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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Alone @ the ARTRAVE


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I went alone(twice actually) and it was fine and I had a blast! I made friends :) your not alone. Everyone is there to see her and party!

Lets go take a howl at that moon🌙 -Crowley
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Don't worry! Everyone seems to be pretty outgoing and accepting, so I'm sure you'll meet someone there.

I went by myself a few months ago and met a few new people. I'm usually pretty shy, but I ended up dancing, taking pictures, etc. with everyone.. things I normally wouldn't do. But it was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy yours  :)

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Don't worry at all, everyone is so friendly. I had ARTPOP Zone to my first show and didn't know anyone else that had it, but I made friends before I was even escorted into the arena. 


Just go in line, introduce yourself to the people around you, and I'm sure they'll be more than kind  :)

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I have the same problem, going to London show in october. I was scared of it but now I decided that I'll take is a challenge. Noone I know will go there anyway so I can do something stupid who cares :P

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Teal Ambition

You'll meet people there.

▌│█║▌║▌║ before I am Canadian, I am Chromatican ║▌║▌║█│▌
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Sometimes being alone is not such a bad thing, literally find a person or group of people in front of you, behind you or next to you and simply say hi and make conversation about their outfits or how excited you are to see Gaga, the topic of who is with you will come up and almost always when they realize you are alone they will offer for you to tag along with them. I know I have done that before and met some great people that way. Just be friendly :) 

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I went alone, too. I met a really nice lesbian couple who I hung out with. :) Don't worry. Just make friends. 

And Paula Abdul ain’t got [BLEEP] on me!
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I went alone and I enjoyed it more alone. I met cool and nice people that share the same passion as me, gaga. I enjoy it more on my own, because no one I know is into it like I am or enjoys it like I do.

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thank you so much. i want you to know that i'm a fan of your work. i listen to your remastered Detroit date all day long and i'm jamming the ARTPOP remixes to my friends! you are amazing! 

aww euxaristo filo mou :wub:


you'll have a great time at the Artrave. I'm 100% sure :party:

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I'm going to a few shows by myself - already been to one by myself. It was fine. I had a great time. :)

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pink sushi

I always go to concerts alone. That's what you have to do when you have NO FRIENDS. :)

It's honestly not that big of a deal though. Once the concert starts you won't even notice you are alone. You will be too busy paying attention to Gaga. It's not like you are gonna be chatting it up with a friend while Gaga is performing. If you have GA then try to talk to people in line and make friends. If you have seats then it's gonna be a lot harder to make friends..... I've had seats at all the Gaga concerts I've been to and I always was next to some casual fan, family with young kids, or some old middle aged casual fan. There tend to be more of those kinds of people in seats. But you might get lucky and end up next to someone you can make friends with.

Even if you don't make friends, it's not that big of a deal. :fat: You will still have a good time. I saw Gaga last Friday and went alone and had a seat. It wasn't that big of a deal. I never really even noticed I was alone most of the time. When the concert started I was obviously busy paying attention to Gaga. And during the wait before she came onstage, I was on my phone texting people about the concert, posting to Instagram, and checking GGD. Even if I was with someone, I'd probably spend most of the time before the show on my phone. So it didn't even make much of a difference.

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I went alone to the BTWB in LMZ and tbh it was one of the best times I ever had. I'm actually looking forward to going solo again on monday. 

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Morphine Prince

You don't need your friends. I just came back from the show by myself and I talked to the people around me. You'll have a great time.

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I went to the artRAVE alone, had the best time ever, met tons of people, everyone was super nice, wasn't tied down to any one group of friends. Don't worry about it at all. It's a great big party and everyone's there to dance and have fun. I think it would much worse to be weighed down by people who hate GaGa -- have fun!

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