and slowly put it in there and make sure it doesn't came out .. Bye I'm done with gaga daily .. ****ing rude for no reason 

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2 minutes ago, Skai Jackson said:

:saladga: at least correct your grammar if you're going to message her with senseless things like this. 

oh wow the English teacher just came ... I don't f..  care about grammar .. So shut up rude as b...h 

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Just now, IntoYou1 said:

I was not trying to be funny ,, ok .. I was jut bored .. So you can go wash you duty comment and then open your asshole and slowly put it in there and make sure it doesn't came out .. Bye I'm done with gaga daily .. ****ing rude for no reason 

Don't forget to grab a mint and a dictionary on your way out.

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4 minutes ago, ARTPOPthatbooty said:

Let me guess


you're brazilian.

Let me guess your a asshole 

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1 minute ago, ARTPOPthatbooty said:

Don't forget to grab a mint and a dictionary on your way out.

Sure honey I will , will you like some too.. Coña culera ,, hilipolla

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2 minutes ago, IntoYou1 said:

oh wow the English teacher just came ... I don't f..  care about grammar .. So shut up rude as b...h 

i dont get it, you're saying the other one is rude but you are being rude too lol

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Just now, IntoYou1 said:

I was not trying to be funny ,, ok .. I was jut bored .. So you can go wash you duty comment and then open your asshole and slowly put it in there and make sure it doesn't came out .. Bye I'm done with gaga daily .. ****ing rude for no reason 

You're done with GagaDaily because according to you we're rude but this comment has been the rudest one I've seen in this thread so far. 

Sorry that we don't think what you did was amusing or even thread worthy considering the fact on a day to day basis she and her team does get harassing comments like this (where people are 100% serious) and think it's okay  🙄


✿ cherry blossom girl ✿
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6 minutes ago, Skai Jackson said:

:saladga: at least correct your grammar if you're going to message her with senseless things like this. 

Grammar , f grammar this is not school ..is Internet 

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