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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in all areas

  1. 49 points
  2. Girl ain’t no artist losing any money if fans film and upload their concert
    28 points
  3. 24 points
  4. When I see Gaga in these scenarios with more “regular” people, I sometimes think about the juxtaposition of her life vs theirs. Like a few years ago she was being strung up in ropes by Robert Wilson, upside down and naked with images of that displayed in galleries. But she also just kinda blends in with these guys too. Kinda crazy to think about lol
    22 points
  5. Hello, I am unpleased and pleased to announce to my fans on GGD that the modneys (aka the moderators) have banned the CORRECT spelling of Ga Ga's name. They auto correct it now to spell it the INCORRECT way of "Gaga". This dictatorship is ruining the lives of so many Ga Ga truthers such as myself. I call upon the forces of justice and all things correct in this world to heal what has been wounded and for peace and serenity to be restored by overthrowing the modneys tiranny in ruining my ability to CORRECTLY spell Ga Ga's name. Thank you and God bless xoxo -dit (Real Admin of GGD) (I love the modneys btw but why you delete the correct way of spelling Ga Ga name This feel like HATE CRIME )
    21 points
  6. Hold the PRESSES! Everyone we must plz chant about Gaga and LG7 to manifest it! I am a BIG believe in manifestatationez and that it can be manifest if we believe so everyone plz say "Ohhhh Gaga Gaga Gaga plz Gaga Gaga Gaga give gay what we want"..."gay want POP", "Gay want ROCK" "LG7 Gaga plz" Stuff like that until Gaga gonna give us something! Everytime we did this before it happened (go look for the receipts yourself). Ok thank you xoxo -dit
    21 points
  7. This reply.. why do I feel he’s not wrong?
    20 points
  8. The secret project is getting out of hand…
    17 points
  9. the time has come rise LG7 đź–¤
    17 points
  10. My husband is a wheelchair user, and before that used a bunch of different mobility aids. If this happened to him he'd laugh it off while I'd be FUMING lol But let me tell you I think about this allll the time when Gaga (or anyone) is yelling about "get on your feet!!"... lots of reasons someone can't stand for a whole concert
    15 points
  11. she is disputely the biggest popstar in the world right now
    14 points
  12. It’s giving “Socially liberal but fiscally conservative”
    12 points
  13. hi i just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what i would ever encourage (and is also entirely misinterpreting the intention behind the music)... i ask that you please do not. it is not how to support me. it is the opposite. although this album captures a lot of painful moments, it also is woven together with a through line of deep, sincere love. if you cannot hear that, please listen more closely. thank you.
    11 points
  14. “Politically incorrect” Uh, no, just completely incorrect.
    11 points
  15. "Achievement" the struggle is real i guess huh
    10 points
  16. I know their conversations about Tupperware and the new season of And Just Like That go crazy
    10 points
  17. most artists only perform in a few countries so many fans don't even have the opportunity to go to their concerts and these footages are all they can have. besides Beyonce and Taylor, there aren't many artists who can have their tours sold to the cinema.
    10 points
  18. I know this mf loves c*ck
    9 points
  19. I love how this, in the most respectful way, basically lets these fans know that they're dumb without telling them that they're dumb to be acting like that
    9 points
  20. They really gave the tables Gaga song names? idk this is fascinating to me
    9 points
  21. This is giving suburbs monthly meeting, and Gaga is the newcommer who’s charismatic and using them for a new Ponzi scheme
    9 points
  22. 9 points
    8 points
  24. **** off you jealous twat Your jealousy is showing ands it not a good look on you
    8 points
  25. I don’t at all advocate for the bullying that some people indulge in when it comes to her. I believe all criticism ought to be constructive in some way, and some people take that to an unhealthy and unreasonable extreme. That said, there are legitimate reasons for fans, especially long time fans, to be frustrated and that criticism comes from a place of love. She has made a few questionable decisions lately and people that have supported her have every right to criticize them. She of course owes them and everyone else nothing, but that doesn’t remove the grounds for criticism. And I do think that those fans are getting unfairly lumped in with the ones taking it too far which is not entirely fair. Some fans don’t want her criticized at all which is also unhealthy. Of course there is an appropriate and respectful way to go about it that some ignore and they are deserving of a call out. But these conversations often grow to include people who aren’t behaving that way.
    7 points
  26. I’m here! I’ve been off all week as i broke my leg and have been in hospital.
    7 points
  27. 7 points
  28. I just stumbled across this on tiktok, I don't know the context... but she is talking to us?
    7 points
  29. Absolutely psychotic. What the hell is wrong with him. I read the article and his reasons are delusional. Lost a lot of respect for him here. Fan concert footage is a sacred tradition. If you want to sell footage of your concert, Taylor and Beyoncé are literally plotting the blueprint for you to follow.
    7 points
  30. I want 9 of whatever @dit is on
    7 points
  31. 7 points
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