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What if all popstars under Sony and Luke..

Mr Ricky

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Mr Ricky

just boycott and stop producing music? Idk how it works, but would it affect them? Is it possible? Would they free Kesha for it? I know it's not the happiest way to please your fans, but if you want to stand for your fellow artist or feminine rights, they could do this or no? 

I don't know, this is just forcing enslavement, the judge is a f*cktard aswell. I hope Luke gets miserable and becomes trash on the streets.

I'm just hoping for any solution. 



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Azor Ahai

As much as I would love if all Popstars would go on a strike and demand to free Kesha ,that unfortunatelly will never happen.

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Princess Die

It would create an even worse situation. Anyone who openly speaks up against that rapist pig would probably have repercussions as well.

Nod if you wanna make love with the enemy. ❤
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Will end up in a lot of lawsuits, they are required to make a certain amount of albums in a certain amount of time and if they dont deliver they are able to be brought to court for damages.

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Michael Jackson and many men in the industry are effected by this and even raped as many have spoken out so this is not a feminist thing.. Nobody will defend Kesha because they will also be in trouble and have a lawsuit against them if they stop making music.

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2 minutes ago, faysalaaa1 said:

Michael Jackson and many men in the industry are effected by this and even raped as many have spoken out so this is not a feminist thing.. Nobody will defend Kesha because they will also be in trouble and have a lawsuit against them if they stop making music.


15 minutes ago, LG said:

Will end up in a lot of lawsuits, they are required to make a certain amount of albums in a certain amount of time and if they dont deliver they are able to be brought to court for damages.

So Taylor Swift of him... she should sue him for plagiarism

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Would be lovely, not gonna happen.

Just like how I've been imagining Gaga dedicating her Oscar performance to this :rip: would be amazing and worth ruining your career for.

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