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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2025 in all areas

  1. https://x.com/latenightercom/status/1890590070035431640?s=46&t=Xf632YUzxddHNo3k6ROfBg https://x.com/gagasourcelgs/status/1890616302357602595?s=46&t=Xf632YUzxddHNo3k6ROfBg
    42 points
  2. performances this era so far: all I need is time, california dreaming, and d*ck in a box
    34 points
  3. Monthly listeners Lady Gaga 3. (=) 122,886,659M (+507.382) New Peak
    33 points
  4. Spotify Day 12 Die With A Smile - 10,2M Abracadabra - 5,4M Rain On Me - 4,2M Disease - 2,2M Stupid Love - 2,2M Sour Candy - 1,7M
    28 points
  5. What does that have to do with her getting a rash 😭
    26 points
  6. 26 points
  7. People can say whatever but to me this is MAJOR improvement like wdym it’s outdoing ROM, a collab with Ariana at her PEAK??? I’m just happy Gaga got another solo song that will most likely cross 1B streams, a dark dance pop song! WHO ELSE??? Exactly
    23 points
  8. Spotify Global Abracadabra 9(=) 5,358,330 streams
    23 points
  9. Can't wait for an acoustic medley of 1000 Doves and Dope 😍 Jk excited!
    23 points
  10. Spotify USA Abracadabra #28(-16) 1,210,023 *RISE IN STREAMS*
    22 points
  11. Also, just a reminder that Lady Gaga in the year 2025... CURRENTLY, AS WE SPEAK... has the #1 SONG on the BILLBOARD HOT 100 (that has been there for 5 weeks counting)... just in case this fanbase has forgotten to count our blessings.
    20 points
  12. This feels like when I stayed up for The Fame event where she was sleeping and I was just watching her sleep while it was 3AM and I was the one supossed to be sleeping
    19 points
  13. It's such a shame that after two weeks — Kendrick superbowl bomb, Drake album bomb, Blackpink members new singles/albums, SZA & Sabrina Carpenter deluxe drops... among others — Abracadabra is still inside the Top 10 most streamed songs globally on Spotify. What a shame.
    18 points
  14. Abra still top 10 and above all new Drake and Sabrina songs on Global Spotify, a stable solo hit wbk!
    17 points
  15. Tiktok : Abracadabra : #19 on Viral 50 charts Used in 164.5k posts
    17 points
  16. guys, it's a SNL special... look at the stage, the lineup, the crowd... doesnt make any sense for her to perform abracadabra, maybe die with a smile or something acoustic, but not a pop dance performance. And it's on peacock, nobody's gonna watch that lol it's not like it's a huge promo slot. I'm hoping she's booked for a later date and she's saving the performances for disease and abracadabra then.
    17 points
  17. Spotify unfiltered : Paparazzi : +759 590 (Biggest update EVER) Telephone : +711 477 (Biggest update EVER) Alejandro : +596 546 (Biggest update EVER)
    16 points
  18. Driving and Z100 here in NYC announced Abra as the most requested song before playing.
    15 points
  19. Unpopular opinion but I feel like she's more in a self image promotion mode to make up with the public disaster Joker Folie A deux was, than just promoting her album. I totally get her point and that's absolutely needed if she still want to have a very warm / popular image as an actress and artist, just like she had the last decade (post ARTPOP low)
    15 points
  20. Top 5 Increases on overall radio : 1. I’m The Problem (+870K) 2. That’s So True (+780K) 3. Abracadabra (+670K) 4. Cry For Me (+630K) 5. Bed Chem (+570K)
    15 points
  21. A positive note: Abra still performs brilliantly for an artist 18 years into their career. Calm down. She already has the song of the millenium with DWAS. Abra is THAT BTCH and it is performing great on the charts, a top 10 hit WORLDWIDE. Calm down. Mayhem is already bigger than ARTPOP, Joanne & Chromatica and it is not even out.
    15 points
  22. Abra just lost spots because of drake's album bomb, but we gained streams on the US This is a very good omen.
    15 points
  23. Last 24 Hours: Disease (Official Music Video) - 245,000 Abracadabra (Official Music Video) - 2.3 Million
    15 points
  24. https://x.com/gagasourcelgs/status/1890887799475249599?t=cNiiP6MpxWbrvb8E7KnxLw&s=19
    14 points
  25. Yeah, the Songs that hit +10 Million daily are worldwide smash hits and they're rare. Just cause it happened to Kendrick after something big like the Superbowl and to DWAS and APT, doesn't mean it happens often or is a common occurrence for new releases. Abracadabra being stable above 5 Million daily streams is impressive. Compare that to Espresso, which had its highest streams day at 8 Million or Good Luck Babe, which never even crossed 6 Million daily streams - both still being massive hits of the last year... we need to put numbers into perspective.
    14 points
  26. Well Abracadabra reaches 39M views on Youtube
    14 points
  27. I swear Gaga can’t do good on here. DWAS a smash - nah it’s not a solo hit, the radio updates are meh. She’s not doing enough. Abracadabra hits #1 on Spotify- meh just for one day? It flopped since it’s now in the lower top 10 global.
