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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2024 in all areas

  1. 48 points
  2. Some women choose to have kids, and some women choose to have pop stardom. If youre wondering which way to go remember that your pop stardom will never wake up and tell you that it pooped its pants - lady garbanzo
    29 points
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/C4YXlgMJYRK/?igsh=MXhmM2l0cWdzMGQxNA==
    26 points
  4. I just checked ATRL and the post has 4 haha reactions and 2 confused. The post above it was complaining about when Lg7 would finally be released. He's obviously joking. DO NOT read into this , for your own mental health!
    21 points
  5. 5 min later. "nicki blocking Madonna"
    18 points
  6. 17 points
  7. 17 points
  8. As a trans girl myself i kinda feel weird about it, i have followed dylan on tik tok for a while and i honestly cringed every single time. Her videos are full of stereotypes also her obsession with tampons it’s so weird; I was so embarrassed when she posted that video about stealing other womens husbands. again, this doesn’t justify the hate she’s getting, but i also think she’s absolutely not a good example for the trans community. This might sound controversial, but again it’s just my personal opinion.
    17 points
  9. It's not about Dylan, it's about all trans people. And even deeper than that, it's about all humans being worthy of love and respect. Love her so much.
    16 points
did you read the section you just quoted? She’s referring to how being the child of active showbiz parents ruined her parents’ relationship and THAT’S what left nasty scars and so she’s saying she dialed back her career for the sake of not being an absent parent.
    15 points
  11. 14 points
  12. My thought was that they didn’t do this because the songs were introduced through their performances, the same way they sprinkle the best picture nominees throughout the show and don’t repeat them before announcing the winner.
    13 points
  13. It makes me so happy to see her post something real where she speaks up for her beliefs. Thank you Gaga <3
    12 points
  14. I don’t care about commercial performance for LG7, I want a critically acclaimed AOTY nominated album. Critics clearly think highly of her and she just needs to deliver a surprising, high quality album to get there. In other words, something unsafe, experimental, and bombastic like her. The very few signs we have show we may heading in that direction, but she no longer has anything to prove anymore so there’s no more risk. Give us something bonkers, madam
    11 points
  15. 10 points
  16. 9 points
  17. 9 points
  18. Exactly. Controversial person does not equal justifying transphobia. It's just like when people tried to use James Charles and Jeffree Star to justify homophobia. Are they terrible people? Yes. Are their sexualities a problem? No.
    9 points
  19. she is very well spoken. dylan as a person i find kind of annoying, but doesn’t deserve the hate and transphobic comments. they’re a person, too. isn’t life hard enough already?
    9 points
  20. Sometimes I hate being alive in this hateful world. Peace is all I’ve ever wanted for everybody. Maybe 10-20 years from now things will be different. Trans people are people that have feelings to. I can’t imagine how they must feel. Thank you Gaga for spreading positivity.
    9 points
  21. I'm sorry, but if Gaga's post means one less TERF entering queer spaces then I say good riddance They can also leave the fanbase for all I care, we don't need any more transphobes being disgusting trash to other people.
    9 points
  22. That's literally what TERFs are. They try and cloak their transphobia as "just caring about women". Nobody should be concerned about their opinions or offending them
    9 points
  23. Blade just posted on ATRL “she shipped the album to interscope and it got shipped back” idk how to link a photo? But it’s on twitter https://x.com/zeddyinnit/status/1767652401941565574?s=46
    8 points
  24. Imagine if the predicted Rock n Roll inspired Act 3 gets called Little Carter
    8 points
  25. 8 points
  26. 8 points
  27. I'm just trying to hear new music from my girl. If that comes in the form of an Ice Spice collab? Give me a shot or 3 first and I'm ready.
    8 points
  28. It doesn't matter who you please or piss off when you say what's right And they're dumb and incorrect for that I don't see the issue
    8 points
  29. Imagine if she's the "New Madonna" project that was teased
    8 points
  30. Good lmao Don't wanna share the stadiums with that trash anyway
    8 points
  31. please get your transphobia the fu*ck out of here wow
    8 points
  32. Love what she had to say about “backlash” and hatred
    8 points
  33. But I thought she changed and didn’t care about the LGBTQ+ rights anymore, just money
    8 points
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