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RQ: DITD with extended intro (not TMB style, fanmade)

Lobster Boy

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Lobster Boy

Okay I've just heard a remix that I assume was made years ago, it was in a folder of DITD remixes and I downloaded it from gagafrontrow. The particular version I'm talking about is basically the album version but it has really great intro using the segment from the song.


I think the particular segment sounds good because it's slightly sped up or tweaked (sounds more reverby)


Here it is darlins:





I love it! But the intro was quite short and I'd love to hear it a bit longer, also without the sound effects of ripping/d-d-d/girls- heavily emphasized over the top. I apologize for making something simple sound so complicated!



BASICALLY I want that^ but better and longer lol I am hopeless at audio editing! I know there's some great remixers on here



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Please correct me if I make any grammar mistakes, I want to master English as much as possible.
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