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Taylor Swift Says She Was 'Shamed' Into Staying Single

Cody Draco

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Playing the victim is what Taylor does best. It's never her fault, she could never have done things differently. Yet she should be asking herself if this really is the case when she's the one getting dumped every time. She can't deny that almost all her biggest hits and success came from her heartbreak songs. The majority of her music is about that. If she makes it an issue, the public will make it an issue. Pre-1989, all she did was sing about her love life while simultaneously saying that she didn't get why people made such a big deal out of her love life. Not the most self aware, is she? Admittedly, Blank Space was her most self aware song about her love life, but that illusion was destroyed when she later said in an interview that the song was based on the person the media and the public thought she was, not a true reflection of her real self. Just as she seems to be getting somewhere...

She doesn't seem to realise that people aren't so much criticising how many men she's dated as opposed to how short her numerous relationships are. You have to admit, she's had a lot of partners for a 25 year old. I don't know exactly how many relationships she's had but she has definitely dated 6 men during her 9 years of fame. And we don't know how many she dated before getting famous (Taylor Swift wiki claim it was 3). She's apparently dating Calvin Harris now, which would take her total up to at least 10 according to what we know. Dating 10 people by the age of 25 is a lot. I don't buy into this concept of "she's young, people date a lot when they're young." Plenty of young people have long-lasting relationships in their teens and twenties (and plenty of people in their 30's and older date a lot too). A big problem she has is that she always dates celebrities, who have a tendency to be unfaithful or lacking in commitment. Maybe dating a regular guy would be beneficial for her.

She should be questioning why her relationships don't last longer than a few months. I'm not joking, every relationship she's had since she became famous has lasted 3 months or less, her fan wiki confirms the dates. There's celebrities notorious for bed-hopping that can make a relationship last longer than this. Madonna dated a lot of people but she managed to stay married for 8 years to Guy Ritchie. Kim Kardashian gets called a w***e all the time and yet she's managed to stay married for just under a year and is planning more kids (not many people know that she was married to a guy for almost 4 years once either). If these women, who have had their fair share of men in their lives, can keep a man for longer than three months, why can't Taylor? I think that's ultimately what people are criticising. This frequent break up schedule is why the joke "She'll start to outgrow him in 3 months" is so common with her. Because it's true.

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That's really sad :noparty: And it's true to be honest, they paint her out to be some promiscuous frog jumping from lily pad to lily pad, when in reality she's just dating like any other person :shrug: 

It's nice to hear that she doesn't feel like she needs a relationship to be content and that her circle of friends are more than enough for her - good on her for reaching a happy place :yes: 

​yeah :yes: 

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It's no surprise given half the comments here are still basically doing the same thing while also trying to find ways to justify the double standard :shrug: 

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Same here...no other reason whatsoever....nothing to do with me being sad alien looking creature...was shamed into it...


LADY GAGA/madonna/katy perry/little mix/ariana grande/selena gomez/britney spears/taylor swift
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"What else is it when you have two boyfriends in one year and everyone's calling you boy crazy, making jokes about you at awards shows? That's public humiliation. And I don't think its fair."

They weren't trying to shame you into not dating - they were trying to shame you into writing more varied and interesting lyrics! The songs created the image of boyfriend obsessed Taylor, not her behavior. 


Craig shaming the actions and personal choices of a woman again, I'm so SHOCKED everyone!!!


God forbid a female should creatively express her own life experiences through her work. How dare she. Conform to Craig's expectations Taylor, or you're useless!

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Dangerous Man

Taylor doesn't deserve that. She's such a sweetheart. :giveup:


"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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​Taylor Swift writes about her life experiences. To blame her songwriting for the way the media portrays her is completely unfair. She's pointed it out before, how other songwriters (mostly male) can write about their love lives without being portrayed as womanizers by the media (i.e. Bruno Mars). It's like calling Gaga a slut because her last two singles were about s-x. In addition, she writes songs that aren't about boys. Namely, "22" and the lead single from her last album "Shake It Off". The very first song on 1989 has nothing to do with her love life. The media created this boy-obsessed image and has people like you convinced it's her own fault by generalizing her songwriting material. Also, even if they were trying to shame her into writing about other things, it'd still be wrong. She can write about anything she wants. And obviously her current song lyrics are working for her, since her albums have achieved both commercial success and critical acclaim, despite you thinking her lyrics aren't "varied and interesting".

