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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2024 in all areas

  1. i know it sounds silly to say that i’ll miss a site where i interacted with a bunch of strangers for years, but i will. i know we’re going to have the back up, but it just isn’t the same. this site has been a staple of my life for 16 years. i was just a kid when i starting talking to y’all. this forum may have been a mess, but it will always have been our mess. our cult site. i’ve been here through dorothy, the truth being in her red lipstick, skype ball, applause leaking, us thinking Gaga would never be super famous again, people thinking shallow would flop, and so much more. i love y’all. thank you to the mods for putting up with us for all these years. and here’s to hoping admin resurfaces happy and healthy one day. paws up.
    18 points
  2. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/beyonce-cowboy-carter/ "The follow-up to Renaissance is a powerful and ambitious country album cast in the singular mold of Beyoncé. She asserts her rightful place in the genre as only a pop star of her incredible talent and influence can do". They gave it a solid 8.4.
    17 points
  3. Ugh, I forgot that I have to log off completely today just to avoid unfunny people.
    16 points
  4. This is really the truth behind why pop 'eras' aren't what they used to be. It's not because the artist isn't interested. It's because the old vehicles of promotion aren't profitable anymore. They've been replaced by TikTok videos and alternate vinyls. That's where the money and chart boosts come from now... not TV show performances.
    14 points
  5. Allure Magazine: “Did you watch the movie Barbie?” “I watched it, yeah” - said Shakira Long pause. “My sons absolutely hated it. They felt that it was emasculating. And I agree, to a certain extent. I'm raising two boys. I want 'em to feel powerful too [while] respecting women. I like pop culture when it attempts to empower women without robbing men of their possibility to be men, to also protect and provide. I believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity. I think that men have a purpose in society and women have another purpose as well. We complement each other, and that complement should not be lost.” “Just because a woman can do it all doesn’t mean she should?” “Why not share the load with people who deserve to carry it, who have a duty to carry it as well?” This is part of the Shakira Paradox. Women deserve all the power, all the agency, and all the sexiness they wish to embody or express. And yet it doesn’t betray her brand of feminism to expect men to man up. https://www.allure.com/story/shakira-cover
    13 points
  6. https://vogue.sg/charli-xcx-cover-story/
    13 points
  7. Why does everyone keep misinterpreting the movie? The matriarchy aspect of the movie was portrayed as being flawed because the men lost rights in a way similar to women. It was to give men an idea of what it's like and to show how one sex being in charge (regardless of which it is) causes a toxic and repressive environment.
    12 points
  8. I mean, to a certain extent I can understand what she's saying. Young boys see a lot of messaging empowering women and girls, and they don't really understand why they're left out. They don't understand sexism and misogyny. So, that's on our education system and parents to teach them why they're left out, but I think young boys need just as much care in their development into thoughtful, emotional humans and young adults. Mental health in men is so neglected and so taboo still. Men are also the victims of patriarchy, we can't forget.
    12 points
  9. It’s extremely important at this point since she’s been very absent in the mainstream of music and film for years. She is not on the GPs radar at all right now so this will seem like a “comeback” of sorts to them (as will any new music.) I think this year will be a critical year for her legacy and will begin to refine where she stands in pop culture in the 2020s decade.
    12 points
  10. If you had to pick one thing that separates Gaga from other artists, what would it be? I'll start. Personally, I would put her performance art on a whole other level to any of her contemporaries. I think her concepts and her artistic intelligence is what makes her stand out. The fact that she did THAT Paparazzi performance at the 2009 VMA's, at age 23, is just ridiculous to me. To have that kind of awareness and ability to create at such a young age is quite scary actually and I don't think we will see the likes again for a very long time.
    11 points
  11. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2024-04-01/beyonce-cowboy-carter-review
    10 points
  12. Ugh. Sometimes I hate where we are as a society right now. We were better without social media and smartphones.
    9 points
  13. People: please don't overreact, try to stay calm and be patient Me at the minimum inconvenience:
    8 points
  14. Overrated album and rating, sorry.
    8 points
  15. i mean... idk?? my impression was that the movie is about finding balance between feminine/masculine no? like it starts out as a toxically matriarchal society, and then swings the pendulum to a toxically patriarchal society, and by the end they recognize that power ought to be shared and there is value in both masculinity and femininity
    8 points
  16. I think it’s gonna be her most important acting role to date. The movie’s a big swing—very high risk, high reward—so if it’s well received, I think it could really boost her acting career. I also think in a time where comic book movies have kinda lost their edge, doing something different and unique is necessary, which Joker 2 definitely is. That said, I do think the social media conversation surrounding the film is more than likely going to be insufferable. The movie’s fighting an uphill battle: people questioning why a sequel was needed in the first place, why’d they cast a pop star like Lady Gaga, why’d they make it a musical, etc., etc. Even if the film is exceptional, I think you’re gonna have a subsection of people who will hate on it no matter what.
