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Azealia Banks shades Lady Gaga


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She may be very talented but she's too messy and conceited and she's not even relevant.


Although she said no lies here;




Her little fanbase, they’re crazy. They want everything to be about Lady Gaga. But it’s not about ****ing Lady Gaga. I’m sorry, honey.



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:awkney: did I say you cannot defend them? You defend them in a deplorable way though by dragging Gaga.

Amen.  Where in any rule book did it say if you are a fan of someone you can't like other artists? They are missing the point. The point is,  you can like all artists without feeling the need to drag another artist because you like them better. An example would be I like Gaga, Beyonce, and Adele but I spend all day dragging Adele and Beyonce and defending Gaga. 

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all the 'who' comments yet this thread still reaches 15 pages

The reason these threads get so many pages because it's always the same ten or fifteen people that come and argue back and forth. It wouldn't even get to five pages if the same people wouldn't keep coming back :coffee:

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Well she is kinda right. Gaga and her fanbase makes this impression on a lot of people. Its not cool to like Gaga anymore and her twitter fanbase is total disaster.

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To call yourself hipster means you're not a hipster because calling yourself a hipster is basic. 

She didn't say she was a hipster, she said she's in the hipster world/scene 


There is a difference 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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She may be very talented but she's too messy and conceited and she's not even relevant.


Although she said no lies here;







Her little fanbase  :confused: 



also she's generalizing and shading her own fans who are monsters too.

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lmao I said this the other day.. I knew she would bring up gaga again.. she is clearly not a fan.. that i really care but u banks' fans really need a wake up call boos

I agree with everyone that thinks she's got some good tunes but is a VERY messy artist.. you can tell she's a troubled person.. but it doesn't surprise me because look at how she was brought up!

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Wolf Boy

Monsters do think everything is about Gaga though, "omg did you see her shoes, obvs they saw the Gaga interview in Berlin"......"omg look, a statue, obviously this is a reference to ARTPOP"..............ect, it's weird.

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Willy Wonka

we'll talk in 4 years, Azealia. when the world realizes all of your songs sound the same. I'm not saying they aren't good. I'm saying they all sound almost identical and sooner or later this ship is gonna sink.
If it happened to Gaga why is she delusional enough to think it ain't gonna happen to her?
edit: besides, she totally stole the Koons ball and the effect from the ARTPOP app in her new video (as if she was educated enough to know what a Koons ball was before the ARTPOP era...lmao)
...so she ain't fooling nobody saying she doesn't pay attention to Gags. the whole world pays attention to her.

this made my day hahahahahaha I was having such a ****ty day and then I read this and now I can't stop laughing hahahaha thank you boo

i mean youre entitled to your wrong opinion but you cracked me up haha keep it up
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swine killer

"Her little fanbase"  :fan: u wish u had us as fans


And I'm in a hipster snob world and no one knows who you are :bye: Banks already slayed you and your name.


Gaga is worldwide. :bye:

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lol yeah... like this could upset any normal monster, she will always be a "wanna be" and she can only DREAM about 1/10 of Gaga's success and 1/100 of Gaga's fanbase so yeah...

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