    14 points
  28. 14 points
  29. DWAS 3(=) 9,921,417 streams
    14 points
  30. I’m melting down sooo much I had a rough week and I was looking forward to this performance (because she reposted a tiktok saying she was performing abra and disease), and then we got d*ck in a box She left me speechless I am truly meltdowned, this is a meltdown for the books. Top meltdowns: 3. David Bowie peformance instead of LG5 2. Not getting a MV for Venus 1. D*ck in a box EDIT: Okay my new n1 is her coming back to sing shallow in 2024
    13 points
  31. It’s frustrating to watch the same subset of fans pushing the “Gaga isn’t capable of a solo hit” narrative 2 weeks ago once again hiding behind “honesty” and “objectivity” when they’re simply moving the goalpost and holding Gaga to a different set of standards. “Spotify has grown!” is a weak argument, but at least research the #’s and apply a factor to the songs. Regardless, it’s dishonest to ignore dozens of variables that impact whether more users would translate into more streams for Abracadabra. In other words, it’s absurd to act like every 1 new Spotify user = 1 more user who exposed to Gaga’s new music and willing to give it a listen. Listening behavior, genre preferences, etc. all change with more users, making this “objective” argument moot. RIAA and Billboard haven’t recalibrated their formulas to diminish the value of a stream based solely on platform adaptation. I’ll take their word over yours. TL;DR = Context is needed to compare any set of metrics; but, 45M in week 2 is >20% more than what Texas Hold Em and yes, and? did (37M each) in early 2024. No PHD needed to see it’s doing great - just enjoy the ride. 😊
    13 points
  32. Lady Gaga had 9 songs doing +1 million streams yesterday on Spotify : Die With a Smile, Abracadabra, Poker Face, Disease, ARUTW, Just Dance, Shallow, Bad Romance and Judas. Paparazzi, Telephone and Alejandro had their biuggest daily streams EVER. Such a strong catalogue hold on Spotify. We're not ready for the MAYHEM release week boost
    13 points
  33. The ones begging for Abra could want it because we like the music and are excited about Mayhem, so we want to see it being brought to life. Yes, there's a lot of people obsessed with chart positions, but there's also a bunch who want to see actual album content after waiting for years, especially when said album is less than a month away.
    13 points
  34. now the little managers can shut the f*uck up lol this is sooooo iconic omg
    13 points
  35. So they are really going to charge for the better quality that they promised years ago?? They can go f-ck a puffer fish and get their d!cks poisoned
    12 points
  36. Its crazy that the media will not cover ground breaking stories like lady gaga's rash
    12 points
  37. See when you promote your music properly and sing d*ck in a box
    12 points
  38. Still doing +5M is great. You were all expecting her to hardly debut with 2M first day with a song like Abracadabra.
    12 points
  39. People can keep crying, I'm so here for when she does silly things
    12 points
  40. Someone should tell Gaga she’s going to Rio in May
    12 points
  41. Spotify will launch a new super-premium subscription aimed at audio enthusiasts that will cost an extra $6 a month, said three people briefed on the matter, as the Swedish group expands the streaming service. Spotify will charge $18 a month for the new service and debut it later this year after sealing fresh licensing deals with Universal Music and Warner Music to allow their copyrighted songs from artists such as Kendrick Lamar and Taylor Swift to be included in the subscription. Spotify has not announced a fresh deal with Sony Music, the third major record label and home to stars such as Beyoncé. The new subscription might not come until the autumn, said one person familiar with the discussions. The subscription, called “Music Pro”, will offer three main features to entice sign-ups: higher-quality audio; early access to concert tickets; and increased functionality such as a “DJ” option for streaming. The ticketing feature is part of a push by the music industry to capitalise on “superfans” — the listeners who regularly buy merchandise and flock to concerts for their favourite stars. Source: https://www.ft.com/content/425cbc57-fa9f-4f51-84ee-1ba57c50a15e
    11 points
  42. DWAS doing almost +700k and Abracadabra being stable at 5M is wild
    11 points
  43. The way she keeps attending all events in a Mayhem aesthetic while completely ignoring the existence of it
    11 points
  44. she reposted a tiktok saying she was going to perform them. and it is pretty obvious that everyone is gonna think shes performing her new songs when she’s in the middle of an album rollout. Can we not act like its normal to sing shallow (a 2018 song) when she released a single a week ago, and a single in october that hasnt had a proper performance yet? people are allowed to have opinions and meltdowns, why would someone not deserve music just for being sad that gaga didnt perform a song from this decade? it is super difficult to give an opinion in here because some of you see as hate everything that is not praise. Im allowed to say I didnt like that she didnt sing mayhem, and thats okay. Im not insulting her. You dont get to say who “deserves” to listen to an album lmao
    11 points
  45. I don’t think she intended to troll the fanbase, but ngl it’d be pretty funny if she did
    11 points
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