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How Has Gaga's Voice Changed So Much?

Angel Down

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Honestly, it's from both smoking and aging. I started smoking a year ago and my voice has notably deepened and gotten rougher. Hers has too, but it's also partially cause she started out like 7 years ago now.

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Her technique started to change during TFM era, before that her voice was much more agile and fluid. Her voice became thicker during Born This Way and now its almost to fully matured and might not change until her 40s- If she takes good care, that is. 

Also one of the great things about her as a vocalist is that she can add colors to her voice, she could sing soft and fluid like before if she wanted too for eg: The bg vocals in Donatella, the chorus of Aura etc 

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She got more confident and learned how to express herself by using only her voice and she is great at it!

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Saint Laurent

I think she's always had the voice within her, it's just that different songs require different types of singing.

I have no doubt in my mind that Gaga purposefully chooses her singing voice to match the aesthetic and feel of the era.

I also think it's quite possible that she didn't want to lay all of her cards out on the table from the get go, leaving her with room to grow as an artist and scope to wow us time and time again.

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Her technique started to change during TFM era, before that her voice was much more agile and fluid. Her voice became thicker during Born This Way and now its almost to fully matured and might not change until her 40s- If she takes good care, that is. 

Also one of the great things about her as a vocalist is that she can add colors to her voice, she could sing soft and fluid like before if she wanted too for eg: The bg vocals in Donatella, the chorus of Aura etc 

adding colors to her voice, you put it so nicely. :flutter: 

I have no doubt in my mind that Gaga purposefully chooses her singing voice to match the aesthetic and feel of the era.

I also think it's quite possible that she didn't want to lay all of her cards out on the table from the get go, leaving her with room to grow as an artist and scope to wow us time and time again.

i agree with these. she's always had a great voice, but her technique has improved significantly over the years. 

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She's always been able to morph her sound. During TF she said redone liked her "big 80s" voice so that's what she used.  In her red and blue era she was going for more of a singer songwriter vibe.  I think BTW through ARTPOP she uses more of her natural voice and shows her training more.  

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Her voice sounded really damaged and hoarse during part of The Fame era. I think she was just being overworked too much. Lack of sleep, having to sing and talk a lot, maybe doing d--gs, ect. Good thing her voice improved later on.

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Bad Bromance

I actually think it's because in I Wish You Were Here there isn't a lot of auto tune in the song.  Her voice sounds so much more natural.  You also have to remember she was like 19 years old when she recorded that album.  She has been training more and more since then. 

In other words, Gaga is a very talented vocalist.  Did you not hear her sing at the Oscars??!!  I was floored when she started singing!  I had no idea she could sing in an operatic range!  She's simply the Queen of Music!   :party:

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Bad Bromance

I think she's always had the voice within her, it's just that different songs require different types of singing.

I have no doubt in my mind that Gaga purposefully chooses her singing voice to match the aesthetic and feel of the era.

I also think it's quite possible that she didn't want to lay all of her cards out on the table from the get go, leaving her with room to grow as an artist and scope to wow us time and time again.

OMG, this right here, too!!!  This hits the nail on the head y'all.   :yes:

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It's all in her delivery. It seems like in one she's using her airy sounding head voice and in the Poker Face vid she's using more of a lower, rougher tone.

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