What kind of tea :applause: 


If she wouldn't make a career out of her love life maybe the media wouldn't care as much.

lmao how ignorant

who will love me when the night is over
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It's always a shame when one's decision to stay single or pursue a relationship is being affected by what others would say. Just shows how much the over-exaggerated media portrayal on Taylor Swift has badly affected her. Humiliating someone for the things which shouldn't concern them at all, like someone's love life and the person's own way of expressing what she/he had gone through, is arguably the oldest form of bullying the sensationalist media still continue to this day.

And what's even worse is that the ones who mostly suffer from this media portrayal are female celebrities - from Elizabeth Taylor to Britney Spears to Lindsay Lohan and now Taylor Swift. More often than not, these female celebrities were/are publicly shamed for their love lives while their male counterparts were/are glorified all thanks to the still prevalent machismo culture. Unfair, isn't it? 

Also, I'll never understand why would it be automatically 'wrong' for celebrities or people in general to be involved with numerous romantic relationships. As long as people don't cheat, I see no wrong for people to experience more than one romantic relationship in their lifetime. Love isn't something that can be controlled. It can't be dictated that there's only a certain number of people whom you could experience it with. Just because a romantic relationship has failed multiple times doesn't mean one has to give up on love altogether, regardless of age, gender, s-xual preference, or whatsoever.

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"What else is it when you have two boyfriends in one year and everyone's calling you boy crazy, making jokes about you at awards shows? That's public humiliation. And I don't think its fair."

They weren't trying to shame you into not dating - they were trying to shame you into writing more varied and interesting lyrics! The songs created the image of boyfriend obsessed Taylor, not her behavior. 


This this this.

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I saw this all along and do not blame her, being as how I see her personality through the media's perspective.

She should do as she pleases anyway, it is only her life and very own concern.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Craig shaming the actions and personal choices of a woman again, I'm so SHOCKED everyone!!!


God forbid a female should creatively express her own life experiences through her work. How dare she. Conform to Craig's expectations Taylor, or you're useless!

​Would you STOP going after me in every thread over disagreements related to other topics. Mostly we discuss female pop stars here. Are you going to single me out for some kind of feminist SJW rant every time I criticize any of them?

I remember defending Ellie Goulding (couple months ago) in a thread dedicated to slut shaming her, and you still came after me about other BS. So what kind of a misogynist are you not to worship Ellie?  

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Taylor Swift writes about her life experiences.

I think she bought into the idea that commercial songs are supposed to be about relationships and break-ups, but figured as long as she didn't come across as s-xual or liking s-x nobody would slut shame her.

Failing tests, arguing with your parents, having crappy summer jobs - there are a lot of important teenage experiences that rarely make their way "personal" lyrics because it's not fashionable.

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Taylor should date (or not) if she feels like it, and write about whatever she wants. I applaud her for not giving in to the massive pressure of being overtly s-xualized, but I have to agree with others that a lot of what the media is ridiculing her for has to do with song content. Now, she's no worse than her male counterparts in this  (and is in many ways better, as she doesn't explicitly discuss her s-x life), but it is a topic she discusses a lot (or seems to), so the media (and the public) will assume she is boy crazy. However, that shouldn't be an issue either, because male singers sing a lot about it too, so I get why she's frustrated. 

And really, as a young female pop singer, there are only so many topics that the media thinks she should write about anyway: partying/s-x/drinking, dancing/being happy, or her dating life (break ups and hook ups), so I am further complexed why so many in the media are harassing her about it.

Bottom line though is that it's her career and her life, and the only person who should have the final say is herself. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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​Would you STOP going after me in every thread over disagreements related to other topics. Mostly we discuss female pop stars here. Are you going to single me out for some kind of feminist SJW rant every time I criticize any of them?

I remember defending Ellie Goulding (couple months ago) in a thread dedicated to slut shaming her, and you still came after me about other BS. So what kind of a misogynist are you not to worship Ellie?  

​Your logic is fabulous as always craig, keep going!

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