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Mayhem: Honest thoughts so far


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So almost a week after Mayhem, how do you feel about it?

What are you fave songs so far? Do you think it's her best album since 2011?

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I really love the album. It’s one of my favorites from her in a while. 

that being said, I do feel like this album is a bait and switch. Like I knew she said this album was a mix of genres so I’m not bothered that it’s not fully dark pop, but it’s mainly just disco/funk pop with a couple dark pop songs. It’s not really varied like she claimed. I thought there would be more variety by how she described it. Hearing the album now, all imagery and album shoot doesn’t really match the vibe.

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Honest thoughts:

The Beast is a bore

Blade of grass is a depressing snooze

Garden of Eden is ruined by childish lyrics

Overall, album is a great representation of 80-90’s messy sound (giving vibes of B-horror films of that time). It’s a fun hot mess. It’s not “Thriller”, but also it’s not trying to be it. 

It is somewhat dark, and because of that it won’t be as popular as we hoped and will sadly fade by summer. But hopefully I’m wrong! Production and vision wise, it’s a solid album!


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Best album to date. AOTY. Mayhem defender for life. I am not joking. 

Tracks I didn't get into: Vanish Into You, Killah, Blade of Grass.

Kill for Love has quickly become a fave as well. 

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every song has grown on me (except BOG im sorry) and every one keeps getting stuck in my head. truly an amazing album idk! she did it

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David Ward
1 minute ago, AcidWashBoys said:

every song has grown on me (except BOG im sorry)

This was me at first but that bridge makes me love it

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I love it but I can't shake the feeling that Blade of Grass would've been a better lead than Disease.

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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Its slowly growing on me, and even though I think its a good album, I truly only like 3-4 songs!

But Abra is in my top 3 all time favorite Gaga songs and videos, so im so happy about that

Its her best work since ARTPOP

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Harry Potter

Everytime I listen to this album it gets better and better. My favorite album from Gaga since Born This Way

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It’s a beautiful album and deserves the praise it’s getting. You can truly hear her passion back again like in TF/BTW and even ARTPOP. As much as I love Joanne and Chromatica they lacked something special, a certain spark. 

As for the album, it’s been quite a surprise to me. Disease and Abracadabra are some of her best songs in over a decade and thought she was going in that direction.  A bit more techno, some type of Government Hooker / Heavy Metal Lover lovechild based on the imagery and those two singles. I do love Mayhem the way it is, great album from start to finish. I understand that maybe the mid-second part after LoveDrug is not as strong as the first punch but it’s still so great how it flows and perfectly ends with The Beast, Blade of Grass AND Die With A Smile. 

My honest opinion is that every Gaga project usually had the first taste (1-2 singles) be the marijuana to the heroine of the album and I am surprised that those 2 ended up being my favorites this time. Perfect Celebrity, Killah and Vanish Into You would make it my Top 5. 

I love it, it was just confusing getting to listen to it for the first time because even if she mentioned the different genres in every interview, I still thought she meant other sound, a bit more experimental. Perfect Celebrity fits more what I thought it’d be like. 


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I had my initial favs of Killah, Garden of Eden and how bad do u want me. 

I initially wasn’t the biggest fan of vanish into you and don’t call tonight but they are creeping up higher now. 

I already loved shadow of a man but it might be in my top 3 now. But even then I can’t pick one to replace it with because I just love every song dearly. 

Though truly disease is my true number 1, just speaking on the new tracks. Gaga put her whole Gaggussy in that one. Let me try to rank them 


1 Disease 

2 Killah 

3 How bad do u want me

4 Garden of Eden

5 Shadow of a man (it will sneak up to the top three down the line I think) 2-5 are really hard for me to rank. 

6 Perfect Celebrity 

7 Abracadabra

8 Vanish into you 

9 Zombieboy 

10 Lovedrug 

11 Don’t call tonight 

12 Die with a Smile 

13 The Beast 

14 Blade of Grass 


Really love can’t stop the high too, it would probably be after Abra. Kill for love is good I like it, but I don’t know where I would place it. 

this album is an extension of all her past work and as a huge fan, I’m just happy she gave us everything we love about her. She’s angry, she’s in love, the songs are dark, they are light.

This might have been the album I have been waiting for. I’m a huge fan of the deep cuts of The Fame and her unreleased music, but Born this way is my fav album of all time so it’s like let me give you the best parts of me. Would have been cool for a total industrial pop record like tracks 1-4, the beast and can’t stop the high. But I love the contrast as you listen to the album. She’s like I’m not one f*cking thing bitch, yall need to accept that and you guys really do. Society, and her fans put her in this box and I’m sure that she has felt so crazy because of it and this is a clear response to that. Get with it guys, she is GAGA. 

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To be honest, I was expecting something a lot more experimental and unique because Gaga has been in the game for almost 2 decades but she has yet to make a unique album that stands out from other pop albums. The closest she got to this was Born This Way. Madonna in comparison put out Ray of Light 2 decades into her career and that was experimental and mature, her magnum opus. While I think Mayhem is a solid pop album, I don’t think it’s her best work and I wished she had dealt with some newer topics.

I give the album 7.5/10.

trolly troll troll
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FFXIV WhiteMage

My favorite Lady Gaga album!

This is exactly the music and sound that I love. Her vocals were insane, the production is topnotch, and this album shows how versatile of singer she is! 

I really love that she stayed true to her nature and did not caved in to other people's expectations (f-em)!

It's 10/10 for me :heart:

Her magnum Opus imo 

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I can't stop listening to it. And when I listen to it, I can't help but sing along or move my body. It's crazy addictive!

It's an expectional mix of all influences in her music and her past albums. I am very impressed that Gaga was able to make career highlights like Perfect Celebrity, Shadow of a Man, and Abracadabra. I feel like none of the songs in Chromatica were as good as those.

That said, I still don't love The Beast and Blade of Grass. They're not bad songs at all but if I had to cut the tracklist, it would be those two.

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