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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2024 in all areas

  1. Okay like many of us I always thought SL lyrics were cute but generic and lacking any realness. But friends, I think I'm falling in love with somebody for the first time in years and suddenly the lyrics make so much sense You're the one that I've been waiting for No literally this is what it feels like... where you been all my life Gotta quit this crying Nobody's gonna heal me if I don't open the door I struggle with depressive thoughts and falling for this guy has been a motivation to pull myself out of it so I can be a better man for him. Kinda hard to believe, gotta have faith in me It's hard but I have to try Freak out, freak out, freak out, freak out Get down, get down, get down, get down 'Cause all I ever wanted was love Bruh it's so true I want your stupid love I just want him to be mine so bad you guys Oh Gaga, queen of relatability, longing and the human experience. Let's stream this bop to celebrate
    30 points
  2. Gurl.... people just want a good album cover, whether you're on it or not
    20 points
  3. During an appearance on a new podcast, Millie Bobby Brown has revealed that she has a string of burner accounts which she often uses to complain. Millie revealed that she once used her secret accounts to criticise a hotel that asked her and her fiancé to make a payment before they checked out of the luxury retreat. Speaking to Jessie and Lennie Ware on their Table Manners podcast, she was asked whether she leaves reviews of places she has visited and she confessed, that she does. "I have a fake name," she said, adding: "I think it's important, you know. "Here's the thing, my whole life is people criticising me, so I'm going to give it back to you sometimes. Once, we were at a hotel, and the woman was pulling my fiancé aside like 'We need to settle payment' or whatever, and I was just like 'Yeah, we will but at the end of our stay, we're still staying here', and she was just like 'Yeah but you could settle it now.'" Millie added: "But I was like 'I don't want to'," discussing her review, she added: "It was just, I really think that you should encourage guests to complete transaction of payment at the end of their stay!" Recalling another complaint she issued, the star said: "I was walking in a store and this old lady came up to me and was like 'Do you know where the socks are?' "I think she thought I worked there and I was like 'I don't, but I'm going to help you', I went and found an employee, I said 'Excuse me, I need this pattern but I need it in this size, can you help me?' She was so unhelpful and I was like 'Please, this isn't even for me.' So I left a review, I did, ok, I'm a Karen and I don't want to say it. I do think it's important to know what went wrong and always room for improvement." source
    15 points
  4. His previous low was Man of the Woods, which has a 55.
    14 points
  5. Today in 2014, one of the best unreleased songs by Lady Gaga had leaked. Where were you when you first heard the song in full?
    14 points
  6. it's not weird, it's smart teens will never stop having sex so the best route is to educate and protect them
    12 points
  7. based on her past behavior and timeline i just can’t really believe that. obviously we’ll never know the full story but i am really hesitant to believe NOTHING wrong went on.
    12 points
  8. "Mysoginistic"... people are using all the big words every 5 seconds nowadays. Your album cover is just not good lol
    12 points
  9. 12 points
  10. Always "tHiNk oF tHe ChIlDrEn" In 2018 at my JWT date Gaga had some local activists collecting signatures to get a motion on the ballot to allow former felons in Florida to vote which would have reinstated the voting rights of over a million Floridians, most of whom were black. Gaga even mentioned them during the piano segment of the show. They got enough support, it ended up on the ballot, and we voted to approve it. All this despite the fact that kids can't vote. Know what kids and teens can do though? Have sex. Get pregnant. Spread STIs. Sucks that her team caved on this tbh. We'll allow elementary schools to be shooting galleries but god forbid we face the reality that young people aren't ready to be parents.
    11 points
  11. Me thinks you made it
    10 points
  12. I feel like JT’s critical reception is almost entirely a reflection of how aware people were of cultural appropriation in pop/hip-hop because the moment it clicked that he was doing mediocre cosplay of greater black artists, no one gives him the time of day. Pretty sure it was 20/20 Experience part 2 that came out just as the culture shifted. Tbh his music sounds the same as it ever did to me, it’s just the energy around it that changed.
