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Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift drama, Katy Perry joins

Crescent Bloom

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Bad Blood is a skinny girls fest tho.

Well, almost every single music video is...

ATTENTION: (bad) jokes and sarcasm are still a thing, so don't take everything I say literally. Thank you.
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Omg stop talking Nicki....You even favorited this I mean come on.



She's panicking because she's got called out by the force that is Taylor :rip:

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Lena is in it tho :emma:

So is Kendrick. :awkney:

Besides Kendrick and Lena, the rest and majority of the cast (16 out of 18) are skinny girls.

Pink flamingos always fascinated me.
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Jewels n Drugs

Wheres is Taylors tweet?

oh look when you werent looking my motorcycle turned into a piano
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Really, you don't see the racism and s-xism? Almost everything is a racial stereotype (big bootied black women, jungle setting and sound effects, bananas and the whole premise of the song being about a black women who sleeps with d--g dealers for money) and the s-xism is obvious (reducing women to nothing but objects, that their looks are all that matter and that their sole purpose is to be a source of s-xual pleasure for men). As a woman, I'm wholly offended by the portrayal of women in this and even as a white person, I'm offended for the portrayal of blacks too.

Yes, she did get a lot of likes but it's still not a good ratio. A million dislikes is ok if you have around 5 million likes to counteract it. But 2 million vs. 1 million? Not a good enough gap. Contrary to what the stats show, there are definitely more people who dislike the video than like it, everyone knows that. If everyone on the planet had a YouTube account, those dislikes would be eyewatering.

What you're saying is that she should be ashamed of her body and cover it up lol

It's not like some old white exec guy at the label forced Nicki into this, she's obviously proud of her body and finds it empowering to show it off and be an overtly s-xual being, and that's her choice. Same with the other ladies in the video.

I think the particular reaction to the video (like yours) that she should just PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON is far more s-xist. You must think Gaga is s-xist too with the amount of flesh she shows and s-xual content in her music/performances/videos?

Also lol at your dismissal of the stats and saying people "definitely more people dislike the video"... based on what? You literally made a thread dismissing the success of artists using chart and sales statistics against them, you can't pick and choose when numbers count. Your bias is consistently and truly astounding, your opinion is so unreliable.

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Rat Boy

What did she mean when she said "maybe one of the men took your slot"?

"****ing rat" - @Dynamite
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lmao...this is all great! 

Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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Ladies & Gentlemen: This is what happens when your flood pop culture with too much freaking identity politics! Every nom becomes a statement on race, gender, body image, etc.

This just in, white straight male: "Can we just stop paying so much attention to race/LGBT/gender equality already!?"

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nah i think youre overreacting a bit but it's your opinion and i respect it :yes:  

I find it a bit...upsetting when someone tells me that discrimination against my gender is an over-reaction, particularly when it's said by a man. I realise that you're not trying to be hurtful but when it gets deemed an over-reaction it just feels like nothing will ever change for women.



BURN. Taylor always plays nice when it comes to other celebrities and acts like she's friends with everyone. To see her throwing shade has a "is this real life?" quality to it.

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