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NSFW: Miley Cyrus poses completely naked for Terry Richardson


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She just doesn't ****ing care (as she shouldn't, anyway, after all she's done). And I think that's pretty cool.

It's like she's saying: yeah, whatever, people are still shocked with nudity, and I'm still not caring. Let's do this photoshoot just for the fun of seeing people's reactions.

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Alien Tulip
23 minutes ago, Harry said:


I wonder if it were Nick Jonas or some other hot gay-bait guy posing totally nude, would the responses be the same?

People would be drooling and not so judgmental but since Miley is a woman in pop, some people tend to criticize her. I'm not a fan of her music but I like how free she is. She has a nice body so why not show it off? She's no responsible for anybody's children. More power to her. 

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44 minutes ago, Sinsemilla said:

I thought gaga fans were supposed to be some of the most open minded people when it comes to s-x and nudity but all I see is judgement judgement judgement :coffee:

I like it, she's turning the idea of the "coquetteish doe eyed s-xy female nude" on its head and doing something powerful where she is in control of the narrative, taking s-x objects and outfits and making them non-s-xy, taking nudity and making it just another fashion look to try. Boundary pushing. She is destroying the notion that nudity needs to "mean something" or that we need to have a "valid reason" to show our bodies, which ties in with s-x shaming and the virginity concept, by being naked casually, hairy, free from makeup of polish, just for the sake of being naked. She isn't trying to seduce or become art or beauty or use her nakedness to say something, which in my opinion is a statement in and of itself. 

Love this. Like the creator of sailor moon said, being naked doesn't have to mean anything bad. Sometimes you can just be naked. The hypocrisy on here is mind blowing

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omg why does nudity have to have some purpose? its a ****ing body if she loves her *** let her show it jesus christ

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Brooke Candy
9 minutes ago, Harry said:

From a Brooke Candy stan?

That's... interesting.

Yes? So..?

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Ray of Light
54 minutes ago, Sinsemilla said:

THE HYPOCRISY IN THIS THREAD OMFG. GAGA POSES NUDE ALL THE TIME. SHE HAD TEAL PUBES FOR GOD'S SAKE. And none of your "well gagz has a reeeeaaassssoonn" bulls--t. I'm so done with GGD

But when Gaga does it "it means something" and isn't "selling and promoting her brand" :toofunny:

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Brooke Candy
5 minutes ago, Harry said:

She's not exactly shy either...

I stan for her music b*tch, sit down. + I would also find it Disgusting IF Brooke did a photoshoot like that.



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That's just trashy.  If it was done in an art form it wouldn't be that gross.  Lose the dildo, cover your puss and quit music.  Come at me ladies.

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I kinda liked this shoot in a weird way :) We've seen her naked so many times that the nudity doesn't shock and I think that's the point, it's not about the nudity anymore, it's about the overall picture. Showing skin shouldn't automatically be associated with attention-seeking and everything, that mental hurdle needs to be gotten over I think :laughga: 

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When Gaga does it, I can just tell she isn't doing it to be shocking. She let's off those vibes. But Miley, it's like she's still screaming at the world "Bitch I'm grown" and it's just f*cking tiring. After two years, I think we get it. :toofunny:

+ this the alpha 본전 +
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