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What are some major flaws of your favorite Divas?


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Gaga has monsters: generally judgamental, superficial and hypocrites gays that take the Born This Way thing for themselves but when it comes to others they just don't care and they will stab you in the back if you're not that pretty and hot. 

Madonna has her fans too, generally 40-50 years old, always talking about Gaga and how she "copied" their idol. Usually they have plastic surgery in their nose and lips as I've witnessed at the RH Tour and they date younger boys to feel that youth again.

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Lady Gaga

- Ended up with a completely confused artistic output post-2009. Moments of brilliance are never-ending, but there's no overarching structure anymore à la The Fame/The Fame Monster that made her so elevated compared to her peers. Now she has systematically broken from her earlier career phase, which is sad for me because I loved her artistic persona, but at least we're finally moving on to something really fresh and new, so that's good.
- Many of her fans are absolutely deluded by not only her own pandering but also the dynamics of the pop culture she's/they're supposed to transcend. Actual discussion of her influences, artistic messages and development and objective position in the history of pop music and the current industry seem boring and bordering on "hater" activities.


- Completely lost her fire post-Celebration. MDNA and Rebel Heart are throw-aways that are so far beneath her capabilities. Even her performances are unimpressive now: simple retracings of everything she's already done (better). The only way out I'm seeing is genuine musical experimentation in the spirit of 1989-2008. A direction I'd love to see her in is folk rock.

Other favs don't belong in the context of this forum so I won't discuss them.

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Gaga: Sometimes she's a little bit too pretentious, and she lies and contradicts herself constantly. 

Lana: I don't like her stage presence, and her persona looks a little bit fake to me. 

Marina: SHE NEVER TOURS IN SPAIN AND I WISH SHE WAS MORE POPULAR. But that's pretty much it, she's perfect. 

feeling so hot tamale
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Lady Gaga
Takes herself way too seriously at times.
Comes across false a lot of the time since 2010.
Her fanbase grows more pretentious by the day.

Lana Del Rey
Loses confidence too easily
Vocals can be shaky unless she's comfortable

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9 hours ago, HolyMolly said:

if by being homophobic, racist (she said some nasty things about asians) , insulting everyone , means having great opinions, then I'm sorry for you



lmao ok

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