    8 points
  17. I think that Gaga is kinda modern and old-fashionned at the same time. She's extremly versatile too.
    8 points
  18. Her fans. The fans of other artists are more loyal than Gaga's fans.
    8 points
  19. fr tho, I always think of 2 things: 1) her talent - she can truly do anything - sing, dance, write, act, play instruments, create art, perform, produce. She is the ULTIMATE artist. 2) her personality - she just looks so kind hearted and pure, she cares about EVERYTHING and you can feel her golden heart and see the sparks in her eyes
    8 points
  20. Everyone enjoys different kinds of dynamics in a relationship and in a life partner. Sue me (her) but she’s not completely wrong
    7 points
  21. I think it'll be a good solidifying moment for Gaga's legacy (if goes well) but I don't think it'll bring anything or anyone new to the table like A Star is Born did. If it flops (unlikely) I don't think it would do any damage either.
    7 points
  22. 7 points
  23. The music video for Million Reasons after waiting for two months
    7 points
  24. I honestly can't remember a most underwhelming thing Gaga ever did than this
    7 points
  25. 6 points
  26. The performances simply aren’t as great I think
    6 points
  27. illuminati one eye being controlled by her handlers multiple personalities/ fractured persona Illuminati contract signed. WE LUV IT
    6 points
  28. I don't like either of them in the least. But I should pick Beyoncé just because it doesn't seem THAT inconceivable to me that anyone would like her or enjoy her music. On the other hand, liking Taylor Swift still remains to my mind one of the great unsolvable mysteries of the universe and its confines.
    6 points
  29. I agree with the essence of "Beyonce should stop trying to get the respect of people who have made clear they will never respect her" but my God this article is written in such an obnoxious way
    6 points
  30. She's going to be immortalized forever in DC fandom. She will always be one of the legendary Harley Quinn actresses. Whenever a new actress takes on the role she will be asked her thoughts. If the movie is great, it could be a bigger cultural moment than ASIB. The first Joker crossed a billion at the box office. ASIB wasn't even half of that. This could end up being the most iconic role of her career.
    6 points
  31. the only time when she actually changed some lyrics, she didn't credit herself, the Dolly curse is real and Bayanci is scared of it
    6 points
  32. Gaga is what I like to call "your fave's fave". So many new and current artists are public about how Gaga inspired some facet of their artistry. When Gaga said she would change fame culture, I believe she changed it in a different way than she intended. Her core fans aren't just local 46 year old soccer moms and their 18 year old tasteless annoying spawn like Taylor Swift has. A portion of her fans now work professionally in creative fields, hence why her songs blow up on fan edits outside of her own fanbase or the countless popular remixes on soundcloud and youtube. Creative people like video editors and producers feel the creative energy in her work and like to play with it. Her own artistry is one of the first to be consistently used in this new fame culture. Where fans create content about their faves. I think this is the true reverse warholian experience. Where an artist's art is used by other artists for their own art.
    6 points
  33. The cast reveal literally had Cheek to Cheek in the teaser.
    6 points
  34. in honor of the holiday, Jesus fụcking Christ. Is this what you've looked like this whole time?
    6 points
  35. Omg i sometimes can’t believe the amount of bull I read in these publications. So much of the things written seem so forced. Just stay in the songs and evaluate the production, lyrics. Ofc they do exactly the opposite.
    5 points
  36. Very well said. Though Gaga has of course already left herself a legacy, I do fear that if she doesn't act soon and continues to hide in the shadows, the extent of her legacy will be severely impacted. Like there are whole new generations that really don't know all that much about Gaga, in comparison to the likes of Taylor Swift and Beyonce, and that frustrates me cause she deserves to be spoken about on a par with them IMO. I really hope she has a significant revival over the next couple of years and as cheesy as it sounds, it would filll me with so much happiness. She's too damn talented and important for younger generations to not have the opportunity to experience what it's like to be a fan of hers and to experience what Gaga is like at her absolute artistic and creative best.
    5 points
  37. All this attitude for people enjoying a performance? lmao
    5 points
  38. Basically this. She sung at the Grammys in 2015 with Tony Bennett then two years later sung at the Grammys with Metallica...who else could even do that?
    5 points
  39. That versatility, mama No other artist has sang Jazz, lit hairspray on fire to heavy metal, got naked on stage, rode a mechanical bull/pig while being puked on and singing about a rape experience, delivered beautiful classical vocals on Sound of Music songs and the national anthem, performed for presidents, stars in several films, and has a few successful business ventures that are run ethically and benefit the causes she's stood for since her debut. She's truly a versatile and genuine human being.
    5 points
  40. It's like stanning multiple artists in one. You may get the Lady, the Gaga, the Stephanie, or the Starbucks barista.
    5 points
  41. There’s footage of her singing the jazz standard “That’s Entertainment” in the film
    5 points
  42. 5 points
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