    10 points
  13. 10 points
  14. Gaga's iconic Super Bowl halftime show has just reached 100 million views on her YouTube channel, also being her 30th video to do so and her second for a live performance (after the Shallow at the Oscars). It's her 32nd overall is you include Video Phone and 3-Way. The halftime show has an additional 79 million views on the NFL's channel. Her next closest video to the 100M is Marry the Night at 97.8 million, followed by Look What I Found at 88 million.
    9 points
  15. The song’s not about homewrecking tho. I’d assume you’d also think Judas is about Gaga actually being in love with the traitorous figure from the Bible. thank u, next as an album was released during one of the most tumultuous times of her life. Within those last two years she had gone through one of her concerts being bombed, an engagement/split, the death of an ex and very big figure in her life, and mass amounts of public scrutiny. After dealing with those messes on the album, she finally says “just break up with me so I can find myself again”. The music video literally shows her being envious of another version of herself. And to be honest, I don’t even know who she would’ve been talking about at this time, she didn’t “take” Pete from anyone and she and Dalton didn’t get together until nearly a year later
    9 points
  16. There's literally tons. I could go on and on with iconic ones...
    9 points
  17. One of the most reliable Marvel scoopers just tweeted this (along with MyTimeToShineHello, follow them both) ARE U READY FOR MORE SHIRTLESS SCENE?
    8 points
  18. Add this the long list of terrible takes lmao
    8 points
  19. 8 points
  20. 8 points
  21. she had a camera, a back yard and no desire to do a photoshoot. gotta love her
    8 points
  22. As a European u are chatting out ur ass its still as big as a problem as it is there
    7 points
  23. 7 points
  24. Nooowhere, yeah we're going nooowhere fast~
    7 points
  25. It’s very interesting to me bc one minute she’s trying to come across as an injured angel and the next minute she’s singing “Break up with your boyfriend, I’m bored” I love Ariana’s music and her artistry but I just can’t clock who she is as a person
    7 points
  26. 7 points
  27. The kids these days will never understand the struggle of finding or having to wait for an official instrumental for a single.
    7 points
  28. As someone that does graphic desing (it's my passion lol), I think this cover is GENIUS. The girls that get it, get it.
    7 points
  29. THIS. I injured my foot while at Enigma, and after the show 2 little monsters who I didn’t know helped me hobble back to my hotel room. I have several stories of the kindness our community has.
    7 points
  30. 7 points
  31. Ok guys I don't know if you've been keeping up with the very cryptic account @lgaccess on IG (AKA Gaga's NEW BORIS IDENTITY), but they've been revealing a lot of archived posts from 2021-2023 that are coincidentally very much in alignment with the news and themes coming out today about LG7.......... Their instagram feed is completely archived with hidden hints, and every few days, they'll switch it up, clear the feed, and reveal more posts that have been hidden in the archives. They recently revealed another post from 2021 that is exactly aligned with the Stupid Love video concept leaks about the sea monster... https://www.instagram.com/p/CK0JgLrhTsJ/ Like come on....2021....why would any random account post something like that so randomly and archive it for this long????? They also revealed this story that was posted 162 weeks ago... IT'S DEFINITELY Gaga. CHANGE MY MIND.
    6 points
  32. U rlly thought u ate with that lmao
    6 points
  33. I just don't understand why people are still so obsessed with this? I can't imagine spending my time and energy obsessing over the specifics of her personal relationships. Like, if someone has a problem with her, just don't stream her music or support her. It's that simple, idk what the goal is with continuing to talk in circles about her being a "homewrecker." And for people that are mad about songs like yes, and?, the boy is mine, etc... she has explained many times that these songs are playing a part and playing into narratives others create about her. They're not literal.
    6 points
  34. he thinks he the **** bitch he not even a fart
    6 points
  35. omg literally freshness - that's it! you go outside after the rain and smell the grass and it's starting to get darker also can we talk about how her 2 album have beautiful covers: it's like earth and air I am so glad I discover her.
    6 points
  36. 6 points
  37. Not sure anyone cares if she's on it or not, just that her cover isn't giving minimalist and trendy, it's just...ugly, boring, plain, and lazy Bright green with arial font (usually the first font on anyone's list of free fonts) and not even capitalized Who told her that was ok
    6 points
  38. I got bored and painted this earlier, I can’t wait to paint the next one
    6 points
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